The limits of partisan loyalty: How the Scottish independence referendum cost Labour
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining as a challenge and possible contributor to Sustainable Development
The lived experience of first year undergraduate student nurses: A hermeneutic phenomenological study
Discrimination, Social Capital, and Financial Constraints: The Case of Viet Nam
The effects of local infrastructure investment on crime
Delays, stoppages and appeals: An empirical evaluation of the adverse impacts of environmental citizen suits in the New South Wales land and environment court
Testing competing models of injunctive and descriptive norms for proximal and distal reference groups on alcohol attitudes and behavior
The influence of motives on alcohol- and sex-related behaviors among female college students
Hand hygiene compliance and behavioural determinants in a paediatric intensive care unit: An observational study
Direct and indirect associations between dysfunctional attitudes, self-stigma, hopefulness and social inclusion in young people experiencing psychosis
How acceptable are intoxicated behaviors? Discrepancy between personal versus perceived approval
The impact of peer mentor communication with older adults on depressive symptoms and working alliance: A pilot study
Effect of socio-economic status, family smoking and mental health through social network on the substance use potential in adolescents: a mediation analysis
Knowledge and attitudes on electroconvulsive therapy in Germany: A web based survey
Expectations and perceptions of clients concerning the quality of care provided at a Brazilian hospital facility
The determinants of approval of online consumer revenge
Quality of life and level of burden in primary caregivers of patients with epilepsy: Effect of neuropsychiatric comorbidity
Selective exposure to partisan media: Moderating factors in evaluations of the president
Avoidant personality disorder and social phobia: Does mindreading make the difference?
Community-Managed Forests, Household Fuelwood Use and Food Consumption
Education Program Standards of Canadian Practical Nurse Programs
Lived experiences of environmental change: Solastalgia, power and place
Hacking Hackathons: Preparing the next generation for the multidisciplinary world of healthcare technology
Perceived stigma and associated factors among children and adolescents with epilepsy in south western Uganda: A cross sectional study
A quantitative longitudinal study to explore factors which influence maternal self-efficacy among Chinese primiparous women during the initial postpartum period
Capturing the rains: Comparing Chinese and World Bank hydropower projects in Cameroon and pathways for South-South and North South technology transfer
Knowledge contribution behavior in online Q&A communities: An empirical investigation
The role of relationships in achieving and maintaining a social licence in the New Zealand aquaculture sector
Insights into individual and cooperative invasive plant management on family forestlands
The effects of information cues on perceived legitimacy of companies that promote corporate social responsibility initiatives on social networking sites
Changing social norms: The impact of normative feedback included in motivational enhancement therapy on cannabis outcomes among heavy-using adolescents
A social choice approach to ordinal group activity selection
Social forestry movements and science-policy networks: The politics of the forestry incentives program in Guatemala
Sustainability and innovation in the Brazilian supply chain of green plastic
Development and exploration of the gratitude model of body appreciation in women
Surviving the swim: Psychosocial influences on pool owners safety compliance and child supervision behaviours
Integrated coastal management in Campeche, Mexico; a review after the Mexican marine and coastal national policy
Digital innovation and transformation: An institutional perspective
Prevailing to the peers' detriment: Organizational constraints motivate Machiavellians to undermine their peers
History, injury, and psychosocial risk factor commonalities among cases of fatal and near-fatal physical child abuse

From consultation to collaboration: A participatory framework for positive community engagement with wind energy projects in Ontario, Canada
Diversion of prescription stimulants among college students: An initial investigation of injunctive norms
Are people willing to share their political opinions on Facebook? Exploring roles of self-presentational concern in spiral of silence
Emotion dysregulation and interpersonal problems: The role of defensiveness
Experiential value: Multi-item scale development and validation
Conforming conservatives: How salient social identities can increase donations
Care of long-term survivors of head and neck cancer after treatment with oral or facial prostheses, or both
The role of imperfect surrogate endpoint information in drug approval and reimbursement decisions
Social resistance to coal seam gas development in the Northern Rivers region of Eastern Australia: Proposing a diamond model of social license to operate
Conceptualizing impact assessment as a learning process
Supervisor and policy roles in social media use as a new technology in child welfare
Aligning public participation with local environmental knowledge in complex marine social-ecological systems
Perceived harm as a mediator of the relationship between social norms and marijuana use and related consequences among American Indian youth
Internet gaming disorder: Social phobia and identifying with your virtual self
Parent and peer pathways linking childhood experiences of abuse with marijuana use in adolescence and adulthood
Social approval bias in self-reported fruit and vegetable intake after presentation of a normative message in college students
Uneasy encounters: Youth, social (dis)comfort and the autistic self
Oil and gas development in Greenland: A social license to operate, trust and legitimacy in environmental governance
Risk assessment in a multicultural context: Risk and protective factors in the decision to place children in foster care
The role of intentions in facebook usage among educated youth in Pakistan: An extension of the theory of planned behavior
Experiences of student midwives learning and working abroad in Europe: The value of an Erasmus undergraduate midwifery education programme
Beyond Simple Planning: Existential Dimensions of Conversations With Patients at Risk of Dying From Heart Failure
The effect of drawing and writing technique on the anxiety level of children undergoing cancer treatment
The provision of family-centred intensive care bereavement support in Australia and New Zealand: Results of a cross sectional explorative descriptive survey
Why do people file share unlawfully? A systematic review, meta-analysis and panel study
Correlation of general and oral health-related quality of life in malocclusion patients treated with a combined orthodontic and maxillofacial surgical approach
“Your Life Sucks,” but I think “You Deserved It”: Social approval and disapproval of messages on
Correlation between self-esteem and stress response in Chinese college students: The mediating role of the need for social approval
Relationships between leadership style and vision content: The moderating role of need for social approval, self-monitoring, and need for social power