Susceptibility to unconscious influences is unaffected by a challenging inhibitory task or mental exhaustion
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Anterior cingulate cortex glutamate and its association with striatal functioning during cognitive control
Selective attention to smoking cues in former smokers
Dual-task Interference Disrupts Parkinsons Gait Across Multiple Cognitive Domains
Is adaptive control in language production mediated by learning?
Size congruity influences visual search via the target template
Automatic Conflict Monitoring by Event-Related Potentials Could be used to Estimate Visual Acuity Levels
Stepping reaction time and gait adaptability are significantly impaired in people with Parkinson's disease: Implications for fall risk
The dual-process model in young adults with a consistent binge drinking trajectory into adulthood
Implicit attentional bias for facial emotion in dissociative seizures: Additional evidence
The effects of social exclusion on response inhibition in borderline personality disorder and major depression
White matter integrity mediates decline in age-related inhibitory control
The human body odor compound androstadienone increases neural conflict coupled to higher behavioral costs during an emotional Stroop task
Increased delayed reward during intertemporal decision-making in schizophrenic patients and their unaffected siblings
Topographical differences of frontal-midline theta activity reflect functional differences in cognitive control abilities

The learning process of gait retraining using real-time feedback in patients with medial knee osteoarthritis
Arterial stiffness and cerebral hemodynamic pulsatility during cognitive engagement in younger and older adults
Regional cerebral blood flow predictors of relapse and resilience in substance use recovery: A coordinate-based meta-analysis of human neuroimaging studies
When some triggers a scalar inference out of the blue. An electrophysiological study of a Stroop-like conflict elicited by single words
Neurophysiological processes and functional neuroanatomical structures underlying proactive effects of emotional conflicts
The walk ratio: Investigation of invariance across walking conditions and gender in community-dwelling older people
Is interference control in children with specific language impairment similar to that of children with autistic spectrum disorder?
Negative attentional bias for positive recovery-related words as a predictor of treatment success among individuals with an alcohol use disorder
The Neural Basis of Taste-visual Modal Conflict Control in Appetitive and Aversive Gustatory Context
Individual differences in the processing of referential dependencies: Evidence from event-related potentials
Exploring the representational basis of response-effect compatibility: Evidence from bilingual verbal response-effect mappings
An ecological approach to the behavioral assessment of executive functions in anorexia nervosa
Reexamining unconscious response priming: A liminal-prime paradigm
Premature brain aging in humans exposed to maternal nutrient restriction during early gestation
Regulation of threat in post-traumatic stress disorder: Associations between inhibitory control and dissociative symptoms
Flavanol-rich cocoa consumption enhances exercise-induced executive function improvements in humans
The effect of high-dose atorvastatin on neural activity and cognitive function
Neurocognitive correlates of treatment response in children with Tourette's Disorder
Attentional bias toward alcohol stimuli as a predictor of treatment retention in cocaine dependence and alcohol user patients
Pro-social personality traits, helping behavior, and ego-depletion: Is helping really easier for the dispositionally pro-social?
Cognitive control, word retrieval and bilingual aphasia: Is there a relationship?
Fluctuations of estradiol during womens menstrual cycle: Influences on reactivity towards erotic stimuli in the late positive potential
A randomized controlled trial of coordination exercise on cognitive function in obese adolescents
Neural modulations of interference control over conscious perception
A transferable high-intensity intermittent exercise improves executive performance in association with dorsolateral prefrontal activation in young adults
Direct electrophysiological evidence for the maintenance of retrieval orientations and the role of cognitive control
The emergence of automaticity in reading: Effects of orthographic depth and word decoding ability on an adjusted Stroop measure
Coordinated neural, behavioral, and phenomenological changes in perceptual plasticity through overtraining of synesthetic associations
Self-control exertion and glucose supplementation prior to endurance performance
Impaired math achievement in patients with acute vestibular neuritis
The emotive nature of conflict monitoring in the medial prefrontal cortex
Repetition suppression in aging: A near-infrared spectroscopy study on the size-congruity effect
Task-dependent modulation of amygdala connectivity in social anxiety disorder
Pathological gambling and impulsivity: Comparison of the different measures in the behavior inhibition tasks
Behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of cognitive control in ex-obese adults
Cortical excitability and neuropsychological functioning in healthy adults
Effects of multicomponent training of cognitive control on cognitive function and brain activation in older adults
Capturing spontaneous trait inference with the modified free association paradigm
Conflict adaptation in positive and negative mood: Applying a success-failure manipulation
Difficulties with emotion regulation moderate the association between childhood history of maltreatment and cortisol reactivity to psychosocial challenge in postpartum women
Is susceptibility to cross-language interference domain specific?
The impact of semantically congruent and incongruent visual information on auditory object recognition across development
Neural cascade of conflict processing: Not just time-on-task
Structural hemispheric asymmetries underlie verbal Stroop performance
A familiar-size Stroop effect in the absence of basic-level recognition
Maternal childhood trauma, postpartum depression, and infant outcomes: Avoidant affective processing as a potential mechanism
The experimental analysis of problematic video gaming and cognitive skills: A systematic review
Control adjustments in speaking: Electrophysiology of the Gratton effect in picture naming
Embodiment and second-language: Automatic activation of motor responses during processing spatially associated L2 words and emotion L2 words in a vertical Stroop paradigm
Executive function effects and numerical development in children: Behavioural and ERP evidence from a numerical Stroop paradigm
Ignoring irrelevant stimuli in latent inhibition and Stroop paradigms: The effects of schizotypy and gender
Generalized hypervigilance in fibromyalgia patients: An experimental analysis with the emotional Stroop paradigm
A repetition-suppression account of between-trial effects in a modified Stroop paradigm
Event-related potentials dissociate facilitation and interference effects in the numerical Stroop paradigm
Attentional bias and alcohol dependence: A controlled study using the modified Stroop paradigm
Exposure to social anxiety words: Treatment for social phobia based on the stroop paradigm
The performance of clinically depressed children and adolescents on the modified Stroop paradigm