Varieties of business models for post-consumer recycling in China
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The globalization of angel investments: Evidence across countries
Venture capital group decision-making with interaction under probabilistic linguistic environment
Skills or networks? Success and fundraising determinants in a low performing venture capital market
Endogenous Dynamics Between Innovation, Financial Markets, Venture Capital and Economic Growth: Evidence from Europe
Ties of survival: Specialization, inter-firm ties, and firm failure in the U.S. venture capital industry
The double-edged effects of the corporate venture capital unit's structural autonomy on corporate investors' explorative and exploitative innovation
Initial public offerings, subscription precommitments and venture capital participation
When stereotypical gender notions see the light of day, will they burst? Venture capitalists' gender constructions versus venturing performance facts
Initial public offering and financing of biotechnology start-ups: Evidence from Japan
Leveraging networks, capabilities and opportunities for international success: A study on returnee entrepreneurial ventures
Innovation: The interplay between demand-side shock and supply-side environment
Success factors in Title III equity crowdfunding in the United States
Signaling by early stage startups: US government research grants and venture capital funding
Does microfinance impede sustainable entrepreneurial initiatives among women borrowers? Evidence from rural Bangladesh
Specialist versus generalist investors: Trading off support quality, investment horizon and control rights
International entrepreneurship beyond individuals and firms: On the systemic nature of international opportunities
Unlocking finance for social tech start-ups: Is there a new opportunity space?
The emergence of entrepreneurial ecosystems: A complex adaptive systems approach
Managing tensions in a social enterprise: The complex balancing act to deliver a multi-faceted but coherent social mission
Do investors and entrepreneurs match? Evidence from The Netherlands and Sweden
Social entrepreneurship: Creating value in the context of institutional complexity
Managerial learning from social capital during internationalization
Blazing new trails or opportunity lost? Evaluating research at the intersection of leadership and entrepreneurship
The dynamics of network communities and venture capital performance: Evidence from China
Do venture capital firms benefit from a presence on boards of directors of mature public companies?
Legal framework quality and success of (different types of) venture capital investments
The performance of governmental venture capital firms: A life cycle perspective and evidence from China
Interim fund performance and fundraising in private equity
Riding the waves of technology through the decades: The relation between industry-level information technology intensity and the cost of equity capital

Can self-employment activity contribute to ascension to urban citizenship? Evidence from rural-to-urban migrant workers in China
Does foreign direct investment improve the productivity of domestic firms? Technology spillovers, industry linkages, and firm capabilities
Converting clinical risks into economic value: The role of expectations and institutions in health technology development
Promoting clean energy technology entrepreneurship: The role of external context
Do publicly backed venture capital investments promote innovation? Differences between privately and publicly backed funds in the UK venture capital market
A dynamic model for valuing flexible mining exploration projects under uncertainty
On the choice of technology for a new uranium enrichment plant
Institutionalization of international university research ventures
Stage-gate process for life sciences and medical innovation investment
Increasing the national innovative capacity: Identifying the pathways to success using a comparative method
Learning and Knowledge Transfer in Africa-China JVs: Interplay between Informalities, Culture, and Social Capital
Irrigated agricultural development in northern Australia: Value-chain challenges and opportunities
Buybacks as an efficient strategy for venture capital in emerging markets
Fostering Dynamic Growth in New Ventures through Venture Capital: Conceptualizing Venture Capital Capabilities
Syndication and Foreignness: Venture Capital Investments in Emerging and Developed Markets
Venturing into the unknown with strangers: Substitutes of relational embeddedness in cross-border partner selection in venture capital syndicates
Exploring the innovation strategies of young firms: Corporate venture capital and venture capital impact on alliance innovation strategy
Short-run price performance of venture capital trust in initial public offerings
Determinants of control structure choice between entrepreneurs and investors in venture capital-backed startups
Governmental and independent venture capital investments in Europe: A firm-level performance analysis
Skin in the game: General partner capital commitment, investment behavior and venture capital fund performance
Corporate venture capital programs of European electric utilities: Motives, trends, strategies and challenges
Non-founder human capital and the long-run growth and survival of high-tech ventures
An investor perspective on forming and funding your medical device start-up
Does acquiring venture capital pay off for the funded firms? A meta-analysis on the relationship between venture capital investment and funded firm financial performance
Staged venture capital contracting with ratchets and liquidation rights
What lures cross-border venture capital inflows?
Exploring strategic venture capital financing with Silicon Valley style
Corporate venture capital portfolios and firm innovation ☆
Venture capital investments and the technological performance of portfolio firms
Topological properties and community detection of venture capital network: Evidence from China
Patents, trademarks, and their complementarity in venture capital funding
The participation of new technology-based firms in EU-funded R&D partnerships: The role of venture capital
Venture Capital, Private Equity and Foreign Direct Investment: Case Study of the Czech Republic ☆
Venture Capital a Catalyst for Start-Ups to Overcome the “Valley of Death”: Lithuanian Case ☆
Ethnic matching in the U.S. venture capital market ☆
Does governmental venture capital spur invention and innovation? Evidence from young European biotech companies
The interplay of track record and trustworthiness in venture capital fundraising
Venture capital exits in domestic and cross-border investments