A review of technology acceptance and adoption models and theories
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Applying institutional theories to managing megaprojects
Synthesizing building physics with social psychology: An interdisciplinary framework for context and occupant behavior in office buildings
Conservatism as a situated identity: Implications for consumer behavior
Housing flexibility problem: Review of recent limitations and solutions
Mental files theory of mind: When do children consider agents acquainted with different object identities?
Too many passwords? How understanding our memory can increase password memorability
Antecedents and consequences of autonomous information seeking motivation
Dental functional morphology predicts the scaling of chewing rate in mammals

Examination of a therapeutic-recreation based clinical placement for undergraduate nursing students: A self-determined perspective
Antecedents of basic psychological need satisfaction of pharmacy students: The role of peers, family, lecturers and workload
A qualitative exploration of day spa therapists' work motivations and job satisfaction
Transformational change in parenting practices after child interpersonal trauma: A grounded theory examination of parental response
Talking about sexual and reproductive health through interpreters: The experiences of health care professionals consulting refugee and migrant women
Intervention Mapping to develop a Social Cognitive Theory-based intervention for chronic pain tailored to individuals with HIV
Fertility decision-making under certainty and uncertainty in cancer patients
Leadership for organizational adaptability: A theoretical synthesis and integrative framework
Entrepreneurs' perceived exit performance: Conceptualization and scale development
Nursing students' experiences with refugees with mental health problems in Jordan: A qualitative content analysis
Virtual currency as an inclusive monetary innovation for the unbanked poor
Can the fiscal authority constrain the central bank?
Study on leakage and ventilation scheme of gas pipeline in tunnel
It's a match! Choosing information processing mechanisms to address sustainability-related uncertainty in sustainable supply management
Prediction of added resistance using genetic programming
Moving nurse educators towards transcendence in simulation comfort
Protecting an adult identity: A grounded theory of supportive care for young adults recently diagnosed with cancer
Intelligent cooperation: A framework of pedagogic practice in the operating room
Lack of Preparedness for Pediatric to Adult-Oriented Health Care Transition in Hospitalized Adolescents and Young Adults
Person-environment fit, commitment, and customer contribution in online brand community: A nonlinear model
Psychological need satisfaction and well-being in first-person shooter clans: Investigating underlying factors
Monte Carlo simulation studies of clathrate hydrates: A review
Participatory methodologies to promote student engagement in the development of educational digital games
Towards a more inclusive service development process for the wider population
Nuclear power supply: Going against the misconceptions. Evidence of nuclear flexibility from the French experience
Retaining and engaging older workers: A solution to worker shortages in the U.S.
Application of the Laws of Mechanics of Granulated Solidsin Studies to Loader Bucket Interaction with Bulk Material Stack
Shifting Priorities in Degrowth Research: An Argument for the Centrality of Human Needs
Argumentation in science education as an evolving concept: Following the object of activity
Understanding Transport Planning Education in an Australian Context
Strategies for fostering basic psychological needs support in high quality youth leadership programs
General approach for solving the density gradient theory in the interfacial tension calculations
A conceptual framework to facilitate clinical judgement in nursing: A methodological perspective
A green step forward: Eliciting consumers' purchasing decisions regarding green hotel accommodation in Australia
Manufacturing capability and organizational performance: The role of entrepreneurial orientation
Business incubation models and institutionally void environments
The pragmatics of manipulation: Exploiting im/politeness theories
Trends in education of communication professionals: The perspective of educators and employers in Croatia
Explaining travellers online information satisfaction: A complexity theory approach on information needs, barriers, sources and personal characteristics
Collective assessment of the human resources management field: Meta-analytic needs and theory development prospects for the future
Automatic labeling of mobile apps by the type of psychological needs they satisfy
Classroom social climate, self-determined motivation, willingness to communicate, and achievement: A study of structural relationships in instructed second language settings
Teacher-created social environment, basic psychological needs, and dancers' affective states during class: A diary study
Expressing and negotiating face in community pharmacist-patient interactions
Self-determination theory and the role of political interest in adolescents' sociopolitical development
Rotor Blade Performance Analysis with Blade Element Momentum Theory
Experiences and expectations of living with dementia: A qualitative study
Autonomy and morality: A Self-Determination Theory discussion of ethics
Understanding makerspace continuance: A self-determination perspective
A good abortion experience: A qualitative exploration of women's needs and preferences in clinical care
Culture in acculturation: Refugee youthâs schooling experiences in international schools in New York City
Determining the discriminating domain for hybrid linear differential game with two players and two targets
Will materialism lead to happiness? A longitudinal analysis of the mediating role of psychological needs satisfaction
How do you feel about your friends? Understanding situational envy in online social networks
Positive collateral damage or purposeful design: How sport-based interventions impact the psychological well-being of people in prison
Extraversion and adaptive performance: Integrating trait activation and socioanalytic personality theories at work
Daily fluctuations in the affective states of dancers: A cross-situational test of basic needs theory
Antecedents of burnout among elite dancers: A longitudinal test of basic needs theory
Psychological need satisfaction and thwarting: A test of Basic Psychological Needs Theory in physical activity contexts ☆
Beyond a youthful behavior style – Age and sex differences in sensation seeking based on need theory