Cost-benefit analysis of district heating systems using heat from nuclear plants in seven European countries
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Risk-based cost-benefit analysis for evaluating microbial risk mitigation in a drinking water system
Solar water heating system for residential consumers of Islamabad, Pakistan: A cost benefit analysis
Optimal sizing of energy storage system and its cost-benefit analysis for power grid planning with intermittent wind generation
Risk-based cost-benefit analysis for the retrofit of bridges exposed to extreme hydrologic events considering multiple failure modes
Hybrid- and battery-electric vehicles offer low-cost climate benefits in China
Cost Benefit of Comprehensive Primary and Preventive School-Based Health Care
Seismic retrofit options for non-structural building partition walls: Impact on loss estimation and cost-benefit analysis
Friends or foes? Monetized Life Cycle Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis of the site remediation of a former gas plant
Life-cycle cost-benefit analysis on sustainable food waste management: The case of Hong Kong International Airport
Scrap tire steel fiber as a substitute for commercial steel fiber in cement mortar: Engineering properties and cost-benefit analyses
Cost benefit evaluation of maintenance options for aging equipment using monetised risk values: a practical application
Risk-cost-benefit analysis of custody oil metering stations
A social cost benefit analysis of grid-scale electrical energy storage projects: A case study
Probability prediction and cost benefit analysis based on system dynamics
A method for the inclusion of physical activity-related health benefits in cost-benefit analysis of built environment initiatives
Cost-benefit analysis for Energy Efficiency Retrofit of existing buildings: A case study in China
Resistance delaying strategies on UK sheep farms: A cost benefit analysis
A cost-benefit local search coordination in multimeme differential evolution for constrained numerical optimization problems
A cost analysis approach to valuing cover crop environmental and nitrogen cycling benefits: A central Illinois on farm case study
A cost-benefit analysis and the potential trade effects of the bovine viral diarrhoea eradication programme in Styria, Austria
The thermodynamic and cost-benefit-analysis of miniaturized lead-cooled fast reactor with supercritical CO2 power cycle in the commercial market
A non-stationary cost-benefit based bivariate extreme flood estimation approach
External cost of leverage adjustment: Evidence from defined benefit pension plans
Economic benefit and ecological cost of enlarging tea cultivation in subtropical China: Characterizing the trade-off for policy implications
Tracing the cost/benefit pathway of protected areas: A case study of the Kruger National Park, South Africa
Comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of energy efficiency in social housing. Case study: Northwest Mexico
Benefit-cost analysis of watershed conservation on Hawai'i Island
Co-gasification of woody biomass and chicken manure: Syngas production, biochar reutilization, and cost-benefit analysis
Is the widespread use of urban land for cycling promotion policies cost effective? A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the case of Seville
Cost-Benefit Analysis and Assessment of Quality of Care in patients with Hemophilia undergoing treatment at National Rural Health Mission in Maharashtra, India
The Consequences of Real Life Practice of Early Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Target-controlled inhalation anaesthesia: A cost-benefit analysis based on the cost per minute of anaesthesia by inhalation
A critical view on benefit-cost analyses of silvicultural management options with declining discount rates
How much is trust: The cost and benefit of ridesharing with friends
Reversible inactivation of the lateral hypothalamus reversed high reward choices in cost-benefit decision-making in rats
A method for measuring and valuing transport time variability in logistics and cost benefit analysis
A cost-benefit analysis of a pellet boiler with electrostatic precipitator versus conventional biomass technology: A case study of an institutional boiler in Syracuse, New York
Cost-benefit analysis of routine pathology examination in primary shoulder arthroplasty

Economic evaluation of climate risk adaptation strategies: Cost-benefit analysis of flood protection in Tabasco, Mexico
Evaluation of energy conservation potential and complete cost-benefit analysis of the slab-integrated radiant cooling system: A Malaysian case study
Cost-effective Land Use Planning: Optimizing Land Use and Land Management Patterns to Maximize Social Benefits
Cost-benefit analysis of data warehouse design methodologies
Long-term evaluation of benefits, harms, and cost-effectiveness of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program in Australia: a modelling study
Evaluation of the Benefit-to-Cost of Freeway Service Patrol in Advanced Video Surveillance System Environment: A Case Study in China
Fouling of submerged hollow fiber membrane filtration in turbulence: Statistical dependence and cost-benefit analysis
Cost-benefit analysis of copper recovery in remediation projects: A case study from Sweden
Cost-benefit analysis of establishing and operating radiation oncology services in Fiji
The impact of current infection levels on the cost-benefit of vaccination
A cost-benefit analysis of a National Hypertension Treatment Program in Bangladesh
Beyond cost-benefit analysis: the search for a comprehensive evaluation of transport investment
The effects of self-efficacy in bifurcating the relationship of perceived benefit and cost with condom use among adolescents: A cusp catastrophe modeling analysis
Cost-benefit analysis of different air change rates in an operating room environment
Cost-benefit analysis of native warm season grasses for transmission line right-of way revegetation
Cost-benefit analyses of supplementary measles immunisation in the highly immunized population of New Zealand
The Economic Implications of a Reusable Flexible Digital Ureteroscope: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Using cost-benefit analysis and social return on investment to evaluate the impact of social enterprise: Promises, implementation, and limitations
Probabilistic life-cycle cost-benefit analysis of portfolios of buildings under flood hazard
Comparative cost-benefit analysis of tele-homecare for community-dwelling elderly in Japan: Non-Government versus Government Supported Funding Models
Analyzing the economic benefit of unmanned autonomous ships: An exploratory cost-comparison between an autonomous and a conventional bulk carrier
Honesty in managerial reporting: How competition affects the benefits and costs of lying
SAFESIDE: A computer-aided procedure for integrating benefits and costs in roadside safety intervention decision making
Denying leniency to cartel instigators: Costs and benefits ☆
Benefits and costs of electric vehicles for the public finances: An integrated valuation model based on input–output analysis, with application to France
Costs and benefits of friendly boards during mergers and acquisitions ☆
Trading off the benefits and costs of choice: Evidence from Australian elections ☆
Investments in project management are profitable: A case study-based analysis of the relationship between the costs and benefits of project management
Prioritizing payment for environmental services: Using nonmarket benefits and costs for optimal selection
Benefits and costs of impeding free trade: Revisiting British Columbia's restrictions on log exports
Benefits and costs of deforestation by smallholders: Implications for forest conservation and climate policy
Floodplain conservation as a flood mitigation strategy: Examining costs and benefits