The motivational pull of video game feedback, rules, and social interaction: Another self-determination theory approach
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Functional competence in major depressive disorder: Objective performance and subjective perceptions
Early childhood teachers' stress and children's social, emotional, and behavioral functioning
Establishing the criterion validity of Zoo U's game-based social emotional skills assessment for school-based outcomes
Assessing the influence of socio-economic status on students' performance in Content and Language Integrated Learning
Trust toward a group of strangers as a function of stereotype-based social identification
Effect of the tools of the mind kindergarten program on childrenâs social and emotional development
Relation of Perceived Health Competence to Physical Activity in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease
Social studies curriculum integration in elementary classrooms: A case study on a Pennsylvania Rural School
Exposing one's identity: Social judgments of colleagues' traits can influence employees' Facebook boundary management
Proficiency and preference organization in second language refusals
Longitudinal associations between resilience and quality of life in eating disorders
Trait motivations of crowdsourcing and task choice: A distal-proximal perspective
English just is not enough!: Neoliberalism, class, and children's study abroad among Korean families
Improving children's physical self-perception through a school-based physical activity intervention: The Move for Well-being in School study
The influence of professional teachers on Padang vocational school students' achievement
English language learners spoken interaction: What a multimodal perspective reveals about pragmatic competence
Extracurricular participation and young children's outcomes in Hong Kong: Maternal involvement as a moderator
Polarization and positivity effects: Divergent roles of group entitativity in warmth and competence judgments
Individual assets and problem behaviors in at-risk adolescents: A longitudinal cross-lagged analysis
Description and prediction of time-to-attainment of excellent recovery for borderline patients followed prospectively for 20 years
The role of friends in help-seeking tendencies during early adolescence: Do classroom goal structures moderate selection and influence of friends?
Investigating teacher and student effects of the Incredible Years Classroom Management Program in early elementary school
Enhancing performance expectancies through positive comparative feedback facilitates the learning of basketball free throw in children
Education for Sustainable Development Goals in public debate: The importance of participatory research in reflecting and supporting the consultation process in developing a vision for Czech education
Self-esteem vulnerabilities are associated with cued attentional biases toward rejection
How are social-emotional and behavioral competences and problems at age 1 year associated with infant motor development? A general population study
Mixed stereotype content and attitudes toward students with special educational needs and their inclusion in regular schools in Luxembourg
Preschool classroom quality and social-emotional functioning: Findings across geographic regions
A sweeter win: When others help us outperform them
The relative weight of character traits in political candidate evaluations: Warmth is more important than competence, leadership and integrity
Kinetic models of collective decision-making in the presence of equality bias
Attitude profiles explain differences in pre-service teachers' reading behavior and competence beliefs
Cognitive, affective, and social factors maintaining paranoia in adolescents with mental health problems: A longitudinal study
Health Competence from a Transcultural Perspective. Knowing how to Approach Transcultural Care
Personality factors and flow affecting opinion leadership in social media

Families that fire together smile together: Resting state connectome similarity and daily emotional synchrony in parent-child dyads
Health Support Directed at Lesbian, Gay and Bisexuals: Socio-demographic Context and Education
Self-perceptions and socialâemotional classroom engagement following structured physical activity among preschoolers: A feasibility study
Socioemotional skills between 12 and 30 months of age on Chilean children: When do the competences of adults matter?
Intensified emotion perception in depression: Differences in physiological arousal and subjective perceptions
Do computer-mediated communication skill, knowledge and motivation mediate the relationships between personality traits and attitude toward Facebook?
Classroom social climate, self-determined motivation, willingness to communicate, and achievement: A study of structural relationships in instructed second language settings
Oral fluency, sociolinguistic competence, and language contact: Arabic learners studying abroad in Egypt
Relationship between the neighbourhood built environment and early child development
Multidimensionalidad de la competencia social: medición del constructo y su relación con los roles del bullying
Theory of mind and school achievement: The mediating role of social competence
Cultural competence and social desirability among practitioners: A systematic review of the literature
The impact of biased self-evaluations of school and social competence on academic and social functioning
Use of Foul Language Among Chinese Adolescents: Developmental Change and Relations With Psychosocial Competences
Shared genetic influences among childhood shyness, social competences, and cortical responses to emotions
Parenting, self-regulation and social competence with peers and romantic partners
Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Social Competence on Behavioral Problems
Multidimensionality of Social Competence: Measurement of the Construct and its Relationship With Bullying Roles
Longitudinal associations among family environment, neural cognitive control, and social competence among adolescents
Social competence in Russian post-institutionalized children: A comparison of adopted and non-adopted children
Basic Executive Functions in Early Childhood Education and their Relationship with Social Competence
Motivation and social aspects of competence-based learning process
Reconnecting Youth: Promoting emotional competence and social support to improve academic achievement
Interest, competence, appearance, fitness and social relatedness as motives for physical activity in Ugandan outpatients with psychosis
Body image and peer relationships: Unique associations of adolescents' social status and competence with peer- and self-reported appearance victimization

The team as a secure base: Promoting resilience and competence in child and family social work
The impact of stereotyping on consumers' food choices
Digitally enabled crime-fighting communities: Harnessing the boundary spanning competence of social media for civic engagement
Faced with exclusion: Perceived facial warmth and competence influence moral judgments of social exclusion
Being adopted in the school context: Individual and interpersonal predictors
Exploring consumer evaluations in social media: The role of psychological distance between company and consumer
Contact with cows during the young age increases social competence and lowers the cardiac stress reaction in dairy calves
Student teachers' school teaching practice: The relation amongst perceived self-competence, motivation and sources of support
Spontaneous categorization along competence in partner and leader evaluations
Social competence with an unfamiliar peer in children and adolescents with high functioning autism: Measurement and individual differences
Factors involved in associations between Facebook use and college adjustment: Social competence, perceived usefulness, and use patterns
Parenting and social competence in school: The role of preadolescents' personality traits ☆