Economic impact of university veterinary diagnostic laboratories: A case study
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Medical marijuana laws and adolescent use of marijuana and other substances: Alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs, and other illicit drugs
The Short-Term Impacts of the Philadelphia Beverage Tax on Beverage Consumption
The impact of price and nutrition labelling on sugary drink purchases: Results from an experimental marketplace study
New cars and emissions: Effects of policies, macroeconomic impacts and cities characteristics in Portugal
Understanding international road safety disparities: Why is Australia so much safer than the United States?
Anti-smoking policy in Russia: Relevant factors and program planning
The networking dynamics of the Italian biofuel industry in time of crisis: Finding an effective instrument mix for fostering a sustainable energy transition
Financial Implications of Car Ownership and Use: a distributional analysis based on observed spatial variance considering income and domestic energy costs
Internet little cigar and cigarillo vendors: Surveillance of sales and marketing practices via website content analysis
The relationship between cigarette taxes and child maltreatment
Corporate taxes and vertical tax externalities: Evidence from narrative federal tax shocks
Economic viability of concentrated solar power under different regulatory frameworks in Spain
Effectiveness of policy changes to reduce harm from unrecorded alcohol in Russia between 2005 and now
Total cost of ownership and market share for hybrid and electric vehicles in the UK, US and Japan
What can fuel price increases tell us about the air pollution health co-benefits of a carbon price?
Consumer agency in cannabis supply Exploring auto-regulatory documents of the cannabis social clubs in Spain
Differences in nicotine dependence, smoke exposure and consumer characteristics between smokers of machine-injected roll-your-own cigarettes and factory-made cigarettes
Impact of the excise tax on firm R&D and performance in the medical device industry: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act
District heating in cities as a part of low-carbon energy system
Who supports intergenerational redistribution policy? Evidence from old-age allowance system in Thailand
Modelling of a power-to-gas system to predict the levelised cost of energy of an advanced renewable gaseous transport fuel
Macroeconomic effects of fiscal incentives to promote electric vehicles in Iceland: Implications for government and consumer costs
Be careful what you calibrate for: Social discounting in general equilibrium
Quasi-experimental evidence on tobacco tax regressivity
Politics in the U.S. energy transition: Case studies of solar, wind, biofuels and electric vehicles policy
Regional development through place-based policies: Evidence from a spatial discontinuity
Tax compliance and fiscal externalities: Evidence from U.S. diesel taxation
Who did the ethanol tax credit benefit? An event analysis of subsidy incidence
Projected impacts of federal tax policy proposals on mortality burden in the United States: A microsimulation analysis
Integrating lifecycle asset management in the public sector
The role of travel distance and price promotions in tobacco product purchase quantity
Easing the traffic: The effects of Indonesias fuel subsidy reforms on toll-road travel
The prospects of electric vehicles in cities without policy support
Exploring the effects of state differences in alcohol retail restrictions
An agent-based model for diffusion of electric vehicles
Adolescent Tobacco Use in Urban Versus Rural Areas of the United States: The Influence of Tobacco Control Policy Environments
Heading down to the local? Australian rural development and the evolving spatiality of the craft beer sector
Are managers paid for better levels of pension funding?
Impact of Petroleum Products Subsidization to Energy Demand in Thailand
Dilemmas, coordination and defection: How uncertain tipping points induce common pool resource destruction
Statistical Learning as a Tool for Optimizing the Level of Excise Tax of Mineral Oils in Slovakia
Behavioral change in response to a statewide tobacco tax increase and differences across socioeconomic status
Undermining government tax policies: Common legal strategies employed by the tobacco industry in response to tobacco tax increases
Fuel consumption dynamics in Europe: Tax reform implications for air pollution and carbon emissions
Employment changes associated with the introduction of taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages and nonessential energy-dense food in Mexico
Sugary beverage taxation in South Africa: Household expenditure, demand system elasticities, and policy implications
Multi-criteria decision analysis of fiscal policies promoting the adoption of electric vehicles
The importance of direct taxation to the Fiscal-military state in Early Modern Britain
Availability of tobacco cessation services in substance use disorder treatment programs: Impact of state tobacco control policy
The effect of taxation and regulation on cigarette smoking: Fresh evidence from Turkey
Trends in beverage prices following the introduction of a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Barbados
Factors behind the development of forest chips use and pricing in Finland
State political ideology, policies and health behaviors: The case of tobacco
Gasoline price and new vehicle fuel efficiency: Evidence from Canada
Viewpoint: Can U.S. local soda taxes continue to spread?
Effect of tobacco control policies on perinatal and child health: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The differential impact of state tobacco control policies on cessation treatment utilization across established tobacco disparities groups
Road fuel taxes in Europe: Do they internalize road transport externalities?
Limited indications of tax stamp discordance and counterfeiting on cigarette packs purchased in tobacco retailers, 97 counties, USA, 2012
Some less-discussed externalities of contemporary electric vehicle mania in Canada
State and federal fuel taxes: The road ahead for U.S. infrastructure funding
Changes in cigarette prices, affordability, and brand-tier consumption after a tobacco tax increase in Thailand: Evidence from the Global Adult Tobacco Surveys, 2009 and 2011
Policy mixes towards sustainability transition in the Italian biofuel sector: Dealing with alternative crisis scenarios
Containing big soda: Countering inducements to buy large-size sugary drinks
Analysis of state general sales tax policy: A complementary approach to the effects of causes and the causes of effects