A social identity approach to explaining children's aggressive intentions
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
From a follower to a trendsetter: Hungary's post-Cold War identity and the West
Who am I? The role of moral beliefs in children's and adults' understanding of identity
Feeling superior or deprived? Attitudes and underlying mentalities of residents towards Mainland Chinese tourists
From groups to grits: Social identity shapes evaluations of food pleasantness
Exploring digital remediation in support of personal reflection
Conspicuous consumption in emerging market: The case of Chinese migrant workers
Being in the Social: A cross-cultural and cross-generational study on identity processes related to Facebook use
When the context matters: Identity, secession and the spatial dimension in Catalonia
Joint Farming Ventures in Ireland: Gender identities of the self and the social
Discrimination, social identity, and coordination: An experiment
How consumers' need for uniqueness, self-monitoring, and social identity affect their choices when luxury brands visually shout versus whisper
Accumulation mechanism of opinion leaders' social interaction ties in virtual communities: Empirical evidence from China
Transgressing a group value in a transcultural experience: Immigrants' affective response to perceived social identity threats
On the relationship between consumer-brand identification, brand community, and brand loyalty
Understanding the role of interpersonal identification in online review evaluation: An information processing perspective
The role of proximity to local and global citizens in stakeholders' moral recognition of corporate social responsibility
Social desire or commercial desire? The factors driving social sharing and shopping intentions on social commerce platforms
Let's try and grapple all of this: A snapshot of racial identity development and racial pedagogical decision making in an elective social studies course
Exposing one's identity: Social judgments of colleagues' traits can influence employees' Facebook boundary management
A multilevel approach to modeling health inequalities at the intersection of multiple social identities
Did the risk of exposure to online hate increase after the November 2015 Paris attacks? A group relations approach
When social identity threat leads to the selection of identity-reinforcing options: The role of public self-awareness
Implicit and explicit anti-fat bias: The role of weight-related attitudes and beliefs
Does social identity matter in individual alienation? Household-level evidence in post-reform India
Career decisions of immigrants: Role of identity and social embeddedness
How teammate behaviors relate to athlete affect, cognition, and behaviors: A daily diary approach within youth sport
Identity work in the academic writing classroom: Where gender meets social class
Influence of the entrepreneur's social identity on business performance through effectuation
Building addiction recovery capital through online participation in a recovery community
No pain no gain? Social demographic correlates and identity consequences of interpreting experienced difficulty as importance
Racial identity and the quality of life among blacks and whites in the U.S.
Smoke signals: The decline of brand identity predicts reduced smoking behaviour following the introduction of plain packaging
Valuing diversity in Spain and Canada: The role of multicultural ideology in intergroup attitudes and intentions to reduce inequalities
Brief note: Applying developmental intergroup perspectives to the social ecologies of bullying: Lessons from developmental social psychology
Understanding community protest from a project management perspective: A relationship-based approach
Celebrities as human brands: An inquiry on stakeholder-actor co-creation of brand identities
Digital rurality: Producing the countryside in online struggles for rural survival
A social-cognitive approach to understanding gender differences in negotiator ethics: The role of moral identity
Preference effects on friendship choice: Evidence from an online field experiment
Persuasive computing: Feeling peer pressure from multiple computer agents
Becoming a backpacker in China: A grounded theory approach to identity construction of backpackers
Variability in group identity construction: A case study of the Australian and British Big Brother houses
Weight Loss Through Virtual Support Communities: A Role for Identity-based Motivation in Public Commitment
Being adopted in the school context: Individual and interpersonal predictors
Your post is embarrassing me: Face threats, identity, and the audience on Facebook
The complex role of social care services in supporting the development of sustainable identities: Insights from the experiences of British South Asian women with intellectual disabilities
Conforming conservatives: How salient social identities can increase donations
Influence of Social Identity on Negative Perceptions in Global Virtual Teams
Impact of avatar identification on online gamer loyalty: Perspectives of social identity and social capital theories
Stressful life transitions and wellbeing: A comparison of the stress buffering hypothesis and the social identity model of identity change
Talking about sunbed tanning: Social representations and identity-work
Love thy neighbor? The effects of religious in/out-group identity on social behavior
The joint effects of social identity and institutional pressures on audit quality: The case of the Chinese Audit Industry
Understanding the cognitive, affective and evaluative components of social urban identity: Determinants, measurement, and practical consequences
Social identity cues to improve creativity and identification in face-to-face and virtual groups
Recently I was in a fatal incident: Personal narratives and social identities
Can a common currency foster a shared social identity across different nations? The case of the euro
The manifestation of values and identity in travelling: The social engagement of pilgrimage
Early identification of spammers through identity linking, social network and call features
Conspicuous consumption behavior of land-lost farmers: A perspective of social identity
Discursive construction of identities in a social network-educational space: Insights from an undergraduate Facebook group for a linguistics course
Emerging adults' social media self-presentation and identity development at college transition: Mindfulness as a moderator
The Role of Brokers and Social Identities in the Development of Capabilities in Global Virtual Teams

Social identity and support for counteracting tobacco company marketing that targets vulnerable populations
Understanding social media and identity work in young people transitioning to university
Social identity shapes stress appraisals in people with a history of depression
Designing curriculum to shape professional social media skills and identity in virtual communities of practice
Social perception and aging: The relationship between aging and the perception of subtle changes in facial happiness and identity
Linking transformational leadership and work outcomes in temporary organizations: A social identity approach
Social identity and geographic origin of Maya burials at Actun Uayazba Kab, Roaring Creek Valley, Belize
Identidad social y procesos de adaptación de niños víctimas de violencia política en Colombia ☆
Up close and personal: Evidence that shared social identity is a basis for the ‘special’ relationship that binds followers to leaders ☆
Constructing social identity: Silence and argument in an Arab-Jewish Israeli group encounter