در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Factors influencing the recycling rate under the volume-based waste fee system in South Korea
Detecting advance fee fraud emails using self-referential pronouns: A preliminary analysis
Optimal concession contracts for landlord port authorities to maximize fee revenues with minimal throughput requirements
Abolishing user fees, fertility choice, and educational attainment
Blended capitation and incentives: Fee codes inside and outside the capitated basket
How much is too much? Large termination fees and target distress
Audit seasonality and pricing of audit services: Theory and evidence from a meta-analysis
The political economy of pricing car access to downtown commercial districts
Coordinated dispatching and acquisition fee decisions for a collection center in a reverse supply chain
Does International Accounting Network Membership Affect Audit Fees and Audit Quality? Evidence From China
Airline baggage fees and flight delays: A floor wax and dessert topping?
The impact of fragmentation, exchange fees and liquidity provision on market quality
Quantity and collection decisions in a closed-loop supply chain with technology licensing
Removing user fees for health services: A multi-epistemological perspective on access inequities in Senegal
Well-connected short-sellers pay lower loan fees: A market-wide analysis
The divisive and disruptive effect of a weight-based waste fee
Choice decision under Uncertainty for Fee-charging Video-on-demand Services
Bad company. The indirect effect of differences in corporate governance in the pension plan industry
Immediate and sustained effects of user fee exemption on healthcare utilization among children under five in Burkina Faso: A controlled interrupted time-series analysis
Impact Fees Coupled With Conservation Payments to Sustain Ecosystem Structure: A Conceptual and Numerical Application at the Urban-Rural Fringe
How to upgrade an enterpriseâs low-carbon technologies under a carbon tax: The trade-off between tax and upgrade fee
Voluntary corporate social responsibility reporting and financial statement auditing in China
Optimisation of an Enterprise's Production Technology Upgrade Strategy Under a Carbon Tax: Pay the Tax or an Upgrade Fee?
The Big 4 premium: Does it survive an auditor change? Evidence from Europe
How accounting for climate and health impacts of emissions could change the US energy system
Payment scheme self-selection in the credence goods market: An experimental study
Do treatment decisions depend on physicians' financial incentives?
The road mileage user-fee: Level, intensity, and predictors of public support
Economic Impacts of the Generic Drug User Fee Act Fee Structure
The pricing responses of non-bag fee airlines to the use of bag fees in the US air travel market
Spectrum fees and market performance: A quantitative analysis
Public Disclosure of Audit Fees and Bargaining Power between the Client and Auditor: Evidence from China
User fees displace low-income outdoor recreationists
Economic evaluation of small modular nuclear reactors and the complications of regulatory fee structures
School fee abolition and changes in education indicators
The impact of audit committee expertise on audit quality: Evidence from UK audit fees
A critical comparison of migration policies: Entry fee versus quota
Audit quality across non-audit service fee benchmarks: Evidence from material weakness opinions
Deviations in expected price impact for small transaction volumes under fee restructuring
The relationship between audit committees, compensation incentives and corporate audit fees in Pakistan
Royalties vs. upfront lump-sum fees in data communication environments
Ex-post analysis of impacts of the car registration fee in the Czech Republic
How much is reasonable? The size of termination fees in mergers and acquisitions
An Empirical Analysis of Bidding Fees in Name-your-own-price Auctions
The optimality of contingent fees in the agency problem of litigation
Auditor specialization, perceived audit quality, and audit fees in the local government audit market
The role of warehouse club membership fee in retail competition
How Big is the Crowding-Out Effect of User Fees in the Rural Areas of Ethiopia? Implications for Equity and Resources Mobilization
Efficient emission fees in the US electricity sector
A proposal for annual power fee in Thailand based on electricity tracing methodology