Building support for taxation in developing countries: Experimental evidence from Mexico
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Capital structure decisions and the optimal design of corporate market debt prograams
Master limited partnerships: Is it a smart investment vehicle?
Resource rents, universal basic income, and poverty among Alaskas Indigenous peoples
The fiscal theory of the price level in a world of low interest rates
Taxation and executive compensation: Evidence from stock options
Incommensurable or inexorable?: Comparing the economic, ecological, and social values of exchanged multiple use lands
Impact of the excise tax on firm R&D and performance in the medical device industry: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act
Birthing extractivism: The role of the state in forestry politics and development in Uruguay
Tackling the issue of food waste in restaurants: Options for measurement method, reduction and behavioral change
Private takings: Empirical evidence of post-taking performance
Original research articleOil and indigenous people in sub-Arctic Russia: Rethinking equity and governance in benefit sharing agreements
Informal gold miners, security and development in Colombia: Charting the way forward
Do special economic zones induce developmental spillovers? Evidence from Indiaâs states
An empirical analysis of corporate currency risk management policies and practices
Sustainable land financing in a new urbanization context: theoretical connotations, empirical tests and policy recommendations
Tourists Expenditure in Tuscany and its impact on the regional economic system
Litigation risk, financial distress, and the use of subsidiaries
Dividend premium: Are dividend-paying stocks worth more?
Instrumental exploitation: Predatory property relations at cityâs end
Estimating air pollution transfer by interprovincial electricity transmissions: The case study of the Yangtze River Delta Region of China
The impact of regulatory complexity upon self-regulation: Evidence from the adoption and certification of environmental management systems
Offshoring and outsourcing in a global supply chain: Impact of the armâs length regulation on transfer pricing
Price and carbon emission reduction decisions and revenue-sharing contract considering fairness concerns
Dividend policy in Turkey: Survey evidence from Borsa Istanbul firms
Why companies do not pay cash dividends: The Turkish experience
Professional repositioning during times of institutional change: The case of tax practitioners and changing moral boundaries
Taxes, informality and income shifting: Evidence from a recent Pakistani tax reform
Does tax avoidance behavior affect bank loan contracts for Chinese listed firms?
Social equity impacts in Japan's mega-solar siting process
Tax avoidance and cost of debt: The case for loan-specific risk mitigation and public debt financing
Corporate tax incentives and capital structure: New evidence from UK firm-level tax returns
How do financial institutions react to a tax increase?
Dual entrenchment and tax management: Classified boards and family firms
The stock market effects of a securities transaction tax: Quasi-experimental evidence from Italy
Immobilizing corporate income shifting: Should it be safe to strip in the harbor?
Tax-driven wealth chains: A multiple case study of tax avoidance in the finnish mining sector
Investor-legislators: Tax holiday for politically connected firms
Preliminary Study on Policy Mix Effects on Economic Viability of Carbon Capture and Storage Project in Japanese Steel Industry
Business actors, political resistance, and strategies for policymakers
Meta-analysis categorization of EU countries in the context of corporate income tax
Consequences of a carbon tax on household electricity use and cost, carbon emissions, and economics of household solar and wind
An examination of the political salience of corporate tax avoidance: A case study of the Tax Justice Network
Corporate Social Responsibility, Institutional Environments, and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from a Subnational Comparison in China
Firm-level determinants of tax evasion in transition economies
Are managers paid for better levels of pension funding?
Disparate impacts of coal mining and reclamation concerns for West Virginia and central Appalachia
Accounting and taxation: Conjoined twins or separate siblings?
Complementary safeguards for robust regional watershed governance in a federation: New York City and its municipal water supply
The relation among trapped cash, permanently reinvested earnings, and foreign cash
Multinationals' tax evasion: A financial and governance perspective
The effect of moving to a territorial tax system on profit repatriation: Evidence from Japan
Asset price volatility, price markups, and macroeconomic fluctuations
An aggregate model for policy analysis with demographic change
Consumer reactions to corporate tax strategies: The role of political ideology
Dividend policy: A selective review of results from around the world
Do dividend taxes affect corporate investment?
Does dividend tax impede competition for corporate charters?
Potash ownership and extraction: Between a rock and a hard place in Saskatchewan
Do high oil prices justify an increase in taxation in a mature oil province? The case of the UK continental shelf
Some Considerations Regarding the Effects of Taxation on the Economy ☆
The macro-economic impact of changing the rate of corporation tax
International relocation, the real exchange rate and effective demand
Corporation tax revenue growth in the UK: A microsimulation analysis ☆
Corporation tax buoyancy and revenue elasticity in the UK ☆
Income repatriation decision for multinational corporations: Tax issues ☆
International relocation, the real exchange rate and welfare