رفتار خودآزاری/خودکشی را میتوان با اعتیاد به اینترنت در میان نوجوانان پیشبینی کند: تحقیق آیندهنگر
Internet Addiction among Adolescents May Predict Self-Harm/Suicidal Behavior: A Prospective Study
Internet Addiction among Adolescents May Predict Self-Harm/Suicidal Behavior: A Prospective Study
Self-harm and its association with internet addiction and internet exposure to suicidal thought in adolescents
Is the association of deliberate self-harm with emotional relief stable or dependent on emotional context?
The role of emotional clarity and distress tolerance in deliberate self-harm in a sample of trauma-exposed inpatient adolescents at risk for suicide
The association between harm avoidance personality traits and self-reported concussion history in South African rugby union players
Suicide after hospital contact for psychiatric assessment in Hong Kong: A long-term cohort study
Examining the association between suicidal behaviors and referral for mental health services among children involved in the child welfare system in Ontario, Canada
Psychological and behavioral characteristics of suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-injury in Chinese adolescents
Psychological interventions influence patients' attitudes and beliefs about their chronic pain
Mortality risks from a spectrum of causes associated with wide-ranging exposure to fine particulate matter: A case-crossover study in Beijing, China
Improving social harm indices with a modulated Hawkes process
Temperament and character profiles are associated with depression outcome in psychiatric secondary care patients with harmful drinking
How spatial structure and neighbor uncertainty promote mutualists and weaken black queen effects
Consumer agency in cannabis supply Exploring auto-regulatory documents of the cannabis social clubs in Spain
Non suicidal self-injury in referred adolescents with mood disorders and its association with cyclothymic-hypersensitive temperament
Assessment of the mental health status of a one year cohort attending a two Sexual Assault Referral Centres in England
Factors associated with postpartum depression in women from low socioeconomic level in Argentina: A hierarchical model approach
Longitudinal associations of temperament and character with paranoid ideation: A population-based study
The unique contribution of acceptance without judgment in predicting nonsuicidal self-injury after 20-weeks of dialectical behaviour therapy group skills training
Development of New Quality Measures for Hospital-Based Care of Suicidal Youth
How much is too much? Large termination fees and target distress
Prevalence, risk factors and clinical characteristics of suicidal ideation in Chinese patients with depression
Child welfare involvement and academic difficulties: Characteristics of children, families, and households involved with child welfare and experiencing academic difficulties
The strategic moral self: Self-presentation shapes moral dilemma judgments
Neuroticism and anxious attachment as potential vulnerability factors of repeat suicide attempts
Stress, cognitive appraisal, coping, and event free survival in patients with heart failure
Self-harm among the homeless population in Ireland: A national registry-based study of incidence and associated factors
Incidence of suicide, hospital-presenting non-fatal self-harm, and community-occurring non-fatal self-harm in adolescents in England (the iceberg model of self-harm): a retrospective study
Mental health follow-up after deliberate self-harm and risk for repeat self-harm and death
Risk of suicide and non-fatal self-harm after bariatric surgery: results from two matched cohort studies
The prevalence and correlates of self-harm ideation trajectories in Australian women from pregnancy to 4-years postpartum
Depressive symptoms and self-harm among youngsters referred to child welfare: The role of trust in caregiver support and communication
Volitional determinants of self-harm behaviour and suicidal risk in persons with borderline personality disorder
Effectiveness of systemic family therapy versus treatment as usual for young people after self-harm: a pragmatic, phase 3, multicentre, randomised controlled trial
Autistic Traits and Suicidal Thoughts, Plans, and Self-Harm in Late Adolescence: Population-Based Cohort Study
Emotion dysregulation as a mechanism linking child maltreatment exposure and self-harm behaviors in adolescents
Predictors of illness anxiety symptoms in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder
Associations between self-harm and distinct types of impulsivity
Dealing with difficult days: Functional coping dynamics in self-harm ideation and enactment
The direct and indirect effect of loneliness on the development of adolescent alcohol use in the United Kingdom
Harm reduction as a strategy for supporting people who self-harm on mental health wards: the views and experiences of practitioners
The mediator effect of personality traits on the relationship between childhood abuse and depressive symptoms in schizophrenia
The Dark Triad traits and individual differences in self-reported and other-rated creativity
Effectiveness of household lockable pesticide storage to reduce pesticide self-poisoning in rural Asia: a community-based, cluster-randomised controlled trial
The paradox of public holidays: Hospital-treated self-harm and associated factors
Borderline personality disorder in men: A literature review and illustrative case vignettes
Getting out of (self-) harm's way: A study of factors associated with self-harm among asylum seekers in Australian immigration detention
Predictors of short-term repetition of self-harm among patients admitted to an emergency room following self-harm: A retrospective one-year cohort study
Imaging decision about whether to benefit self by harming others: Adolescents with conduct and substance problems, with or without callous-unemotionality, or developing typically
Self-harm risk between adolescence and midlife in people who experienced separation from one or both parents during childhood
Mortality, functional and return to work outcomes of major trauma patients injured from deliberate self-harm
20-year outcomes in adolescents who self-harm: a population-based cohort study
The pattern of self-harm in Fars Province in South Iran: A population-based study
Self-harm and violent criminality among young people who experienced trauma-related hospital admission during childhood: a Danish national cohort study
A brief psychological intervention to reduce repetition of self-harm in patients admitted to hospital following a suicide attempt: a randomised controlled trial
How do emergency ambulance paramedics view the care they provide to people who self harm?: Ways and means
Aggressive behavior and self-harm in Borderline Personality Disorder: The role of impulsivity and emotion dysregulation in a sample of outpatients
Antipsychotic treatment effects on cardiovascular, cancer, infection, and intentional self-harm as cause of death in patients with Alzheimer's dementia
Relationship Between Predictors of Incident Deliberate Self-Harm and Suicide Attempts Among Adolescents
Age-related differences in self-harm presentations and subsequent management of adolescents and young adults at the emergency department
Epidemiology of coronial deaths from pesticide ingestion in Australia
A retrospective study: Can we differentiate between repeat self-inflicted burn patients and those who commit a self-inflicted burn as an individual occurrence?
Cognitive-Behavioral Family Treatment for Suicide Attempt Prevention: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Lower cortisol level in response to a psychosocial stressor in young females with self-harm
The aggressor at the mirror: Psychiatric correlates of deliberate self-harm in male prison inmates
Preference for Solitude, Social Isolation, Suicidal Ideation, and Self-Harm in Adolescents
Life history strategies and psychopathology: the faster the life strategies, the more symptoms of psychopathology
General hospital costs in England of medical and psychiatric care for patients who self-harm: a retrospective analysis
Rethinking pathology in adolescent self-harm: Towards a more complex understanding of risk factors