The impact of uncertainty on school quality capitalization using the border method
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Investment risk for biomass integrated gasification combined heat and power unit with an internal combustion engine and a Stirling engine
Organization capital, labor market flexibility, and stock returns around the world
Community-Managed Forests, Household Fuelwood Use and Food Consumption
A three-stage real options model on fire risk management decision-making under the fire loss frequency uncertainty
Justice and politics in energy access for education, livelihoods and health: How socio-cultural processes mediate the winners and losers
Increased cogeneration of renewable electricity through energy cooperation in a Swedish district heating system - A case study
Severe mental illness and firearm access: Is violence really the danger?
Dynamic subsidy model of photovoltaic distributed generation in China
Techno-economic assessment of natural gas displacement potential of biomethane: A case study on domestic energy supply in the UK
Energy economic evaluation of solar and nuclear driven steam methane reforming processes
Modeling dynamics of short-term international capital flows in China: A Markov regime switching approach
Techno-economic assessment of a microbial power-to-gas plant Case study in Belgium
Valuing urban land: Comparing the use of teardown and vacant land sales
Hydrogen production using methane: Techno-economics of decarbonizing fuels and chemicals
Effectiveness of policy changes to reduce harm from unrecorded alcohol in Russia between 2005 and now
A practical model for energy dispatch in cogeneration plants
Effects of ambient pressure on transport characteristics of thermal-driven smoke flow in a tunnel
Uncontrolled burning of solid waste by households in Mexico is a significant contributor to climate change in the country
Prioritizing mitigation efforts considering co-benefits, equity and energy justice: Fossil fuel to renewable energy transition pathways
The effects of scale-up and coal-biomass blending on supercritical coal oxy-combustion power plants
Traditional fire use impact in the aboveground carbon stock of the chestnut forests of Central Spain and its implications for prescribed burning
Is it more effective to bring time-of-use pricing into increasing block tariffs? Evidence from evaluation of residential electricity price policy in Anhui province
Exploring the spatial and temporal determinants of gas central heating adoption
A decompositional analysis of firearm-related mortality in the United States, 20012012
Integrated production-distribution planning problem in a competition-based four-echelon supply chain
Driving forces for households' adoption of improved cooking stoves in rural Tanzania
Violence and beyond: Life-course features of handgun carrying in the urban United States and the associated long-term life consequences
Corporate performance of the Seven Brothers of the European energy market: Then there were five
A framework for automatically ensuring the conformance of agent designs
Assessment of the economic appropriateness of the use of Stirling engine as additional part of a cogeneration system based on biomass gasification
Reforesting the grasslands of Papua New Guinea: The importance of a family-based approach
An integrated gas and electricity model of the EU energy system to examine supply interruptions
Improving sustainability of value-added forest supply chain through coordinated production planning policy between forests and mills

Using State and Transition Models to Show Economic Interdependence of Ecological Sites at the Ranch Level
Demand for new cities: Property value capitalization of municipal incorporation
The impact of clandestine methamphetamine labs on property values: Discovery, decontamination and stigma
Financial Analysis of Scale Versus Lump Sum Timber Sale Payment Methods
Bloom and bust: Toxic algae's impact on nearby property values
Derate Mitigation Options for Pulverized Coal Power Plant Carbon Capture Retrofits
Adverse selection in asset markets: Theory and evidence from the Indian market for cows
Water extraction from high moisture lignite by means of efficient integration of waste heat and water recovery technologies with flue gas pre-drying system
Fire sale discount: Evidence from the sale of minority equity stakes
Speculating a Fire Sale: Options for Chinese Authorities in Implementing a Domestic Ivory Trade Ban
Asset fire sales in equity markets: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
Bank networks: Contagion, systemic risk and prudential policy
The cost of carbon capture and storage for coal-fired power plants in China
Economic Analysis of Electricity Storage Based on Heat Pumps and Thermal Storage Units in Large-Scale Thermal Power Plants
Organizational structure, risk-based capital requirements, and the sales of downgraded bonds
Impact of solid waste treatment from spray dryer absorber on the levelized cost of energy of a coal-fired power plant
Carbon capture and utilization for sodium bicarbonate production assisted by solar thermal power
Thermal transmittance comparison between multilayer walls made from hollow fired clay and plaster-granular cork bricks using electrical analogy
Collateralization, leverage, and stressed expected loss
Monetary policy and financial stability in the long run: A simple game-theoretic approach
Demand for urban tree cover: A two-stage hedonic price analysis in California
Carbon emissions of plug-in electric vehicles in Malta: A policy review
The value of a healthy home: Lead paint remediation and housing values
AnalysisUnderstanding the Amenity Impacts of Wind Development on an International Border
Economic Opportunities and Trade-Offs in Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration
Research PaperOptimization of the production of syngas from shale gas with economic and safety considerations
Compliance with Washington State's requirement for residential carbon monoxide alarms
Testing the fire-sale FDI hypothesis for the European financial crisis
Banks’ responses to funding liquidity shocks: Lending adjustment, liquidity hoarding and fire sales ☆