Emotional intelligence and financial decision making: Are we talking about a paradigmatic shift or a change in practices?
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Relationships between ethical climate, political behavior, ethical leadership, and job satisfaction of operational officers in a wholesale company, Bangkok Metropolitan region
Effects of Behavioural Finance on Emerging Capital Markets ☆
Behavioural Finance: Corporate Social Responsibility Approach ☆
Dynamic asset pricing model with heterogeneous sentiments
Can the fiscal authority constrain the central bank?
Can financial innovation succeed by catering to behavioral preferences? Evidence from a callable options market
The investor in structured retail products: Advice driven or gambling oriented?
Stochastic space interval as a link between quantum randomness and macroscopic randomness?
The mitigating effect of bank financing on shareholder value and firm policies following rating downgrades
Does tax avoidance behavior affect bank loan contracts for Chinese listed firms?
The effects of motivation and memory on the weighting of reference prices
The quotient of normal random variables and application to asset price fat tails
Inventory growth cycles with debt-financed investment
Exploring determinants of care-seeking behaviour of oral cancer patients in India: A qualitative content analysis
Stock prices and geographic proximity of information: Evidence from the Ebola outbreak
Do foreign investors mitigate anchoring bias in stock market? Evidence based on post-earnings announcement drift
Development of voluntary private health insurance in Nordic countries An exploratory study on country-specific contextual factors
Influential user weighted sentiment analysis on topic based microblogging community
Smart tools? A randomized controlled trial on the impact of three different media tools on personal finance
Fundamental factors and extrapolation in stock-market expectations: The central role of structural change
Improving young drivers speed management behaviour through feedback: A cognitive training intervention
Alls well that ends well? On the importance of how returns are achieved
Financing renewable energy: Who is financing what and why it matters
Corporate financing and target behavior: New tests and evidence
The public environmental awareness and the air pollution effect in Chinese stock market
Application of situational stimuli for examining the effectiveness of financial education: A behavioral finance perspective
Holding the market under the stimulus plan: Local government financing vehicles' land purchasing behavior in China
Correlations and flow of information between the New York Times and stock markets
Modeling public mood and emotion: Blog and news sentiment and socio-economic phenomena
Bank capital, lending and financing behaviour of dual banking systems
How does managerial opportunism affect the cost of debt financing?
Herding behavior in the Pakistan stock exchange: Some new insights
Factors Perceived as Influencing Local Health Department Involvement in Mental Health
Aging and health financing in the U.S.: A general equilibrium analysis
The role of financial advice and word-of-mouth communication on the association between investor personality and stock trading behavior: Evidence from Chinese stock market
Genetic and environmental influences on household financial distress
Do progressive social norms affect economic outcomes? Evidence from corporate takeovers
About depression babies and red diaper babies: Do macroeconomic experiences affect everybodys risk taking in the same way?
Are correlations constant? Empirical and theoretical results on popular correlation models in finance
Do Required Minimum Distribution Rules Matter? The Effect of the 2009 Holiday on Retirement Plan Distributions
Religion and mergers and acquisitions contracting: The case of earnout agreements
Cognitive biases in investors' behaviour under stress: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange
Religiosity vs. well-being effects on investor behavior
Does financing structure affects bank liquidity risk?
Optimal trade credit and replenishment policies for supply chain network design
Finance-oriented directors and crisis management: Blissful ignorance in the hospitality industry?
Investor familiarity and corporate debt financing conditions
The impact of heuristics on investment decision and performance: Exploring multiple mediation mechanisms
Strategic fiscal policies in Europe: Why does the labour wedge matter?
Stock market anomalies, market efficiency and the adaptive market hypothesis: Evidence from Islamic stock indices
Optimal hedge ratio in a biased forward market under liquidity constraints

Using intelligent computing and data stream mining for behavioral finance associated with market profile and financial physics
Key Aspects of Corporate Strategy in International Construction
A Bayesian approach to excess volatility, short-term underreaction and long-term overreaction during financial crises
Gambler's attention and the mean-variance relation: Evidence from China
Accounting quality, information risk and the term structure of implied volatility around earnings announcements
CEO social capital, risk-taking and corporate policies