Conceptualizing and operationalizing the social entrepreneurship construct
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The trickle-down of work engagement from leader to follower: The roles of optimism and self-efficacy
Authors of accountability: Paperwork and social work in contemporary child welfare practice
Unveiling the dark side of social networking sites: Personal and work-related consequences of social networking site addiction
The roles of work and family in men's lives: Testing the social cognitive model of career self-management
Work-family conflict and self-rated health among dwellers in Minia, Egypt: Financial strain vs social support
Analysing social networks for social work practice: A case study of the Facebook fan page of an online youth outreach project
Leveraging psychosocial safety climate to prevent ill-being: The mediating role of psychological need thwarting
Synthetic social support: Theorizing lay health worker interventions
Navigating work and study: Antecedents and outcomes of conflict and facilitation aspects of the work-school interface
Tailoring Psychosocial Risk Assessment in the Oil and Gas Industry by Exploring Specific and Common Psychosocial Risks
Social Adjustment and Cooperative Work in Primary Education: Teacher and Parent Perceptions
The hidden problem of Facebook and social media at work: What if employees start searching for other jobs?
Identity work in the academic writing classroom: Where gender meets social class
Work-related physical, psychosocial and individual factors associated with musculoskeletal symptoms among surgeons: Implications for ergonomic interventions
Characteristics of oncology patients and their management strategy as a possible predictor of help in oncology social work
Informal caregiving as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes in individuals with favourable and unfavourable psychosocial work environments: A longitudinal multi-cohort study

Are we truly wicked when gossiping at work? The role of valence, interpersonal closeness and social awareness
Working Conditions, Job Strain, and Traffic Safety among Three Groups of Public Transport Drivers
Structural racism in the workplace: Does perception matter for health inequalities?
The concept of control from the perspective of social work clients
Social work: Integral to interprofessional education and integrated practice
Social support at work and at home: Dual-buffering effects in the work-family conflict process
Young persons as epistemological agents in social work assessment and intervention
The roles of cross-cultural adjustment and social capital formation in the dynamic capabilities development of multiunit organizations
Can non-work-related social media use benefit the company? A study on corporate blogging and affective organizational commitment
The dark side of high performance human resource practices in the visitor economy
Immigrant social worker practice: An ecological perspective on strengths and challenges
Psychosocial working conditions and diabetes self-management at work: A qualitative study
Do Males and Females Conceptualise Work and Social Impairment Differently Following Treatment for Different Mental Health Problems?
Moving social work norms via theater for senior farmers
Content and conceptual frameworks of psychology and social work preceptor feedback related to the educational requests of family medicine residents
Relationships at work and psychosocial risk: The feeling of belonging as indicator and mediator
Assessing a national work health and safety policy intervention using the psychosocial safety climate framework
Linking transformational leadership and work outcomes in temporary organizations: A social identity approach
Climate congruence: How espoused psychosocial safety climate and enacted managerial support affect emotional exhaustion and work engagement
Research protocol: A cluster-randomised study evaluating the effectiveness of a skill-training programme for social work professionals for improving the follow-up of low-income families within Norwegian welfare services
Psychosocial Assessment by Hospice Social Workers: A Content Review of Instruments From a National Sample
Why working conditions are a key issue of sustainability in agriculture? A comparison between agroecological, organic and conventional vegetable systems
The impact of changes in work stressors and coping resources on the risk of new-onset suicide ideation among Chinese petroleum industry workers
Chronic exposure to adverse psychosocial work factors and high psychological distress among white-collar workers: A 5-year prospective study
Health and well-being at work: The key role of supervisor support
Identifying and managing psychosocial risks during organizational restructuring: Itâs what you do and how you do it
Transnational social workers in statutory child welfare: A scoping review
Income vs. travel time: Why do the poorest and the richest travel fastest in northeastern Brazil?
Designing for action: An evaluation of Social Recipes in reducing food waste
Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility: Military Work and Peacebuilding
Police and social work preventions of offending among at-risk youth in Shanghai
Social network conformity and construction work plan reliability
Moving beyond the metaphor, reaching beyond the rhetoric: Social work education in a changing environment
Understanding the consequences of public social media use for work
Subjective social status, work volition, and career adaptability: A longitudinal study
Chronic pain disrupts ability to work by interfering with social function: A cross-sectional study
Work-related illness, work-related accidents, and lack of social security in Colombia

The team as a secure base: Promoting resilience and competence in child and family social work
Work engagement, social support, and job satisfaction in Portuguese nursing staff: A winning combination
Understanding social media and identity work in young people transitioning to university
Talking about sunbed tanning: Social representations and identity-work
When high pressure, system constraints, and a social justice mission collide: A socio-structural analysis of emergency department social work services
Staff working in hospital units with greater social capital experience less work-home conflict: Secondary analysis of a cross-sectional study
Ties that work: Investigating the relationships among coworker connections, work-related Facebook utility, online social capital, and employee outcomes
Levels of stress and anxiety in child and family social work: Workers' perceptions of organizational structure, professional support and workplace opportunities in Children's Services in the UK
An examination of the consequences of corporate social responsibility in the airline industry: Work engagement, career satisfaction, and voice behavior
Minor mental disorders in Taiwanese healthcare workers and the associations with psychosocial work conditions
Psychosocial Work Stressors, Work Fatigue, and Musculoskeletal Disorders: Comparison between Emergency and Critical Care Nurses in Brunei Public Hospitals
When I chat online, I feel relaxed and work better: Exploring the use of social media in the public sector workplace in Rwanda
A method of identifying health-based benchmarks for psychosocial risks at work: A tool for risk assessment
Psychosocial factors, musculoskeletal disorders and work-related fatigue amongst nurses in Brunei: structural equation model approach
Social media at work: The roles of job satisfaction, employment status, and Facebook use with co-workers
A discourse and practice gap in working with youth-at-disadvantage in the outreach social work service in Hong Kong
Articulating the theory of bullying intervention programs: Views from social psychology, social work, and organizational science
Career adaptability, calling and the professional competence of social work students in China: A career construction perspective
Social work education and Title IV-E program participation as predictors of entry-level knowledge among public child welfare workers