Knowledge acquisition through introspection in Human-Robot Cooperation
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Out of the box: A psychedelic model to study the creative mind
A dynamic per-context verification of kernel address integrity from external monitors
A self-organising multi-agent system for decentralised forensic investigations
Courage to care for our United States veterans: A constructivist way of teaching and learning for future nurses
Sputum plug selection under inverted microscopy improves microbial identification during exacerbations of airway diseases
Effect of simulation-based emergency cardiac arrest education on nursing students' self-efficacy and critical thinking skills: Roleplay versus lecture
Pattern recognition of magnetic resonance imaging-based gray matter volume measurements classifies bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder
Enabling co-simulation of tokamak plant models and plasma control systems
An update on the status of interprofessional education and interprofessional prevention education in U.S. academic health centers
When the arts inspire businesses: Museums as a heritage redefinition tool of brands
Massage-based bedtime routine: impact on sleep and mood in infants and mothers
Affective and cognitive reactivity to mood induction in chronic depression
Symbiotic relationship or not? Understanding resilience and crisis management in tourism
Nature exposure sufficiency and insufficiency: The benefits of environmental preservation
Constituting, testing and validating the gender learner profiles of serious game participants
Revivalist women's submission: Women's spiritual authority, biblical feminism and cosmofeminism
Testing the internal/external frame of reference model of academic achievement and academic self-concept with open self-concept reports
Ultrasonic technique for online measurement of bulk density of stamp charge coal cakes in coke plants
Knowledge management in requirement elicitation: Situational methods view
The diverse reasons for using Novel Psychoactive Substances - A qualitative study of the users' own perspectives
Implicit Association Test for Aggressiveness: Further evidence of validity and resistance to desirable responding
Effect of posterior instrumented fusion on three-dimensional volumetric growth of cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament: a multiple regression analysis
The dark side of place attachment: Why do customers avoid their treasured stores?
Contour interpolation: A case study in Modularity of Mind
Shared Decision-Making in Acute Surgical Illness: The Surgeon's Perspective
System-level state equality detection for the formal dynamic verification of legacy distributed applications
Designing flexible sandboxing solutions to adapt to new malware trends

Moving beyond the researcher's individual introspection: Perspectives from the key-tolok alternation and the nominative-accusative alternation of Korean resultatives
Towards a literary account of mental health from James' Principles of Psychology
Isolation and Suffering Related to Serious and Terminal Illness: Metaphors and Lessons From Albert Camus' Novel, The Plague
Hijacked evidence-based medicine: stay the course and throw the pirates overboard
Transcranial magnetic stimulation to visual cortex induces suboptimal introspection
Language facilitates introspection: Verbal mind-wandering has privileged access to consciousness
Are participants' reports of their own reaction times reliable? Re-examining introspective limitations in active and passive dual-task paradigms
A decade plus long introspection of research published in Information & Management
The role of premorbid personality and social cognition in suicidal behaviour in first-episode psychosis: A one-year follow-up study
Simulation platform for cyber-security and vulnerability analysis of critical infrastructures
The mediating effect of real life encounters in co-writing tourism books
Collusions Between Patients and Clinicians in End-of-Life Care: Why Clarity Matters
Leveraging the community context of Family Math and Science Nights to develop culturally responsive teaching practices
Externally controlled involuntary cognitions and their relations with other representations in consciousness
Design and evaluation of an alternative programming paradigms course
Interactions between the default network and dorsal attention network vary across default subsystems, time, and cognitive states
How to (and how not to) think about top-down influences on visual perception
Spiritual tourism on the way of Saint James the current situation
Psychologism as a style of reasoning and the study of persons
Snap back to reality: Examining the cognitive mechanisms underlying Snapchat
Towards an efficient snapshot approach for virtual machines in clouds
Structured group sandplay to improve the resilience of college students: A pilot study
Connecting the dots: An exploration of how pre-service special education teachers make sense of disability and diversity
A workflow runtime environment for manycore parallel architectures
Predicting human behavior in unrepeated, simultaneous-move games
Rap and singing are used by music therapists to enhance emotional self-regulation of youth: Results of a survey of music therapists in the Netherlands
The evolution of empathy research: Models, muddles, and mechanisms

What Do Pediatric Residents Gain From an Experience in Juvenile Justice? A Qualitative Analysis of Community-Based Learning
The effect of introspection on judgment and decision making is dependent on the quality of conscious thinking
Experiencing film: Subjective personal introspection and popular film consumption
Effects of self-directed and other-directed introspection and emotional valence on activation of the rostral prefrontal cortex during aesthetic experience