Socio-geographic indicators to evaluate landscape Cultural Ecosystem Services: A case of Mekong Delta, Vietnam
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Culture as automatic processes for making meaning: Spontaneous trait inferences
Are you looking to teach? Cultural, temporal and dynamic insights into expert teacher gaze
The world is not flat: Examining the interactive multidimensionality of culture and virtuality in teams
Testing theories of secularization and religious belief in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
The Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief lacks measurement invariance across three countries
Cultural values and the prevalence of mental disorders in 25 countries: A secondary data analysis
Modelling social influence and cultural variation in global low-carbon vehicle transitions
¿Influyen las diferencias culturales en los resultados de los programas de intervención con maltratadores? Un estudio con agresores españoles y latinoamericanos
Prescribed journeys through life: Cultural differences in mental time travel between Middle Easterners and Scandinavians
Cross cultural differences in decisions from experience: Evidence from Denmark, Israel, and Taiwan
Sensemaking of managing cultural differences in a Finnish-Polish project
Performance pay or redistribution? Cultural differences in just-world beliefs and preferences for wage inequality
Sins of omission versus commission: Cross-cultural differences in brand-switching due to dissatisfaction induced by individual versus group action and inaction ☆
Cultural differences in indecisiveness: The role of naïve dialecticism
Environmentally friendly consumer choices: Cultural differences in the self-regulatory function of anticipated pride and guilt
An investigation of the effects of cultural differences on physicians’ perceptions of information technology acceptance as they relate to knowledge management systems
Compassion and contamination. Cultural differences in vegetarianism ☆
Potential effectiveness of anti-smoking advertisement types in ten low and middle income countries: Do demographics, smoking characteristics and cultural differences matter?
Cultural differences in social networking site use: A comparative study of China and the United States
Cultural differences affecting euthanasia practice in Belgium: One law but different attitudes and practices in Flanders and Wallonia
Cross-cultural differences in cognitive development: Attention to relations and objects
‘Early interactions’ in Australian English, American English, and English English: Cultural differences and cultural scripts
Are there cultural differences in how we play? Examining cultural effects on playing social network games
Cross cultural differences of parent reported social skills in children with autistic disorder: An examination between South Korea and the United States of America
Cross cultural differences in challenging behaviors of children with autism spectrum disorders: An international examination between Israel, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America ☆
Cultural differences in the development of cognitive shifting: East–West comparison
A descriptive study of individual and cross-cultural differences in statistics anxiety
Cultural differences in dynamic decision-making strategies in a non-linear, time-delayed task
Cultural differences in how individuals explain their lying and truth-telling tendencies
A multinational study examining the cross cultural differences in reported symptoms of autism spectrum disorders: Israel, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America
Was he happy? Cultural difference in conceptions of Jesus
Socialization of past event talk: Cultural differences in maternal elaborative reminiscing
Cultural differences in Chinese American and European American children's drawing skills over time ☆
Cultural difference in motivations for using social network sites: A comparative study of American and Korean college students
Cultural differences in process and person focus: Congratulations on your hard work versus celebrating your exceptional brain
Moving beyond stereotypes in managing cultural difference: Communication in Danish–Japanese corporate relationships
Exploring cultural differences in critical thinking: Is it about my thinking style or the language I speak?
Cultural differences between East and West Germany after 1991: Communist values versus economic performance?
Cultural differences, experience with social networks and the nature of “true commitment” in Facebook
Rugby versus Soccer in South Africa: Content familiarity contributes to cross-cultural differences in cognitive test scores ☆
Situational construction of Dutch–Indian cultural differences in global IT projects
The impact of cultural differences and acculturation factors on post-acquisition conflict ☆
What is the source of cultural differences? -- Examining the influence of thinking style on the attribution process
Relations of mathematics self-concept and its calibration with mathematics achievement: Cultural differences among fifteen-year-olds in 34 countries
Calibration of reading self-concept and reading achievement among 15-year-olds: Cultural differences in 34 countries
Dimensions of cultural differences: Pancultural, ETIC/EMIC, and ecological approaches
Individual, cognitive and cultural differences in tax compliance: UK and Italy compared
Cultural differences in response styles: The role of dialectical thinking
Cultural differences in the perception of critical interaction behaviors in global virtual teams
Dieting behaviors, body shape perceptions, and body satisfaction: Cross-cultural differences in Argentinean and Swedish 13-year-olds
When conveying a message may hurt the relationship: Cultural differences in the difficulty of using an answering machine
Cultural differences on attention and perceived usability: Investigating color combinations of animated graphics
Differences in Fear of Isolation as an explanation of Cultural Differences: Evidence from memory and reasoning
Cross-cultural differences in driving behaviours: A comparison of six countries
Socio-cultural differences and the adjustment of mothers' speech to their children's cognitive and language comprehension skills
Cross-cultural differences in the structure of infant temperament: United States of America (U.S.) and Russia
Cross-cultural differences in cognitive performance and Spearman's hypothesis: g or c?

Expressive timing and interactional synchrony between mothers and infants: cultural similarities, cultural differences, and the immigration experience
Cultural differences in emotions: a context for interpreting emotional experiences
A factor-analytic study of cross-cultural differences in emotional rumination and emotional inhibition
Intoxication and bad behaviour: understanding cultural differences in the link
Exploring empowerment cross-cultural differences along the power distance dimension
Cross-cultural differences in Drivers' self-assessments of their perceptual-motor and safety skills: Australians and Finns
Knowledge and information about ADHD: Evidence of cultural differences among African-American and white parents