Corporate governance of a multinational enterprise: Firm, industry and institutional perspectives
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
The moderated mediating effect of international diversification, technological capability, and market orientation on emerging market firms' new product performance
International transfer pricing in multinational enterprises
A model for international production relocation: Multinationals' operational flexibility and requirements at production plant level
Control in the multinational enterprise: The polycentric case of global professional service firms
The Contribution of Local Environments to Competence Creation in Multinational Enterprises
The influence of political risk on the scope of internationalization of regulated companies: Insights from a Spanish sample
Educating the Ummah by introducing Islamic bioethics in genetics and modern biotechnology
Strategic entry or strategic exit? International presence by emerging economy enterprises
Product innovation and decision-making autonomy in subsidiaries of multinational companies
Exploring the role of internationalization knowledge in fostering strategic renewal: A dynamic capabilities perspective
The autocratic advantage: Internationalization of state-owned multinationals
Subsidiary capability upgrading under emerging market acquirers
Responsible supply chain implementation - Are multinational companies gods and small and medium sized enterprises oxen?
Multinational mining enterprises and artisanal small-scale miners: From confrontation to cooperation
Organizational slack as an enabler of internationalization: The case of large Brazilian firms
Tax haven networks and the role of the Big 4 accountancy firms
Entrepreneurs and internationalization: A study of Western immigrants in an emerging market
Global networks as a mode of balance for exploratory innovations in a late liberalizing economy
Are per capita international tourist arrivals converging?
Knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation: Role of knowledge management capability in France-based multinationals
The multi-faceted role of experience dealing with policy risk: The impact of intensity and diversity of experiences
Toward an IT investment decision support model for global enterprises
Subsidiary coopetition competence: Navigating subsidiary evolution in the multinational corporation
Capital intensity, natural resources, and institutional risk preferences in Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment
Rising wages, yuan's appreciation and China's processing exports
Export intensity of foreign subsidiaries of multinational enterprises: The role of trade finance availability
The scope of corporate social responsibility in networked multinational enterprises
Is inpatriate assignment experience a ticket to the top of a foreign subsidiary? The moderating effect of subsidiary context
Multinational enterprise regional management centres: Characteristics and performance
Subsidiary strategy of emerging market multinationals: A home country institutional perspective
Tax-driven wealth chains: A multiple case study of tax avoidance in the finnish mining sector
Does bonding really bond? Liability of foreignness and cross-listing of Chinese firms on international stock exchanges
Multinational operation, ownership and efficiency differences in the international oil industry
Corporate social responsibility and firm financing decisions: A literature review
The evolution of strategic asset-seeking acquisitions by emerging market multinationals
Talent management and dynamic view of talent in small and medium enterprises
Rapid multinationalization: Propositions for studying born micromultinationals
The moderating effect of bilateral investment treaty stringency on the relationship between political instability and subsidiary ownership choice
Global connectivity and the evolution of industrial clusters: From tires to polymers in Northeast Ohio
Oil palm expansion in Cameroon: Insights into sustainability opportunities and challenges in Africa
Skills and capabilities for a sustainable and circular economy: The changing role of design
Cross-border acquisitions and restructuring: Multinational enterprises and private equity-firms
The drivers of multinational enterprises' climate change strategies: A quantitative study on climate-related risks and opportunities
Multinational enterprises and regional inequality in China
Exploring a scale of organizational barriers for enterprises' climate change adaptation strategies
The delicate balance: Managing technology adoption and creation in multinational affiliates in an emerging economy
Internalization theory and the performance of emerging-market multinational enterprises
Climate change strategies of multinational enterprises in China
Multinational firms and cash holdings: Evidence from China
The global recession and the shift to re-shoring: Myth or reality?
Assets of Foreignness: A Theoretical Integration and Agenda for Future Research
Valuation of telecom investments in sub-Saharan Africa
Five star hotels of a Multinational Enterprise in countries of the transitional periphery: A case study in human resources management
International investors’ reactions to cross-border acquisitions by emerging market multinationals

South Korean MNEs’ international HRM approach: Hybridization of global standards and local practices
The impact of MNE cultural diversity on the internationalization-performance relationship: Theory and evidence from European multinational enterprises
The overlooked distinction of multinational enterprise subsidiary learning: Its managerial and entrepreneurial learning modes
The effects of global knowledge reservoirs on the productivity of multinational enterprises: The role of international depth and breadth
International business, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development
R&D internationalization, R&D collaboration and public knowledge institutions in small economies: Evidence from Finland and the Netherlands
Research on the strategy of multinational enterprises: Key approaches and new avenues
Institutional distance among country influences and environmental performance standardization in multinational enterprises ☆
The impact of cross-border mergers and acquisitions on the acquirers' R&D — Firm-level evidence
Multinational transfer pricing: A transaction cost and resource based view

HR practices from the perspective of managers and employees in multinational enterprises in China: Alignment issues and implications
Compressed Development: Global value chains, multinational enterprises and human resource development in 21st century Asia
Emerging versus advanced country MNEs investing in Europe: A typology of subsidiary global–local connections