در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The Speciality of Bankruptcy of Hungarian Companies in Food Industry ☆
Does the debt tax shield distort ownership efficiency?
Bond pricing in the biggest city bankruptcy in history: The effects of state emergency management laws on default risk
Multi-period portfolio selection problem under uncertain environment with bankruptcy constraint
Employees' risk attitude and corporate risk taking: Evidence from pension asset allocations
Fuzzy logic approach applied to credit scoring for microfinance in Morocco
Prediction of company failure: Past, present and promising directions for the future
The disciplinary effects of short sales on controlling shareholders
Capital structure adjustment behaviors of Chinese listed companies: Evidence from the Split Share Structure Reform in China
A stochastic model with interacting managerial operating options and debt rescheduling
Going-concern opinion decisions on bankrupt clients: Evidence of long-lasting auditor conservatism?
Bank supply shocks and the substitution between bank and nonbank debt
Investment timing, reversibility, and financing constraints
Dynamic bankruptcy procedure with asymmetric information between insiders and outsiders
Studies on the impact of accounting information and assurance on commercial lending judgments
Do golden parachutes matter? Evidence from firms that ultimately filed for bankruptcy
Automatic feature weighting for improving financial Decision Support Systems
Trading Bankruptcy for Health: A Discrete-Choice Experiment
Failure pattern-based ensembles applied to bankruptcy forecasting
Spillovers from good-news and other bankruptcies: Real effects and price responses
House of restructured assets: How do they affect bank risk in an emerging market?
Capacity decisions with debt financing: The effects of agency problem
Financial burden is associated with worse health-related quality of life in adults with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1
Lockstep in liquidity: Common dealers and co-movement in bond liquidity
Is this the end? Investigating firm and individual level outcomes post-failure
Measuring the systemic risk in interfirm transaction networks
Infrastructure financing with project bond and credit default swap under public-private partnerships

Reprint of: Thawing frozen capital markets and backdoor bailouts: Evidence from the Fed's liquidity programs
Organized labor and loan pricing: A regression discontinuity design analysis
Corporate liquidity and dividend policy under uncertainty
Integrated crisis-energy policy: Macro-evolutionary modelling of technology, finance and energy interactions
Effects of customer financial distress on supplier capital structure
Debt enforcement, investment, and risk taking across countries
Corporate liquidity and dividend policy under uncertainty
To retrench or invest? Turnaround strategies during a recessionary time
The role of federal regulation in state and local governments and the potential impact of new reforms: An assessment of the effectiveness of reporting, disclosure, and funding
Do firms have leverage targets? New evidence from mergers and acquisitions in China
Thawing frozen capital markets and backdoor bailouts: Evidence from the Fed's liquidity programs
Hybrid genetic algorithm and fuzzy clustering for bankruptcy prediction
Determinants of bankruptcy regime choice for Canadian public firms
Probabilistic modeling and visualization for bankruptcy prediction
Cure or curse: Does downsizing increase the likelihood of bankruptcy?
Heterogeneous beliefs and the choice between private restructuring and formal bankruptcy
Seeking relief: Bankruptcy and health outcomes of adult women
Two-step classification method based on genetic algorithm for bankruptcy forecasting
Incorporating sequential information in bankruptcy prediction with predictors based on Markov for discrimination
Relationship banking and bankruptcy resolution in Spain: The impact of size
Bankruptcy reform and congressional action: The role of organized interests in shaping policy
When secured and unsecured creditors recover the same: The emblematic case of the Tunisian corporate bankruptcies
CEO option wealth and firm risk-taking: An analysis of multiple reference points
Bankruptcy prediction using Partial Least Squares Logistic Regression
Financial ratios and bankruptcy predictions: An international evidence
Examining the influence of service additions on manufacturing firms' bankruptcy likelihood
Dynamics of firm financial evolution and bankruptcy prediction
Equitable and reasonable freshwater allocation based on a multi-criteria decision making approach with hydrologically constrained bankruptcy rules
Grey wolf optimization evolving kernel extreme learning machine: Application to bankruptcy prediction
Religion and ratio analysis: Towards an Islamic corporate liquidity measure
Can innovative reforms and practices efficiently resolve financial distress?
Third-party consequences of short-selling threats: The case of auditor behavior
Rejection of Executory Contracts: A Comparative Economic Analysis
Default and liquidation timing under asymmetric information
Does market exit of a network airline affect airline prices and frequencies on tourist routes?