Gamification artifacts and crowdsourcing participation: Examining the mediating role of intrinsic motivations
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Knowledge system commitment and knowledge sharing intention: The role of personal information management motivation
The appearance effect: Influences of virtual agent features on performance and motivation ☆
Role of motivation in the relation between perfectionism and academic burnout in Korean students
How feedback boosts motivation and play in a brain-training game
Testing a bi-factor model to disentangle general and specific factors of motivation in self-determination theory ☆☆☆
Why children differ in motivation to learn: Insights from over 13,000 twins from 6 countries
The effects of intrinsic and extrinsic sources of motivation on well-being depend on time of day: The moderating effects of workday accumulation
Achievement motivation and attributional style as mediators between perfectionism and subjective well-being in Chinese university students
Public speaking in front of an unreceptive audience increases implicit power motivation and its endocrine arousal signature
Evaluation of cognitive behaviour therapy for paediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder in the context of tic disorders
Different routes to metacognitive judgments: The role of accuracy motivation
Hedonic shopping motivations in collectivistic and individualistic consumer cultures
How context matters: The relationship between family supportive supervisor behaviours and motivation to work moderated by gender inequality
Relationship between effortful motivation and neurocognition in schizophrenia
Exploring the influence of common game elements on ideation output and motivation
Understanding consumer motivations for buying sustainable agricultural products at Romanian farmers markets

How perceptions of organizational politics influence self-determined motivation: The mediating role of work mood
Trait motivations of crowdsourcing and task choice: A distal-proximal perspective
Motivation, health-related lifestyles and depression among university students: A longitudinal analysis
The Hemingway effect: How failing to finish a task can have a positive effect on motivation
Help welcome or not: Understanding consumer shopping motivation in curated fashion retailing
Stages of motivation for contributing user-generated content: A theory and empirical test
Shopping enjoyment to the extreme: Hedonic shopping motivations and compulsive buying in developed and emerging markets
The moderating role of prosocial motivation on the association between family-supportive supervisor behaviours and employee outcomes
Profiles of school motivation and emotional well-being among adolescents: Associations with math and reading performance
How intrinsic motivation and extrinsic incentives affect task effort in crowdsourcing contests: A mediated moderation model
Alcohol-induced blackouts, subjective intoxication, and motivation to decrease drinking: Prospective examination of the transition out of college
Motivational state controls the prediction error in Pavlovian appetitive-aversive interactions
Drug tourism motivation of Chinese outbound tourists: Scale development and validation
Enhancing excitability of dopamine neurons promotes motivational behaviour through increased action initiation
Predicting exercise motivation and exercise behavior: A moderated mediation model testing the interaction between perceived exercise variety and basic psychological needs satisfaction
Young peopleâs motivations to drive: expectations and realities
Motivational profiles and burnout in elite athletes: A person-centered approach
To gamify or not to gamify? An experimental field study of the influence of badges on motivation, activity, and performance in an online learning course
The mindful consumer: Balancing egoistic and altruistic motivations to purchase local food
Performance appraisal fairness, leader member exchange and motivation to improve performance: A study of US and Mexican employees
Role of motivations for luxury cruise traveling, satisfaction, and involvement in building traveler loyalty
Institutional investor monitoring motivation and the marginal value of cash
Motivation deficits in individuals with social anhedonia
The complexities of religious tourism motivations: Sacred places, vows and visions
An exploration of the motivations for binge-watching and the role of individual differences
Motivational Class Climate, Motivation and Academic Success in University Students
The child-rearing environment and children's mastery motivation as contributors to school readiness
Constructing a model of exhibition attachment: Motivation, attachment, and loyalty
The effects of motivation and memory on the weighting of reference prices
Understanding the role of emotion-oriented coping in women's motivation for change
Social motivation in people with recent-onset schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Motivations and morphological variations in clipped personal names: A cross-linguistic approach
Analyzing consumer online group buying motivations: An interpretive structural modeling approach
Feeling good, being good and looking good: Motivations for, and benefits from, project management certification
A closer look at Santiago de Compostela's pilgrims through the lens of motivations
Human aging reduces the neurobehavioral influence of motivation on episodic memory
Top-down expectation effects of food labels on motivation
Students׳ motivation for architecture education in Uganda
How do motivations for commitment in online brand communities evolve? The distinction between knowledge- and entertainment-seeking motivations
Do intrinsic and extrinsic motivation relate differently to employee outcomes?
The self-regulation of motivation: Motivational strategies as mediator between motivational beliefs and engagement for learning
Vegetarian on purpose: Understanding the motivations of plant-based dieters
Large-scale neural networks and the lateralization of motivation and emotion
Motivation and engagement: Same or different? Does it matter?
The Role of Gamification in Enhancing Intrinsic Motivation to Use a Loyalty Program
Motivation deficits and use of alcohol and illicit drugs among individuals with schizophrenia
Work motivation among occupational therapy graduates in Malaysia
Interpretation of physiological indicators of motivation: Caveats and recommendations
Time since reinforcer access produces gradations of motivation
Language learning motivation as ideological becoming
Classroom management and mastery-oriented instruction as mediators of the effects of teacher motivation on student motivation