Looking beyond - socialization tactics: The role of human resource systems in the socialization process
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Knowledge of the Natural and Social Environment in ICT Consumer Childrenâ
Social Networks and Childhood. New Agents of Socialization
The role of social support networks in proxy Internet use from the intergenerational solidarity perspective
Built environment and social well-being: How does urban form affect social life and personal relationships?
The relative importance of service quality dimensions in E-commerce experiences
A quality-facilitated socialization model of social commerce decisions
Understanding the effect of the discrepancy between sought and obtained gratification on social networking site users' satisfaction and continuance intention
What role does self-efficacy play in developing cultural intelligence from social media usage?
Evolving career choice narratives of new graduate nurses
Learning from stories of leadership: How reading about personalized and socialized politicians impacts performance on an ethical decision-making simulation
Using common interests to increase socialization between children with autism and their peers
Stores and mores: Toward socializing walkability
Ethnic socialization, ethnic identity, life satisfaction and school achievement of Roma ethnic minority youth
Family cohesion and a father's warmth are related to the positive lifestyles of female university students

Expectations of social networking site users who share and acquire health-related information

When to socialize: perception of time-sensitive social structures among social hermit crabs
Children with poor attachment to their parents: Explanatory variables as a function of their perception of their parents' behavior
Education, socialization and community: Coping with marginal youth in rural frontier communities in Israel
Impact of viewer engagement on gift-giving in live video streaming
Experiences of sexual harassment are associated with the sexual behavior of 14- to 18-year-old adolescents
The effect of neighborhood context on childrenâs academic achievement in China: Exploring mediating mechanisms
Co- and self-regulation of emotions in the preschool setting
Childhood adversities, bonding, and personality in social anxiety disorder with alcohol use disorder
An affordance perspective of enterprise social media and organizational socialization
A path analysis of a cultural and racial socialization model in international transracial adoption: Racial awareness, self-efficacy, and socialization practices
Academic socialization as the production and negotiation of social space
Constructing a strategy on the creation of core competencies for African companies
Cultural socialization practices among Latino immigrant families within a restrictive immigration socio-political context
A comprehensive literature review of guidelines facilitating transition of newly graduated nurses to professional nurses
Socializing the coast: Engaging the social science of tropical coastal research
Students׳ motivation for architecture education in Uganda
Three chords & [somebodyâs] truth: Trajectories of experience and taste among hard country fans
Hidden curriculum in student organizations: Learning, practice, socialization and responsible management in a business school

The value of socialized medicine: The impact of universal primary healthcare provision on mortality rates in Turkey
How are parental reactions to childrenâs emotions linked with Theory of Mind in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Video gaming in a hyperconnected world: A cross-sectional study of heavy gaming, problematic gaming symptoms, and online socializing in adolescents
Partnership for development: A peer mentorship model for PhD students
Cognitive ability and party affiliation: The role of the formative years of political socialization
Oral fluency, sociolinguistic competence, and language contact: Arabic learners studying abroad in Egypt
The impact of tacit knowledge management on organizational performance: Evidence from Malaysia
CEO humility, narcissism and firm innovation: A paradox perspective on CEO traits
Creating the thin blue line: Social network evolution within a police academy
An exploratory study of academic literacy socialization: Building genre awareness in a teacher education program
Improving puppy behavior using a new standardized socialization program
Emerging adults' reports of maternal emotion socialization and their adjustment across cultures
Effective information transmission based on socialization nodes in opportunistic networks
How socialization tactics affect supplier-buyer co-development performance in exploratory and exploitative projects: The mediating effects of cooperation and collaboration
Emotion socialization as a predictor of physiological and psychological responses to stress
Shaped by their daughters: Executives, female socialization, and corporate social responsibility
A meta-analysis of parental style and consumer socialization of children
Socialized view of man vs. rational choice theory: What does smithâs sympathy have to say?
Child maltreatment and emotion socialization: Associations with executive function in the preschool years
Consumer socialization process: The role of age in children's online shopping behavior
International sojourn experience and personality development: Selection and socialization effects of studying abroad and the Big Five
Social anxiety and Internet socialization in Indian undergraduate students: An exploratory study
The use of modified ride-on cars to maximize mobility and improve socialization-a group design
Explaining consumer brand-related activities on social media: An investigation of the different roles of self-expression and socializing motivations
Democratic Talk in Church: Religion and Political Socialization in the Context of Urban Inequality
Promoting continual member participation in firm-hosted online brand communities: An organizational socialization approach
Learning to Be Gendered: Gender Socialization in Early Adolescence Among Urban Poor in Delhi, India, and Shanghai, China
Emotion socialization and internalizing behavior problems in diverse youth: A bidirectional relationship across childhood
Reducing salesperson job stress and unethical intent: The influence of leader-member exchange relationship, socialization and ethical ambiguity
Does an early socialization into a food culture condition lifelong food preferences? Evidence from a retrospective study
Parental socialization of emotion and depression in adulthood: The role of attitudes toward sadness
Enfants à haut potentiel intellectuel : psychopathologie, socialisation et comportements adaptatifs
Pressure to drink but not to smoke: Disentangling selection and socialization in adolescent peer networks and peer groups
Learning to be prejudiced: A test of unidirectional and bidirectional models of parent–offspring socialization
The antecedents and consequences of autonomous self-regulation for college: A self-determination theory perspective on socialization
Neither bridging nor bonding: A test of socialization effects by ethnically diverse voluntary associations on participants' inter-ethnic tolerance, inter-ethnic trust and intra-ethnic belonging