در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Consumer Online Behaviour: A perspective on Internet Banking Usage in Three Non-western Countries ☆
A model to authenticate requests for online banking transactions
From marketplace to marketspace: Investigating the consumer switch to online banking
Exploring consumers perceived risk and trust for mobile shopping: A theoretical framework and empirical study
Mobile shopping apps adoption and perceived risks: A cross-country perspective utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
Reforming higher education from within: Lessons learned from other mature sectors of the economy
Implementing new business models: What challenges lie ahead?
Sustainable business model archetypes for the banking industry
Lightweight chaotic image encryption algorithm for real-time embedded system: Implementation and analysis on 32-bit microcontroller
Resolving embarrassing medical conditions with online health information
Consumer adoption of mobile banking services: An empirical examination of factors according to adoption stages
The significance of digital citizenship in the well-being of older migrants
How profitability differs between conventional and Islamic banks: A dynamic panel data approach
Financial performance of commercial banks in the post-reform era: Further evidence from Bangladesh
Your Culture is in Your Password: An Analysis of a Demographically-diverse Password Dataset
Managing millennials personal use of technology at work
When arm's length is too far: Relationship banking over the credit cycle
Exploring the effect of social media information quality, source credibility and reputation on informational fit-to-task: Moderating role of focused immersion
Resilience of the US securities industry to the global financial crisis
Unemployment and vacancy dynamics with imperfect financial markets
Factors that influence an individual's intention to adopt a wearable healthcare device: The case of a wearable fitness tracker
Communication after an integrity-based trust violation: How organizational account giving affects trust
Assessing access to assisted reproductive services for serodiscordant couples with human immunodeficiency virus infection
The (non-)emergence of mobile money systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: A comparative multilevel perspective of Kenya and Nigeria
Facilitating markets and mitigation: A systematic review of early-action incentives in the U.S.

A comparative study of card-not-present e-commerce architectures with card schemes: What about privacy?
Understanding and conceptualising the adoption, use and diffusion of mobile banking in older adults: A research agenda and conceptual framework
Do universal banks finance riskier but more productive firms?
Relationship quality as an antecedent of customer relationship proneness: A cross-cultural study between Spain and Mexico
The impact of multi-channel and multi-product strategies on firms' risk-return performance
Evaluation of transaction authentication methods for online banking
Invisible challenges: the next step in behavioural biometrics?
Word of Mouth impact on the adoption of mobile banking in Iran
Monetary policy and macroprudential policy: Rivals or teammates?
Why financial services should accelerate biometrics adoption
The contribution of botanic gardens to ex situ conservation through seed banking
An investigation of factors that affect internet banking usage based on structural equation modeling
Bank recapitalization and economic recovery after financial crises
Why Are Indian Banks Unable To Pass On The Interest Rate Cuts? An Enquiry
Pre-listing conservation of candidate species under the endangered species act: An evaluation of prevalence, accessibility, and market-based conservation efforts
Compliance to personal data protection principles: A study of how organizations frame privacy policy notices
Review of Technology Adoption frameworks in Mobile Commerce
Explaining adoption of mobile banking with the theory of trying, general self-confidence, and cynicism
Influence of Personal Banking Behaviour on the Usage of the Electronic Card for Toll Road Payment
Anonymous end-to-end communications in adversarial mobile clouds
The impact of contextual television ads on online conversions: An application in the insurance industry
Explaining changes in tax burdens in Latin America: Do politics trump economics?
Early churn prediction with personalized targeting in mobile social games
Partitioning the Impact of Mobile Applications on Big Data Cloud
An integral model of e-loyalty from the consumer's perspective
How do banks adjust to changing input prices? A dynamic analysis of U.S. commercial banks before and after the crisis
How does the web game design influence the behavior of e-banking users?
Risky lending: Does bank corporate governance matter?
Análisis de los factores determinantes de la lealtad hacia los servicios bancarios online
Technology adoption: A conjoint analysis of consumers׳ preference on future online banking services
Factors affecting adoption of online banking: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling study
Revisiting fear appeals: A structural re-inquiry of the protection motivation model
Designing corporate brand experience in an online context: A qualitative insight ☆
Comparing methods to separate treatment from self-selection effects in an online banking setting ☆
An Analysis of the Romanian Internet Banking Market from the Perspective of Cloud Computing Services ☆
Factors influencing the adoption of internet banking: An integration of TAM and TPB with perceived risk and perceived benefit
An investigation into the acceptance of online banking in Saudi Arabia
Information systems continuance intention of web-based applications customers: The case of online banking
Assessing anti-phishing preparedness: A study of online banks in Hong Kong
Using information-systems constructs to study online- and telephone-banking technologies