Interaction between greening and remanufacturing strategies in a manufacturer-retailer supply chain
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Design of a pharmaceutical supply chain network under uncertainty considering perishability and substitutability of products
Joint moments of the total discounted gains and losses in the renewal risk model with two-sided jumps
Gap-alert? Quantity surcharge practices vs. guest expectations
Investigating the feasibility of a reuse scenario for textile fibres recovered from end-of-life tyres
Optimal procurement decision with a carbon tax for the manufacturing industry
Optimizing online recurring promotions for dual-channel retailers: Segmented markets with multiple objectives
Methodological factors as a potential source of discordance between self-report and behavioral measures of impulsivity and related constructs
Techno-economic analysis of a food waste valorisation process for lactic acid, lactide and poly(lactic acid) production
Trade credit financing and coordination for an emission-dependent supply chain
An integrated model for solving problems in green supplier selection and order allocation
Emergence of competition and cooperation in an evolutionary resource war model
Strategic inventory: Manufacturer vs. retailer investment
Shipment Consolidation with Two Demand Classes: Rationing the Dispatch Capacity
Economic consequences of post-harvest insect damage in Rwandan common bean markets
When allocation back out agreements can become lose out agreements
Advance selling with double marketing efforts in a newsvendor framework
Evaluation of economic feasibility under uncertainty of a thermochemical route for ethanol production in Brazil
A Supermarket Double-Dollar Incentive Program Increases Purchases of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Among Low-Income Families With Children: The Healthy Double Study
Global policy analysis of low impact development for stormwater management in urban regions
The effects of potentially real and hypothetical rewards on effort discounting in a student sample
The role of travel distance and price promotions in tobacco product purchase quantity
Optimal pricing strategy under trade-in program in the presence of strategic consumers
Reinforcement learning approaches for specifying ordering policies of perishable inventory systems
Cooperation Dynamics in Repeated Games of Adverse Selection
Optimizing the new coordinated replenishment and delivery model considering quantity discount and resource constraints
Do your social media lead you to make social deal purchases? Consumer-generated social referrals for sales via social commerce
A bi-objective sustainable supplier selection and order allocation considering quantity discounts under disruption risks: A case study in plastic industry
A two-stage supply chain coordination mechanism considering price sensitive demand and quantity discounts
Supply chain coordination in Confirming Warehouse Financing
The effects of working memory load and attention refocusing on delay discounting rates in alcohol use disorder with comorbid antisocial personality disorder
Perceived probability of food waste: Influence on consumer attitudes towards and choice of sales promotions

Life cycle cost assessment of bitumen stabilised ballast: A novel maintenance strategy for railway track-bed
Coordinating the discount policies for retailer, wholesaler, and less-than-truckload carrier under price-sensitive demand: A tri-level optimization approach
Evaluation and recommendation of a subsidy instrument for new large hydropower plants, use case of Switzerland
Exploiting waste heat potential by long distance heat transmission: Design considerations and techno-economic assessment
Stockout Risk of Production-Inventory Systems with Compound Poisson Demands
Optimal ordering and pricing decisions for a company issuing product-specific gift cards
Inventory model for deteriorating items with freshness and price dependent demand: Optimal discounting and ordering policies
Strategic sourcing and corporate social responsibility: Aligning a healthcare organization's strategic objectives
A production inventory model with price discounted fuzzy demand using an interval compared hybrid algorithm
Economic evaluation of aromatics production, a case study for financial model application in petrochemical projects
Asymptotic results for a Markov-modulated risk process with stochastic investment
Dynamic lot sizing with multiple suppliers, backlogging and quantity discounts
Dual-fairness supply chain with quantity discount contracts
Supplier selection under failure risk, quantity and business volume discounts
Dynamic green supplier selection and order allocation with quantity discounts and varying supplier availability
Coordination and benefit sharing in a three-echelon distribution channel with deteriorating product
Joint pricing and inventory problem with price dependent stochastic demand and price discounts
A coordination mechanism for optimizing the contingent-free shipping threshold in online retailing
To join or not to join group purchasing organization: A vendor's decision
Three level partial trade credit with promotional cost sharing
Unique prediction of cannabis use severity and behaviors by delay discounting and behavioral economic demand
Asymmetric retailers with different moving sequences: Group buying vs. individual purchasing
A hybrid project scheduling and material ordering problem: Modeling and solution algorithms
Reverse and closed loop supply chain coordination by considering government role
Selling luxury fashion online with social influences considerations: Demand changes and supply chain coordination
On the dual risk model with Parisian implementation delays in dividend payments
The impact of instant reward programs and bonus premiums on consumer purchase behavior
Price differentiated channel switching in a fixed period fast fashion supply chain
The Right to Buy public housing in Britain: A welfare analysis
A novel mathematical model for group purchasing in healthcare
Strategic customer behavior with disappointment aversion customers and two alleviation policies
Stochastic optimization for joint decision making of inventory and procurement in humanitarian relief
The effects of promotions on hedonic versus utilitarian purchases

An effective zero-inventory-ordering policy for a single-warehouse multiple retailer problem with a modified all-unit discount
Coordinating contracts for a financially constrained supply chain
Supply chain coordination under discrete information asymmetries and quantity discounts ☆
A heuristic to solve the dynamic lot sizing problem with supplier selection and quantity discounts ☆
A two stage approach for supplier selection problem in multi-item/multi-supplier environment with quantity discounts
Supply chain coordination with trade credit and quantity discount incorporating default risk