The parakeet protectors: Understanding opposition to introduced species management
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Compositional study of Byzantine glass bracelets discovered at the Lower Danube
Learning how to be a transformational leader through a skill-building, role-play exercise
Simultaneous iron and nickel isotopic analyses of presolar silicon carbide grains
Relationship of peripheral and coronary artery disease to cardiovascular events in patients with atrial fibrillation
Effect of beta-blocker dose on mortality after acute coronary syndrome
Evaluation of the accuracy of a modified microtensile test using micro-specimens
Application of electrophoretic deposition to occlude dentinal tubules in vitro
Spontaneous Micro-Aggregation of Platelets Predicts Clinical Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Revisiting gendered assumptions of practitioner power: An exploratory study examining the role of social media expertise
Physico-mechanical and thermal characteristics of commercially available and newly developed dental flowable composites
Rare earth minerals, technology metals and extractive landscapes in North Koreaâs web of political life
The impact of Transformational and Authentic leadership on innovation in higher education: The contingent role of knowledge sharing
Construct redundancy in leader behaviors: A review and agenda for the future
Using online opinion leaders to promote the hedonic and utilitarian value of products and services
How lack of physiotherapist out-of-hours led to nurses developing their role: A UK case study
The mediation role of leadership styles in integrated project collaboration: An emotional intelligence perspective
Decision field theory: Improvements to current methodology and comparisons with standard choice modelling techniques
Learning from stories of leadership: How reading about personalized and socialized politicians impacts performance on an ethical decision-making simulation
Charismatic leadership: Eliciting and channeling follower emotions
The cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of particulate and soluble hexavalent chromium in leatherback sea turtle lung cells
Crustal configuration in the northern Levant basin based on seismic interpretation and numerical modeling

Hubris syndrome in the relationship between School-Heads and Board-Chairs in private commercial secondary schools in Botswana: Implications for school leadership
The circle of life: Rhetoric of identification in Steve Jobs' Stanford speech
Three-dimensional evidence network plot system: covariate imbalances and effects in network meta-analysis explored using a new software tool
Understanding how the functional integration of purchasing and marketing accelerates new product development
Cultural connectedness and visitor segmentation in diaspora Chinese tourism
Are Dominant CEOs the Saviors of Troubled Firms?
Increased conservation marketing effort has major fundraising benefits for even the least popular species
The Effect of Combined Aspirin and Clopidogrel Treatment on Cancer Incidence
Beyond localism: The micropolitics of local legitimacy in a community-based organization
Leadership improvement and its impact on workplace safety in construction projects: A conceptual model and action research
Extended Duration Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Coronary Stenting Among Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease
Motivation and social aspects of competence-based learning process
Important factors affecting the thermal resistance and thermal diffusivity of vapor chambers

Intrinsic or extrinsic motivations for hospitality employees creativity: The moderating role of organization-level regulatory focus
Effectiveness, attention, and recall of human and artificial voices in an advertising story. Prosody influence and functions of voices
Promoting the continuing usage of strategic information systems: The role of supervisory leadership in the successful implementation of enterprise systems
Association of health professional leadership behaviors on health promotion practice beliefs
Lack of sleep and the development of leader-follower relationships over time
Large mammal diversity matters for wildlife tourism in Southern African Protected Areas: Insights for management
The aura of charisma: A review on the embodiment perspective as signaling
Dying for charisma: Leaders' inspirational appeal increases post-mortem
Perceptions of charisma from thin slices of behavior predict leadership prototypicality judgments
Development of a Five-Factor Model charisma compound and its relations to career outcomes
Human preferences for species conservation: Animal charisma trumps endangered status
A meta-analytic review and future research agenda of charismatic leadership
CEO humility, narcissism and firm innovation: A paradox perspective on CEO traits
Do charismatic species groups generate more cultural ecosystem service benefits?
Surface characterization of polymers used in fabrication of interim prostheses after treatment with photopolymerized glaze
On a unified theory of development: New institutional economics & the charismatic leader
Regional and inter-hospital differences in the utilisation of liver surgery for patients with synchronous colorectal liver metastases in the Netherlands
The role of wisdom leadership in increasing job performance: Evidence from the Egyptian tourism sector
Long-term use of dual antiplatelet therapy for the secondary prevention of atherothrombotic events: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Typological Characteristics of the Intercultural Humanitarian Educational Technologies
Mechanical properties of experimental composites with different calcium phosphates fillers
Mismatches between supply and demand in wildlife tourism: Insights for assessing cultural ecosystem services
Addressing stakeholder complexity and major pitfalls in large cultural building projects
The incumbency disadvantage in South Korean National Assembly elections: Evidence from a regression discontinuity approach
The missing link? Investigating organizational identity strength and transformational leadership climate as mechanisms that connect CEO charisma with firm performance
Reciprocal interactions between group perceptions of leader charisma and group mood through mood contagion
The dynamics of corporate brand charisma: Routinization and activation at Carlsberg IT
Charisma under crisis revisited: Presidential leadership, perceived leader effectiveness, and contextual influences
What have you done for me lately? Charisma attenuates the decline in U.S. presidential approval over time
The effects of crisis, cynicism about change, and value congruence on perceptions of authentic leadership and attributed charisma in the 2008 presidential election
Retail Luxury Strategy: Assembling Charisma through Art and Magic
The enduring allure of charisma: How Barack Obama won the historic 2008 presidential election
Crisis, charisma, values, and voting behavior in the 2004 presidential election