Small systems, big targets: Power sector reforms and renewable energy in small systems
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Corporate taxes and vertical tax externalities: Evidence from narrative federal tax shocks
Environmental policies with excess burden of taxation in free-entry mixed markets
Does marketing widen borders? Cross-country price dispersion in the European car market
How different policy instruments affect green product innovation: A differentiated perspective
Regional state capacity and the optimal degree of fiscal decentralization
The effect of governmental policies of carbon taxes and energy-saving subsidies on enterprise decisions in a two-echelon supply chain
On the welfare effects of subsidy game for renewable energy investment: Toward a dynamic equilibrium model
Strategic technology policy as a supplement to renewable energy standards
Prohibition, regulation or laissez faire: The policy trade-offs of cannabis policy
Achieving a fair geographical distribution of health-care resources
Subnational government tax revenue capacity and effort convergence: New evidence from sequential unit root tests
Impact of the excise tax on firm R&D and performance in the medical device industry: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act
Carbon pricing with an output subsidy under imperfect competition: The case of Alberta's restructured electricity market
Evaluation of the alternative effects of the indium resource tax on tariffs: An endogenous perspective
Sunk cost of local elected representatives in situation of fiscal competition: An example of escalating commitment
Decentralization or integration: Distribution channel selection under environmental taxation
Harnessing the private health sector by using prices as a policy instrument: Lessons learned from South Africa
Policy choice and economic growth under factional politics: Evidence from a Chinese Province
Regulating national firms in a common market under asymmetric information
The right type of legislator: A theory of taxation and representation
Long-term care partnerships: Are they fit for purpose?
The impact of market competition on the relation between CEO power and firm innovation
Government connections and the persistence of profitability: Evidence from Chinese listed firms
Development of voluntary private health insurance in Nordic countries An exploratory study on country-specific contextual factors
Analysis of factors influencing standard farmland values with regard to stronger interventions in the German farmland market
Suburban industrial land development in transitional China: Spatial restructuring and determinants
Does the debt tax shield distort ownership efficiency?
Strategic interaction and economic development incentives policy: Evidence from U.S. States
Competition in emissions standards and capital taxes with local pollution
Tax compliance and fiscal externalities: Evidence from U.S. diesel taxation
The effect of charter competition on unionized district revenues and resource allocation
Tax revenue losses through cross-border loss offset: An insurmountable hurdle for formula apportionment?
Schumpeterian creative class competition, innovation policy, and regional economic growth
Consumer awareness and ex-ante versus ex-post environmental policies revisited
Climate-induced Land Use Change in France: Impacts of Agricultural Adaptation and Climate Change Mitigation
Offshoring and outsourcing in a global supply chain: Impact of the armâs length regulation on transfer pricing
Low-carbon product selection with carbon tax and competition: Effects of the power structure
The Grey Paradox: How fossil-fuel owners can benefit from carbon taxation
Sustainable supply chains under government intervention with a real-world case study: An evolutionary game theoretic approach
The spatial effect of fiscal decentralization and factor market segmentation on environmental pollution
Income redistribution and public goods provision under tax competition
Objectives of governments in tax competition: Role of capital supply elasticity
Neurophysiological processes and functional neuroanatomical structures underlying proactive effects of emotional conflicts
Institutional settings and urban sprawl: Evidence from Europe
Competition and corporate tax evasion: An institution-based view
Modelling emission control taxes in port areas and port privatization levels in port competition and co-operation sub-games
Sustainability of coalitional equilibria within repeated tax competition
Tax competition among U.S. states: Racing to the bottom or riding on a seesaw?
Does dividend tax impede competition for corporate charters?
An overlapping generations model of taxpayer bailouts of banks
Study on the promotion of natural gas-fired electricity with energy market reform in China using a dynamic game-theoretic model
Strategic fiscal policies in Europe: Why does the labour wedge matter?
Sustainable supply chain management with pricing, greening and governmental tariffs determining strategies: A game-theoretic approach
Destination characteristics that drive hotel performance: A state-of-the-art global analysis
Failures in adopting green technology under perfect pollution pricing and monopoly
Sectors and the additionality effects of R&D tax credits: A cross-country microeconometric analysis

Picking Winners: Modelling the Costs of Technology-specific Climate Policy in the U.S. Passenger Vehicle Sector
How competition is driving change in port governance, strategic decision-making and government policy in the United States
Perspectives and challenges of logging enterprises in the Italian Alps
Meta-analysis categorization of EU countries in the context of corporate income tax
Incorporating hidden costs of annoying ads in display auctions
Cross-border loss offset can fuel tax competition ☆