How do attachment styles change from childhood through adolescence? Findings from an accelerated longitudinal Cohort study
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Interpersonal functioning in Hoarding Disorder: An examination of attachment styles and emotion regulation in response to interpersonal stress
Dark triad traits and romantic relationship attachment, accommodation, and control
Effects of repeated attachment security priming in outpatients with primary depressive disorders
Schema modes and dissociation in borderline personality disorder/traits in adolescents or young adults
Examining the role of attachment in the relationship between childhood adversity, psychological distress and subjective well-being
Attachment and psychopathic traits in inpatient female and male adolescents
Childhood maltreatment is associated with attachment insecurities, dissociation and alexithymia in bipolar disorder
Relationship between executive function, attachment style, and psychotic like experiences in typically developing youth
Childhood emotional maltreatment, anxiety, attachment, and mindfulness: Associations with facial emotion recognition
The dark side of place attachment: Why do customers avoid their treasured stores?
Representation of children attachment styles in cormanâs instruction of family drawing
Instability in the lives of foster and nonfoster youth: Mental health impediments and attachment insecurities
Attachment and motivational systems: Relevance of sensitivity to punishment for eating disorder psychopathology
Adult attachment predicts the seven-year course of recurrent depression in primary care
The impact of attachment orientations on empathy in adults: Considering the mediating role of emotion regulation strategies and negative affectivity
Attachment security and career adaptability as predictors of subjective well-being among career transitioners

Do Correlates of Pain-Related Stoicism and Cautiousness Differ in Younger and Older People With Advanced Cancer?
Ethical concerns regarding animal use mediate the relationship between variety of pets owned in childhood and vegetarianism in adulthood
Comparison of functional dyspepsia with organic dyspepsia in terms of attachment patterns
Moving toward greater security: The effects of repeatedly priming attachment security and anxiety
The hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis and personality in a sample of healthy subjects
How children remember the Strange Situation: The role of attachment
The impact of a statewide trauma-informed care initiative in child welfare on the well-being of children and youth with complex trauma
Insecure attachment and use of sexual coercion in male university students: Negative urgency as an explanatory mechanism
Individual differences in corticolimbic structural profiles linked to insecure attachment and coping styles in motor functional neurological disorders
Interest in partner orgasm: Sex differences and relationships with attachment strategies
Attachment style and filial obligation in the burden of caregivers of dementia patients
Understanding the joint effects of perceived parental psychological control and insecure attachment styles: A differentiated approach to adolescent autonomy
Young adults attachment style as a partial mediator between maternal functioning and young adult offsprings functioning
Dispositional and experimentally primed attachment security reduced cyber aggression after cyber ostracism
Does adult attachment style mediate the relationship between childhood maltreatment and mental and physical health outcomes?
To mirror or not to mirror upon mutual gaze, oxytocin can pave the way: A cross-over randomized placebo-controlled trial
Contextual determinants of psychopathology. The singularity of attachment as a predictor of mental dysfunction
Avoidant attachment and smartphone addiction in college students: The mediating effects of anxiety and self-esteem
Sexting profiles in the United States and Canada: Implications for individual and relationship well-being
I just text to say I love you: Partner similarity in texting and relationship satisfaction
Evaluation of the Swedish Trauma Symptom Inventory-2 in a clinical and a student population
The relationship between adult attachment orientation and child self-regulation in eating: The mediating role of persuasive-controlling feeding practices
Attachment and empathy in Australian undergraduate paramedic, nursing and occupational therapy students: A cross-sectional study
Predictors and mediators of trait anger across the psychosis continuum: The role of attachment style, paranoia and social cognition
Patient-provider relationship as mediator between adult attachment and self-management in primary care patients with multiple chronic conditions
Structural Equation Model of Smartphone Addiction Based on Adult Attachment Theory: Mediating Effects of Loneliness and Depression
Roles of attachment relationships in emerging adults' career decision-making process: A two-year longitudinal research design
The predictors of perceived social support among former foster youth
It takes an insecure liar to catch a liar: The link between attachment insecurity, deception, and detection of deception
The influence of attention biases and adult attachment style on treatment outcome for adults with social anxiety disorder
Is therapist evaluation of Social Anxiety/Avoidance traits associated with patient-reported attachment style?
Daily variations in attachment anxiety and avoidance: A density distributions approach
Intolerance of uncertainty mediates the relationship between adult attachment and worry
Insecure attachments: Attachment, emotional regulation, sexting and condomless sex among women in relationships
Psychological flexibility under fire: Testing the incremental validity of experiential avoidance
Avoidant individuals may have muted responses to social warmth after all: An attempted replication of MacDonald and Borsook (2010)
Attachment orientations and dispositional gratitude: The mediating roles of perceived social support and self-esteem
Interdependence of attachment styles and relationship quality in parent-adolescent dyads
Attachment, culture and initial romantic attraction: A speed-dating study
Development of attachment orientations in response to childbirth: A longitudinal dyadic perspective
Attachment style, relationship quality, and psychological distress in patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures versus epilepsy
Considering Attachment and Partner Perceptions in the Prediction of Physical and Emotional Sexual Satisfaction
Attachment insecurity and openness to diversity: The roles of self-esteem and trust
Attachment, perceived parental trust and grandiose narcissism: Moderated mediation models
Is Virginia for lovers? Geographic variation in adult attachment orientation
Adult attachment's unique contribution in the prediction of postpartum depressive symptoms, beyond personality traits
A comparison of two attachment measures in relation to personality factors and facets
Long-term oxytocin administration enhances the experience of attachment
Gender and birth cohort differences in adult attachment in Chinese college students: A meta-analysis

Is pornography pathogen by itself? Study of the role of attachment profiles on the relationship between pornography and sexual satisfaction
Do you have anything to hide? Infidelity-related behaviors on social media sites and marital satisfaction
Perceived female infidelity and male sexual coercion concerning first sex in Chinese college students' dating relationships: The mediating role of male partners' attachment insecurity
Romantic relationships and nonsuicidal self-injury among college students: The mediating role of emotion regulation
Advance Care Planning in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: A Patient Priority
Heart rate variability moderates the association between attachment avoidance and self-concept reorganization following marital separation ☆
Maternal nurturance predicts decreases in attachment avoidance in emerging adulthood ☆
Be Mine: Attachment avoidance predicts perceptions of relationship functioning on Valentine’s Day