Forgiveness and life satisfaction across different age groups in adults
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Personality, equity sensitivity, and discretionary workplace behavior
Trust for pharmaceutical company direct-to-consumer prescription medication advertisements
Segmentation of interested and less interested consumers in sports equipment made of bio-based plastic
Exploring environmental behaviour as the major determinant of ecological citizenship
Impact of the link between individuals and their region on the customer-regional brand relationship
The penalty for privacy violations: How privacy violations impact trust online
An expanded model of the moral self: Beyond care and justice
Testing the circular structure and importance hierarchy of value states in real-time behaviors
Health Care Professionals Attitudes Towards Mental Illness: Observational Study Performed at a Public Health Facility in Northern Italy
Consumer-brand relationships and brand loyalty in technology-mediated services
When guests trust hosts for their words: Host description and trust in sharing economy
A model for the role of trust in firm level performance: The case of family businesses
What makes a sustainable business model successful? An empirical comparison of two peer-to-peer goods-sharing platforms
Building a human brand: Brand anthropomorphism unravelled
The role of personal values in childrenâs costly sharing and non-costly giving
How young people in Finland respond to information about the origin of food products: The role of value orientations and product type
Relationship satisfaction and similarity of personality traits, personal values, and attitudes
Understanding the consequences of pride and shame: How self-evaluations guide moral decision making in business
Visitors' values and environmental learning outcomes at wildlife attractions: Implications for interpretive practice

The limits of trust-free systems: A literature review on blockchain technology and trust in the sharing economy
Exploring the effects of specialist versus generalist embodied virtual agents in a multi-product category online store
Willingness to rely on trust in global business collaborations: Context vs. demography
The role of regulation and financial compensation on trust recovery
Propensity to trust salespeople: A contingent multilevel-multisource examination
Innovative Projects Between MNE Subsidiaries and Local Partners in China: Exploring Locations and Inter-organizational Trust
Does mindfulness prepare adolescents for value-behavior concordance? Examining the role of value content
The role of sustainability in profiling voluntary simplifiers
Employee responsibility and basic human values in the hospitality sector

The mediating effect of psychological contract in the relationships between paternalistic leadership and turnover intention for foreign workers in Taiwan
Working smarter and greener: Collaborative knowledge sharing in virtual global project teams
Systemic Control, Cultural Values and Religious Institutions An Assessment of Semi-Automatic Human Values Systems Analysis in Religious Institutional Diagnostics
The view over one's shoulder: The causes and consequences of leader's envy of followers
Why attend to source information when reading online? The perspective of ninth grade students from two different countries
A social commerce investigation of the role of trust in a social networking site on purchase intentions
Better to have many opinions than one from an expert? Social validation by one trustworthy source versus the masses in online health forums
A Meta-analysis of Online Trust Relationships in E-commerce
Attentional avoidance increases voice hearing in an analogue task in people with psychosis: An experimental study
Red, blue and purple states of mind: Segmenting the political marketplace
Empirical insights on the nature of synergies among HRM policies - An analysis of an ethics-oriented HRM system

Towards a synthesis of personality, temperament, motivation, emotion and mental health models within the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits
Does the intra-individual structure of values exist in young children?
Modelling and testing consumer trust dimensions in e-commerce
The effect of apology on forgiveness: Belief in a just world as a moderator
New venture creation as establishing stakeholder relationships: A trust-based perspective
Critical elements for eco-retrofitting a conventional industrial park: Social barriers to be overcome
Culture, religiosity, and economic configural models explaining tipping-behavior prevalence across nations
Examining personal values in extreme environment contexts: Revisiting the question of generalizability
Denial outperforms apology in repairing organizational trust despite strong evidence of guilt
Are environmental issues moral issues? Moral identity in relation to protecting the natural world
Breaking barriers: An education and contact intervention to reduce mental illness stigma among Indian college students
Public values for integration in natural disaster management and planning: A case study from Victoria, Australia
The influence of the propensity to trust on mobile users' attitudes toward in-app advertisements: An extension of the theory of planned behavior
Socialized view of man vs. rational choice theory: What does smithâs sympathy have to say?
Determinants of customer retention in virtual environments. The role of perceived risk in a tourism services context
Values influencing sustainable consumption behaviour: Exploring the contextual relationship
Examining the consistency and coherence of values in young children using a new Animated Values Instrument
Narcissists’ negative perception of their counterpart’s competence and benevolence and their own reduced trust in a negotiation context
From Honesty–Humility to fair behavior – Benevolence or a (blind) fairness norm?
How do children weigh competence and benevolence when deciding whom to trust?
Are liars ethical? On the tension between benevolence and honesty