Big data technologies: An empirical investigation on their adoption, benefits and risks for companies
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Social capital and transaction costs in millet markets
Coexistence of several currencies in presence of increasing returns to adoption
The determinants for adoption of energy supply contracting: Empirical evidence from the Swiss market
Spatial dependence in apartment transaction prices during boom and bust
Risk assessment in e-commerce: How sellers' photos, reputation scores, and the stake of a transaction influence buyers' purchase behavior and information processing
Transactive Energy Integration in Future Smart Rural Network Electrification
A graph-based multifold model for anonymizing data with attributes of multiple types
Robust optimization for energy transactions in multi-microgrids under uncertainty
Exploring the effect of cap-and-trade mechanism on firm's production planning and emission reduction strategy
The performance effect of inter-firm adaptation in channel relationships: The roles of relationship-specific resources and tailored activities
Evaluating battery charging and swapping strategies in a robotic mobile fulfillment system
International asset allocation optimization with fuzzy return
Dividend policy in Turkey: Survey evidence from Borsa Istanbul firms
Predicting mortgage default using convolutional neural networks
Market size and innovation: The intermediary role of technology licensing
Work overload and intimidation: The moderating role of resilience
Multi-period portfolio selection problem under uncertain environment with bankruptcy constraint
A competitive multiperiod supply chain network model with freight carriers and green technology investment option
A polymorphic uncertain equilibrium model and its deterministic equivalent formulation for decentralized supply chain management
A look upstream: Market restructuring, risk, procurement contracts and efficiency
Portfolio rebalancing with respect to market psychology in a fuzzy environment: A case study in Tehran Stock Exchange
The mediation role of leadership styles in integrated project collaboration: An emotional intelligence perspective
The power of a thumbs-up: Will e-commerce switch to social commerce?
Does country-of-origin brand personality generate retail customer lifetime value? A Big Data analytics approach
Transaction costs and competition among audit firms in local markets
Efficiently updating the discovered high average-utility itemsets with transaction insertion
Consumer adoption of mobile banking services: An empirical examination of factors according to adoption stages
What determines debt structure in emerging markets: Transaction costs or public monitoring?
The sharing economy and the future of the hotel industry: Transaction cost theory and platform economics
Cooperative game of electricity retailers in China's spot electricity market
Is deregulation of forest land use rights transactions associated with economic well-being and labor allocation of farm households? Empirical evidence in China
Optimal execution with price impact under Cumulative Prospect Theory
Value capture and value creation: The role of information technology in business models for frugal innovations in Africa
Transaction costs, market structure and efficient coverage of emissions trading scheme: A microlevel study from the pilots in China
Sequential fraud detection for prepaid cards using hidden Markov model divergence
Fundamentals and the volatility of real estate prices in China: A sequential modelling strategy
The use of open source internet to analysis and predict stock market trading volume
Estimation of customer questionnaire responses from purchase transaction data using canonical correlation analysis
Caring for disabled older adults with musculoskeletal conditions: A transactional model of caregiver burden, coping strategies, and depressive symptoms
Promoting the continuing usage of strategic information systems: The role of supervisory leadership in the successful implementation of enterprise systems
Formal and relational contracts between organizations: proposal of a model for analysis of the transactional and governance structure characteristics of comparative cases
Partial Rollback-based Scheduling on In-memory Transactional Data Grids
The impact of transaction costs on state-contingent claims mispricing
The transition from preschool to first grade: A transactional model of development

The relationship of mothers' coping strategies and health behavior with oral health care for children
Tax incidence with endogenous quality and costly bargaining: Theory and evidence from hybrid vehicle subsidies
Urban commons service generation, delivery, and management: A conceptual framework
Firm boundaries and transaction costs: The complementary role of capabilities
Global markets for technology: Evidence from patent transactions
Linking active transactional leadership and safety performance in military operations
The effects of bank and nonbank provider locations on household use of financial transaction services
A novel power market clearing model based on the equilibrium principle in microeconomics
A privacy-preserving approach for multimodal transaction data integrated analysis
Understanding the service infusion process as a business model reconfiguration
Using eminent domain to refinance underwater mortgages: A welfare analysis
Motivating users toward continued usage of information systems: Self-determination theory perspective
Machine learning-based thread-parallelism regulation in software transactional memory
Reconceptualization of information technology flexibility for supply chain management: An empirical study
Incorporating transaction costs, weighting management, and floating required return in robust portfolios
Urbanization, inequality and property prices: Equilibrium pricing and transaction in the Chinese housing market
Arbitrage theory for non convex financial market models
A scalable generic transaction model scenario for distributed NoSQL databases
The application of componentised modelling techniques to catastrophe model generation
Policy analysis of third party electronic coupons for public transit fares
Spanning boundaries: Science–policy interaction in developing countries—The Zambian REDD+ process case
Banking on interoperability: Secure, interoperable credential management
A simulation process for asynchronous event processing systems: Evaluating performance and availability in transaction models
A rule based knowledge transaction model for mobile environments