Direct and interactive effects of narcissism and power on overconfidence
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Understanding overconfidence: Theories of intelligence, preferential attention, and distorted self-assessment ☆
Continuing overreaction and momentum in a market with price limits
The effect of metacognitive monitoring feedback on performance in a computer-based training simulation

The relation of physical self-perceptions of competence, goal orientation, and optimism with students' performance calibration in physical education
Are overconfident CEOs better leaders? Evidence from stakeholder commitments
Does CEO Bias Escalate Repurchase Activity?
Monocausal attribution and its relationship with reasoning biases in schizophrenia
General mental ability moderates the link between confidence and integrity test scores
Bubbles in hybrid markets: How expectations about algorithmic trading affect human trading
Who trades profusely? The characteristics of individual investors who trade frequently
The impact of market competition on the relation between CEO power and firm innovation
Impaired action self-monitoring and cognitive confidence among ultra-high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis patients
Improving stock market prediction via heterogeneous information fusion
Information uncertainty and target valuation in mergers and acquisitions
Minimising biases in expert elicitations to inform environmental management: Case studies from environmental flows in Australia
Intellectual humility's links to religion and spirituality and the role of authoritarianism
Combating the evolving spammers in online social networks
The role of perceived competence and risk perception in cycling near misses
Exploring the influence of political connections and managerial overconfidence on R&D intensity in China's large-scale private sector firms
Can financial incentives help people trying to establish new habits? Experimental evidence with new gym members
Emotion perception and overconfidence in errors under stress in psychosis
Generational diversity, overconfidence and decision-making in family business: A knowledge heterogeneity perspective
The investor in structured retail products: Advice driven or gambling oriented?
Towards quantitative condition assessment of biodiversity outcomes: Insights from Australian marine protected areas
Cognitive load and self-regulation: Attempts to build a bridge
A quantitative measure of fitness for duty and work processes for human reliability analysis
Invention or incremental improvement? Simulation modeling and empirical testing of firm patenting behavior under performance aspiration
Third-party consequences of short-selling threats: The case of auditor behavior
The influence of CEO overconfidence on ownership choice in foreign market entry decisions
Searching for preference stability in a state dependent world
The perception of team engagement reduces stress induced situation awareness overconfidence and risk-taking
When higher productivity hurts: The interaction between overconfidence and capital
Awareness of cognitive impairment in individuals with essential tremor
The mediating role of social skills and sensation seeking in the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and school adjustment in adolescents
A two-stage cognitive theory of the positive symptoms of psychosis. Highlighting the role of lowered decision thresholds
Testosterone and androgen receptor gene polymorphism are associated with confidence and competitiveness in men
Mapping emotional disorders at the finest level: Convergent validity and joint structure based on alternative measures
Financial overconfidence over time: Foresight, hindsight, and insight of investors
Gender differences and the effect of facing harder competition
Performance feedback, power retention, and the gender gap in leadership
Product market competition, type of mergers, and post-merger performance in Taiwan
Managerial ability, investment efficiency and stock price crash risk
CEO political ideology and mergers and acquisitions decisions
Confidence as an expression of commitment: why misplaced expressions of confidence backfire
Developmental progression in performance evaluations: Effects of children's cue-utilization and self-protection
Momentum, idiosyncratic volatility and market dynamics: Evidence from China
The impact of heuristics on investment decision and performance: Exploring multiple mediation mechanisms
Why are children overconfident? Developmental differences in the implementation of accessibility cues when judging concept learning
The winnerâs curse in acquisitions of privately-held firms
Do cultures influence abnormal market reactions before official sovereign debt rating downgrade announcements?
Understanding metacognitive inferiority on screen by exposing cues for depth of processing
Pride before the fall: (Over)confidence predicts escalation of public commitment
Precautionary savings, retirement planning and misperceptions of financial literacy
Unrealistic self-overconfidence in schizophrenia is associated with left presubiculum atrophy and impaired episodic memory
CEO compensation and risk-taking at financial firms: Evidence from U.S. federal loan assistance
How to sequence video modeling examples and inquiry tasks to foster scientific reasoning
Do women have more shame than men? An experiment on self-assessment and the shame of overestimating oneself
Managing major accident risk: Concerns about complacency and complexity in practice
Domain-specific metacognitive calibration in children with learning disabilities
Herding behavior, market sentiment and volatility: Will the bubble resume?
A pilot study of cognitive insight and structural covariance in first-episode psychosis
CEO overconfidence and agency cost of debt: An empirical analysis of CEO turnover events
Self-doubt: Uncertainty as a motivating factor on effort in an exercise endurance task
Distributed investment decisions and forecasting errors: An analysis based on a multi-agent simulation model