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در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The exposure of microfinance institutions to financial risk
An Empirical Analysis of Financial Risk Tolerance and Demographic Features of Individual Investors
Socially and environmentally responsible purchasing: Comparing the impacts on buying firm's financial performance, competitiveness and risk
Environmental risk management and financial performance in the banking industry: A cross-country comparison
The impact of the Volcker rule on targeted banks, systemic risk, liquidity, and financial reporting quality
Copula conditional tail expectation for multivariate financial risks
Mitigating market risk for wind power providers via financial risk exchange
Optimal investment risks and debt management with backup security in a financial crisis
Corporate governance and default risk in financial firms over the post-financial crisis period: International evidence
Commodity market based hedging against stock market risk in times of financial crisis: The case of crude oil and gold
Financial synergies and systemic risk in the organization of bank affiliates
Patients undergoing radiation therapy at risk for financial toxicity: A patient-based prospective survey study
Can self-assessed financial risk measures explain and predict bank customers objective financial risk?
Capital requirements, the cost of financial intermediation and bank risk-taking: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh
A factor-based approach of bond portfolio value-at-risk: The informational roles of macroeconomic and financial stress factors
The reputational effects of analysts' stock recommendations and credit ratings: Evidence from operational risk announcements in the financial industry
Aggregation of heterogenous beliefs, asset pricing, and risk sharing in complete financial markets
Board risk committees: Insurer financial strength ratings and performance
Measuring systemic risk across financial market infrastructures
Litigation risk, financial distress, and the use of subsidiaries
Initial compensation contracts for new executives and financial distress risk: An empirical investigation of UK firms
Replicating intergenerational longevity risk sharing in collective defined contribution pension plans using financial markets
Why are older investors less willing to take financial risks?
Linking financial hardship throughout the life-course with psychological distress in old age: Sensitive period, accumulation of risks, and chain of risks hypotheses
Decision-making, financial risk aversion, and behavioral biases: The role of testosterone and stress
Profitability, risk, and financial modeling of energy storage in residential and large scale applications
The external risks of financial integration for emerging economies
Risk management, financial evaluation and funding for wastewater and stormwater reuse projects

Using parametric classification trees for model selection with applications to financial risk management
CEO compensation and risk-taking at financial firms: Evidence from U.S. federal loan assistance
An integrated macro-financial risk-based approach to the stressed capital requirement
Prenatal testosterone predicts financial risk taking: Evidence from Latin America
Financial risk, inventory decision and process improvement for a firm with random capacity
Comovement or safe haven? The effect of corruption on the market risk of sovereign bonds of emerging economies during financial crises
Risk management of energy system for identifying optimal power mix with financial-cost minimization and environmental-impact mitigation under uncertainty
Do financial experts on audit committees matter for bank insolvency risk-taking? The monitoring role of bank regulation and ethical policy
Gain and loss of money in a choice experiment. The impact of financial loss aversion and risk preferences on willingness to pay to avoid renewable energy externalities
Financial tail risks in conventional and Islamic stock markets: A comparative analysis
Improving risk assessment in financial feasibility of international engineering projects: A risk driver perspective
Were regulatory interventions effective in lowering systemic risk during the financial crisis in Japan?
Sensitivity of measuring the progress in financial risk protection to survey design and its socioeconomic and demographic determinants: A case study in Rwanda
Moments expansion densities for quantifying financial risk
Modeling operational risk incorporating reputation risk: An integrated analysis for financial firms
Determinants of risk in the banking sector during the European Financial Crisis
Systemic risk in financial systems: A feedback approach
Interplay of subexponential and dependent insurance and financial risks
An analysis of the literature on systemic financial risk: A survey
The Control of Human Factors in Catastrophic Financial Systems Risk using Ontologies
Financial contagion risk and the stochastic discount factor
Determinants of financial risk attitude among the handloom micro-entrepreneurs in North East India
An Iterative Approach to Reduce Systemic Risk among Financial Institutes*
Religious activity, risk-taking preferences and financial behaviour: Empirical evidence from German survey data
Board structure and corporate risk taking in the UK financial sector
Financial stability at risk due to investing rapidly in renewable energy
Customer risk and corporate financial policy: Evidence from receivables securitization
Financial risks management of heat exchanger networks under uncertain utility costs via multi-objective optimization
An evaluation of bank measures for market risk before, during and after the financial crisis
Is there a financial news risk premium in Islamic stocks?
A revisit to ruin probabilities in the presence of heavy-tailed insurance and financial risks
The finite-time ruin probability with heavy-tailed and dependent insurance and financial risks
Adjusting the financial risk of tidal current projects by optimising the ‘installed capacity/capacity factor’-ratio already during the feasibility stage
Financial Risk-Sharing in Updating the National List of Health Services in Israel: Stakeholders' Perceived Interests
Integrating financial risk measures into the design and planning of closed-loop supply chains
Mitigating hydrologic financial risk in hydropower generation using index-based financial instruments
Managing financial risk in Chinese stock markets: Option pricing and modeling under a multivariate threshold autoregression