New accounting information system: An application for a basic social benefit in Spain
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
International Financial Reporting Standards and the quality of financial statement information
Data Mining techniques for the detection of fraudulent financial statements
The impact of fine size and uncertainty on punishment and deterrence: Theory and evidence from the laboratory
Studies on the impact of accounting information and assurance on commercial lending judgments
Western surgical association articleEvaluating the Effect of Margin Consensus Guideline Publication on Operative Patterns and Financial Impact of Breast Cancer Operation
Institutional cross-ownership and corporate strategy: The case of mergers and acquisitions
Earnings management, audit adjustments, and the financing of corporate acquisitions: Evidence from China
An unconventional approach to estimating crew remuneration in fisheries
An empirical analysis of corporate currency risk management policies and practices
Performance of foreign banks in developing countries: Evidence from sub-Saharan African banking markets
The unintended consequences of uncertainty disclosures made by auditors and managers on nonprofessional investor judgments
The role of government accounting and taxation in the institutionalization of slavery in Brazil
Does the board of directors as Fat Cats exert more earnings management? Evidence from Benfords law
Incorporating transparency into the governance of deep-seabed mining in the Area beyond national jurisdiction
Conceptualization of sustainable higher education institutions, roles, barriers, and challenges for sustainability: An exploratory study in Portugal
How numeracy mediates cash flow format preferences: A worldwide study
Does other comprehensive income matter in credit-oriented systems? Analyzing the Italian context
Financial performance and distress profiles. From classification according to financial ratios to compositional classification
Approximating non-Gaussian Bayesian networks using minimum information vine model with applications in financial modelling
Corporate tax incentives and capital structure: New evidence from UK firm-level tax returns
Economic-financial performance of the Brazilian sugarcane energy industry: An empirical evaluation using financial ratio, cluster and discriminant analysis
When does the bond price reaction to earnings announcements predict future stock returns?
Value Driver and Its Impact on Operational Profit in Construction Company
Green governance and sustainability reporting in Kazakhstan's oil, gas, and mining sector: Evidence from a former USSR emerging economy
The monitoring role of female directors over accounting quality
Does rivals' innovation matter? A competitive dynamics perspective on firms' product strategy
Lessons for progressing narrative reporting: Learning from the experience of disseminating the Danish Intellectual Capital Statement approach
Simulation Of The Influence Of Different Ways Of Setting The Restraint On Value Of Construction Company
Investor-legislators: Tax holiday for politically connected firms
Manual journal entry testing: Data analytics and the risk of fraud
Gambling with the public sphere: Accountingâs contribution to debate on social issues
Measuring fraud and earnings management by a case of study: Evidence from an international family business
Sustainability accounting of a household biogas project based on emergy

Modeling the determinants of consumers' attitudes toward online group buying: Do risks and trusts matters?
When the sharing economy becomes neoliberalism on steroids: Unravelling the controversies
Cost Analysis of a Surgical Consensus Guideline in Breast-Conserving Surgery
Perspectives on the coordination of multisectoral nutrition in Mozambique and an emerging framework
Interest margins and bank regulation in Central America and the Caribbean
Financial statement comparability and corporate cash holdings
Commercial lending concentration and bank expertise: Evidence from borrower financial statements
Voluntary corporate social responsibility reporting and financial statement auditing in China
Does timeliness of financial information matter in the governmental sector?
A research note: Quality of financial inputs and management earnings forecast accuracy in Japan
Understanding the impact of monetary policy announcements: The importance of language and surprises
Borrower private information covenants and loan contract monitoring
Are concentrated banks better informed than diversified ones?
An empirical study of audit expectation-performance gap: The case of Libya

A systematic review finds underreporting of ethics approval, informed consent, and incentives in clinical trials
A critical reflection on the future of financial, intellectual capital, sustainability and integrated reporting
Managerial ability, political connections, and fraudulent financial reporting in China
Determinants and market valuation of the decision to audit or review: Evidence from Taiwan
The stock market reaction to losing or gaining foreign private issuer status
Accounting Quality and Loan Pricing: The Effect of Cross-country Differences in Legal Enforcement
Assuring the integrated report: Insights and recommendations from auditors and preparers
Religion and ratio analysis: Towards an Islamic corporate liquidity measure
Do corporate pension plans affect audit pricing?
Original ArticleAuthors of clinical trials reported individual and financial conflicts of interest more frequently than institutional and nonfinancial ones: a methodological survey
Analysts' qualitative statements and the profitability of favorable investment recommendations
Stakeholder demand for accounting quality and economic usefulness of accounting in U.S. private firms
Relative reliability and the recognisable firm: Calculating goodwill impairment value
Political connections, related party transactions, and auditor choice: Evidence from Indonesia
Dictamen de estados financieros para efectos fiscales: naturaleza jurídica, evolución e incongruencias
El discurso directivo en la comunicación de los estados financieros El caso de dos empresas chilenas
Los arrendamientos operativos: impacto de su reconocimiento en los estados financieros y en la política de financiación de las compañías españolas y del Reino Unido