در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Using epistemic network analysis to identify targets for educational interventions in trauma team communication
Improving communication at handover and transfer reduces retained swabs in maternity services
Indexing membership via responses to irony: Communication competence in Israeli radio call-in shows
The verbal nature of worry in generalized anxiety: Insights from the brain
Communication of health in experimentally sick men and women: A pilot study

Integrative medicine as a change agent of hospital staff: From hospital orderlies to partners in health promotion
Bio-inspired Approach for Automatic Speaker Clustering Using Auditory Modeling and Self-Organizing Maps
Where the eyes meet: Lessons learned from shared gaze-based interactions in cooperative and competitive online games
Cognitive functioning in dyskinetic cerebral palsy: Its relation to motor function, communication and epilepsy
Why saying what you mean matters: An analysis of trauma team communication
Incidence, Type, Related Factors, and Effect of Workplace Violence on Mental Health Nurses: A Cross-sectional Survey
Mastery of Communication Skills. Does Intelligence Matter?
Receptive language is associated with visual perception in typically developing children and sensorimotor skills in autism spectrum conditions
Are gestures worth a thousand words? Verbal and nonverbal communication during robot-assisted surgery
Executive function predicts theory of mind but not social verbal communication in school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder
Optimizing Hospitalist-Patient Communication: An Observation Study of Medical Encounter Quality
Closed-Loop Communication Improves Task Completion in Pediatric Trauma Resuscitation
Heuristics and biases in cardiovascular disease prevention: How can we improve communication about risk, benefits and harms?
The expert and the foreigner: Reflections of forensic transcultural psychopathology on a total of 86 reports by experts on criminal liability
Subthreshold autism spectrum disorder in patients with eating disorders
Designing a nurse-delivered delirium bundle: What intensive care unit staff, survivors, and their families think?
Auditory-motor rhythm synchronization in children with autism spectrum disorder
Theory of mind, emotional and social functioning, and motor severity in children and adolescents with dystonic cerebral palsy
Video conferencing and multimodal expression of voice: Children's conversations using Skype for second language development in a telecollaborative setting
Prenatal concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl substances and early communication development in British girls
Emotional recognition of dynamic facial expressions before and after cochlear implantation in adults with progressive deafness
Multimedia patient education to assist oral impression taking during dental treatment: A pilot study
Metaphorical communication, self-presentation, and consumer inference in service encounters
Functional connectivity in the dorsal stream and between bilateral auditory-related cortical areas differentially contribute to speech decoding depending on spectro-temporal signal integrity and performance
Caregiver communication to the child as moderator and mediator of genes for language
Clinician-parent discussions about influenza vaccination of children and their association with vaccine acceptance
An Approach to Develop Video Tutorials for Construction Tasks
Exploring Drivers of Infant Deaths in Rural Rwanda Through Verbal Social Autopsy
Impact of an electronic handoff documentation tool on team shared mental models in pediatric critical care
Phraseological borrowing from English into German: Cultural and pragmatic implications
Limitations in Prehospital Communication Between Trauma Helicopter, Ambulance Services, and Dispatch Centers
Communicating with parents who have difficulty understanding and speaking Swedish: An interview study with health care professionals
The right hemisphereâs contribution to discourse processing: A study in temporal lobe epilepsy
Communicative-pragmatic disorders in traumatic brain injury: The role of theory of mind and executive functions
Motor and verbal perspective taking in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Changes in social interaction with people and tools
Maternal postpartum depressive symptoms predict delay in non-verbal communication in 14-month-old infants
Communicating across cultures in multinational Ibis West Africa
Nonverbal communication during the learner lesson with a professional driving instructor: A novel investigation
A Model for Electronic Handoff Between the Emergency Department and Inpatient Units
Understanding forensic expert evaluative evidence: A study of the perception of verbal expressions of the strength of evidence
The effect on reliability and sensitivity to level of training of combining analytic and holistic rating scales for assessing communication skills in an internal medicine resident OSCE
Nonverbal cues of deception in audiovisual crisis communication
Joint attention and oromotor abilities in young children with and without autism spectrum disorder
Who says what during crises? A study about the interplay between gender similarity with the spokesperson and crisis response strategy
Brain grey and white matter predictors of verbal ability traits in older age: The Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
The Importance of Communication in Sustainability & Sustainable Strategies
Intensive speech and language therapy in patients with chronic aphasia after stroke: a randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoint, controlled trial in a health-care setting
Team situation awareness within the context of human-autonomy teaming
The importance of communication for the maintenance of health and safety in work operations in ports
Improving Communication with Primary Care Physicians at the Time of Hospital Discharge
Books or laptops? The effect of shifting from printed to digital delivery of educational content on learning
Non-verbal communication in severe aphasia: Influence of aphasia, apraxia, or semantic processing?
Interactional challenges in conversations with autistic preadolescents: The role of prosody and non-verbal communication in other-initiated repairs
Metonymy in the semantic field of verbal communication: A corpus-based analysis of word
Quality matters! Differences between expressive and receptive non-verbal communication skills in adolescents with ASD
Atypical verbal communication pattern according to others’ attention in children with Williams syndrome
“Are you done?” Child Care Providers' Verbal Communication at Mealtimes That Reinforce or Hinder Children's Internal Cues of Hunger and Satiation
Cognitive correlates of schizophrenia signs and symptoms: I. verbal communication disturbances
On being sad and evasive: Affective influences on verbal communication strategies in conflict situations
In defence of a code: linguistic meaning and propositionality in verbal communication ☆