The association between financial literacy and Problematic Internet Shopping in a multinational sample
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The Effects of Internal Control System, Financial Management and Accountability of NPOs: The Perspective of Mosques in Malaysia ☆
Factors Influencing Administrators’ Empowerment and Financial Management Effectiveness ☆
The impact of financial management practices and financial attitudes on the relationship between materialism and compulsive buying
Study on the Simulative Financial Management System in ERP Education
Detecting credit card fraud by genetic algorithm and scatter search
Models for the collaborative management of Africa's protected areas
Integrating lifecycle asset management in the public sector
Flexible inverse adaptive fuzzy inference model to identify the evolution of operational value at risk for improving operational risk management
An integrated inverse adaptive neural fuzzy system with Monte-Carlo sampling method for operational risk management
Resilience of the US securities industry to the global financial crisis
Audit quality, debt financing, and earnings management: Evidence from Jordan
From state to system: Financialization and the water-energy-food-climate nexus
Improving young drivers speed management behaviour through feedback: A cognitive training intervention
Operational safety: The hidden cost of supply-demand mismatch in fashion and textiles related manufacturers
Shipping mode choice in cold chain from a value-based management perspective
Disaster-based budgeting in new public health policy of Thailand
Investor sentiment and evaporating liquidity during the financial crisis
The unintended consequences of uncertainty disclosures made by auditors and managers on nonprofessional investor judgments
In good times and in bad: Defined-benefit pensions and corporate financial policy
Contingency factors and complementary effects of adopting advanced manufacturing tools and managerial practices: Effects on organizational measurement systems and firms' performance
Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: An empirical analysis of Indian banks
An empirical analysis of corporate currency risk management policies and practices
Audit committee financial expertise, gender, and earnings management: Does gender of the financial expert matter?
The relationship between good environmental practices and financial performance: Evidence from Italian waste management companies
Managing Chronic Disease in Affordable Primary Care
Peer effects, personal characteristics and asset allocation
Agent banking in a highly under-developed financial sector: Evidence from Democratic Republic of Congo
Growing hybrid poplar in western Canada for use as a biofuel feedstock: A financial analysis of coppice and single-stem management
Challenges in implementing the extended producer responsibility in an emerging economy: The end-of-life tire management in Colombia
Bank CEO materialism: Risk controls, culture and tail risk
Optimal investment risks and debt management with backup security in a financial crisis
Environmental risk management and financial performance in the banking industry: A cross-country comparison
De-risking strategy: Longevity spread buy-in
What Motivates a Learner Manager of a Logistic Company to Achieve Financial Literacy?
Voluntary disclosure of non-financial information and its association with sustainability performance
Conditions for addressing environmental determinants of health behavior in intersectoral policy networks: A fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Low carbon supply chain firm integration and firm performance in China
The impact of investor impatience and environmental turbulence on myopic marketing management and stock performance
The liquidity impact on firm values: The evidence of Taiwan's banking industry
Planning and Performance Evaluation of the Manufacturing Organizations
Genetic and environmental influences on household financial distress
Predicting student success in an undergraduate Sport Management program from performance in general education courses
Financialization as strategy: Accounting for inter-organizational value creation in the European real estate industry
Strategic public management for financial condition: Focus on fund balances of school districts
Model based process assessment for public financial and physical resource management processes
IT benefits management in financial institutions: Practices and barriers
The challenges that head nurses confront on financial management today: A qualitative study
A research note: Quality of financial inputs and management earnings forecast accuracy in Japan
Joint effects of management responses and online reviews on hotel financial performance: A data-analytics approach
The politics of government financial management: Evidence from state bonds
Financial risks management of heat exchanger networks under uncertain utility costs via multi-objective optimization
Risk management, financial evaluation and funding for wastewater and stormwater reuse projects
Risk management of energy system for identifying optimal power mix with financial-cost minimization and environmental-impact mitigation under uncertainty

Using parametric classification trees for model selection with applications to financial risk management
Real farm management depending on the available volume of irrigation water (part I): Financial analysis
Long-Term Percutaneous Nephrostomy Management of Malignant Urinary Obstruction: Estimation of Optimal Exchange Frequency and Estimation of the Financial Impact of Patient Compliance
Turning resource curse into development dividends in Guinea-Bissau
Does corporate environmental performance enhance financial performance? An empirical study of indonesian firms
The way we live now: Financialization and securitization
The relation between auditor reputation, earnings and capital management in the banking sector: An international investigation
Green practices and financial performance: A global outlook
Hotel property performance: The role of strategic management accounting
How efficient ownership structure monitors income manipulation? Evidence of real earnings management among Malaysian firms
Using an array of implementation strategies to improve success rates of pharmacist-initiated medication therapy management services in community pharmacies
Cleaner production and environmental management as sustainable product innovation antecedents: A survey in Brazilian industries
Does Corporate Derivative Use Reduce Stock Price Exposure? Evidence From UK Firms
A conditional value-at-risk based methodology to intermediate-term planning of crude oil tanker fleet
The Control of Human Factors in Catastrophic Financial Systems Risk using Ontologies