Electrification: The nexus between consumer behavior and public policy
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Predicting tax avoidance by means of social network analytics

Stock market reaction to irregular supermarket chain behaviour: An investigation in the retail sectors of Ireland and the United Kingdom
Tax revenue losses through cross-border loss offset: An insurmountable hurdle for formula apportionment?
Alliance governance choices: Disentangling the effects of uncertainty and alliance experience
Trade from resource-rich countries avoids the existence of a global pollution haven hypothesis
Mechanism and policy combination of technical sustainable entrepreneurship crowdfunding in China: A system dynamics analysis
The extent and cost of corruption in transport infrastructure. New evidence from Europe
Does foreign direct investment drive environmental degradation in China? An empirical study based on air quality index from a spatial perspective
How does fundraising affect volunteering? Evidence from a natural field experiment
Unlocking the gates of paradise: General equilibrium effects of information exchange
Impact of oil price risk on sectoral equity markets: Implications on portfolio management
Environmental regulation and firm exports: Evidence from the eleventh Five-Year Plan in China
The economic, social, and environmental impacts of cruise tourism
The burden of attention: CEO publicity and tax avoidance
Environmental policy, firm dynamics and wage inequality in developing countries
Austrian climate policies and GHG-emissions since 1990: What is the role of climate policy integration?
Operations in offshore financial centers and loan syndicate structure
Effect of 2008's Beijing Olympic Games on environmental efficiency of 268 China's cities
Tax haven networks and the role of the Big 4 accountancy firms
Real estate, banking and war: The construction and reconstructions of Beirut
New evidence of environmental efficiency on the export performance
When the sharing economy becomes neoliberalism on steroids: Unravelling the controversies
Changes in corporate effective tax rates over the past 25 years
Dual entrenchment and tax management: Classified boards and family firms
Investor protection, taxation and dividend policy: Long-run evidence, 18382012
The synchronized and exceptional price performance of oil and gold: Explanations and prospects
Elite preferences and transparency promotion in Kazakhstan
Sustainability of coalitional equilibria within repeated tax competition
Dumping, waste management and ecological security: Evidence from England
An application of a double bootstrap to investigate the effects of technological progress on total-factor energy consumption performance in China
Diversifying away the risk of war and cross-border political crisis
Competition and corporate tax evasion: An institution-based view
Racing to the Bottom or to the Top? Decentralization, Revenue Pressures, and Governance Reform in China
The importance of direct taxation to the Fiscal-military state in Early Modern Britain
Impacts of new school facility construction: An analysis of a state-financed capital subsidy program in Ohio
Corruptionâs impact on foreign portfolio investment
The relation among trapped cash, permanently reinvested earnings, and foreign cash
Immobilizing corporate income shifting: Should it be safe to strip in the harbor?
Why countries differ in thin capitalization rules: The role of financial development
Global energy investment structure from the energy stock market perspective based on a Heterogeneous Complex Network Model
Leveraging learning innovations in cognitive computing with massive data sets: Using the offshore Panama papers leak to discover patterns
Multinational companies from transition economies and their outward foreign direct investment
The determinants of portfolio investment in offshore financial centers
Original articlePolicy Impact of Research Findings on the Association of Diaper Need and Mental Health
An examination of the political salience of corporate tax avoidance: A case study of the Tax Justice Network
Accounting quality and information asymmetry of foreign direct investment firms
Investor-legislators: Tax holiday for politically connected firms
Tax-driven wealth chains: A multiple case study of tax avoidance in the finnish mining sector
Cross-border opportunity sets: An international empirical study based on ownership types
Accounting and taxation: Conjoined twins or separate siblings?
Multinationals' tax evasion: A financial and governance perspective
Multiple environmental policies and pollution haven hypothesis: Evidence from China's polluting industries
Financialization as strategy: Accounting for inter-organizational value creation in the European real estate industry
Foreign direct investment, income, and environmental pollution in developing countries: Panel data analysis of Latin America
Tax measures and household financial behaviour: Evidence from France
Does U.S. foreign earnings lockout advantage foreign acquirers?
What drives emerging economy firm acquisitions in tax havens?
Income Shifting Incentives and Tax Haven Utilization: Evidence from Multinational U.S. Firms