The influence of academic discipline on empathy and psychopathic personality traits in undergraduate students
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Prevalence of mental disorders among depressed coronary patients with and without Type D personality. Results of the multi-center SPIRR-CAD trial
Emotional intelligence in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder and healthy controls
Effects of Dark Triad and HEXACO traits on reactive/proactive aggression: Exploring the gender differences
Method of predicting human mobility patterns using deep learning
Exploring aesthetic experiences of females: Affect-related traits predict complexity and arousal responses to music and affective pictures
Childhood adversities, bonding, and personality in social anxiety disorder with alcohol use disorder
Predicting moral decision-making with dark personalities and moral values
Personality affected robotic emotional model with associative memory for human-robot interaction
The attentive and the careless: Examining the relationship between benevolent and malevolent personality traits with careless responding in online surveys
Who is watching user-generated alcohol posts on social media?
Who are likely to build strong online social networks? The perspectives of relational cohesion theory and personality theory
Examining validity evidence for multidimensional forced choice measures with different scoring approaches
Associations of early childhood adversities with mental disorders, psychological functioning, and suitability for psychotherapy in adulthood
A reinforcement sensitivity theory explanation of antisocial behaviour
The fast and the flexible: cognitive style drives individual variation in cognition in a small mammal
Sport team personality: Itâs not all about winning!
Neuroticism, schizotypy, and scale anchors influence eye movement behaviour in the visual exploration of abstract art: An exploratory study
Extending the nomological network of computational thinking with non-cognitive factors
Social media use, personality characteristics, and social isolation among young adults in the United States
What makes the hedonic experience of a meal in a top restaurant special and retrievable in the long term? Meal-related, social and personality factors
Identifying impact of intrinsic factors on topic preferences in online social media: A nonparametric hierarchical Bayesian approach
Impact of personality influencers on psychological paradigms: An empirical-discourse of big five framework and impulsive buying behaviour
Profiles of teacher personality and relations with teacher self-efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction
Are implicit personality theories associated with parental reactions to child transgressions?
Brand portfolio coherence: Scale development and empirical demonstration
Personality stability and change between age 12 and 14 predicts relationships, sexual activity and same-sex sexual attraction at age 14
Patient-reported causes of heart failure in a large European sample
The hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis and personality in a sample of healthy subjects

The impact of feedback valence and communication style on intrinsic motivation in middle childhood: Experimental evidence and generalization across individual differences
The traffic climate in China: The mediating effect of traffic safety climate between personality and dangerous driving behavior
Associations Between Personality Disorder Characteristics, Psychological Symptoms, and Sexual Functioning in Young Women
Self-control mediates the relationship between personality trait and impulsivity
The impact of psychopathy and warnings on faking behavior: A multisaturation perspective
Leader individual differences, situational parameters, and leadership outcomes: A comprehensive review and integration
Depression in Danish and Swedish elite football players and its relation to perfectionism and anxiety
Personality profiles of substance and behavioral addictions
Correlation between gut microbiota and personality in adults: A cross-sectional study
Depressive symptoms in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator: Does treatment expectations play a role?
The relationship of perfectionism to suicide ideation and attempts in a large online sample
Differential associations between patterns of child maltreatment and comorbidity in adult depressed patients
Testing the state-dependent behavior models in humans: Environmental harshness moderates the link between personality and mating
Dysfunctional personality disorder beliefs and lifetime suicide attempts among psychiatrically hospitalized military personnel
Developmental course of child personality traits and their associations with externalizing psychopathology: Results from a longitudinal multi-informant study in a representative cohort
Does personal distress enhance empathic interaction or block it?
Sex differences in the Big Five model personality traits: A behavior genetics exploration
The factors related to self-other agreement/disagreement in nursing competence assessment: Comparative and correlational study
Evaluating personality as a moderator of the association between life events stress and cardiovascular reactivity to acute stress
Personality organization and its association with clinical and functional features in borderline personality disorder
Sex and size matters: Selection on personality in natural prey-predator interactions
Individual differences in conflicting stimulus evaluations: Openness/Intellect predicts mixed-valenced appraisals of visual art
Investigating the Early Life Determinants of Type-II Diabetes Using a Project Talent-Medicare Linked Data-set
The Surgical Personality: Does Surgery Resident Motivation Predict Attrition?
Weighted composites of personality facets: An examination of unit, rational, and mechanical weights
Investigating Correlations Between Defence Mechanisms and Pathological Personality Characteristics
Patterns of sweetness preference in red wine according to consumer characterisation
Unproctored internet-based device-type effects on test scores: The role of working memory
Associations between personality, sports participation and athletic success. A comparison of Big Five in sporting and non-sporting adults
Illuminating the clinical significance of alexithymia subtypes: A cluster analysis of alexithymic traits and psychiatric symptoms
Association of personality profiles with depressive, anxiety, and cancer-related symptoms in patients undergoing chemotherapy
Type D personality and three-month psychosocial outcomes among patients post-myocardial infarction
The association between Type D personality and illness perceptions in colorectal cancer survivors: A study from the population-based PROFILES registry
Type D personality and course of health status over 18 months in outpatients with heart failure: Multiple mediating inflammatory biomarkers
Six year stability of Type-D personality in a German cohort of cardiac patients
Type D personality and metabolic syndrome in a 7-year prospective occupational cohort
Does type-D personality predict outcomes among patients with cardiovascular disease? A meta-analytic review
Type D personality and hemodynamic reactivity to laboratory stress in women
Type D personality and cardiovascular function in daily life of people without documented cardiovascular disease
Attachment style and self-esteem: The mediating role of Type D personality
Type-D personality and body image in men: The role of exercise status
Type D Personality Mediates the Relationship Between Remembered Parenting and Perceived Health
The Distressed (Type D) Personality Is Independently Associated With Tinnitus: A Case–Control Study