Religion and mergers and acquisitions contracting: The case of earnout agreements
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.

Using intelligent computing and data stream mining for behavioral finance associated with market profile and financial physics
Bank capital, lending and financing behaviour of dual banking systems
A new characterization of comonotonicity and its application in behavioral finance
Google search intensity and its relationship with returns and trading volume of Japanese stocks
The profitability of candlestick charting in the Taiwan stock market
Development and validation of the Perceived Investment Value (PIV) scale
Can prospect theory be used to predict an investor’s willingness to pay?
Learning and the disappearing association between governance and returns
An examination of the relationship between the disposition effect and gender, age, the traded security, and bull–bear market conditions
Impact of heterogeneous beliefs and short sale constraints on security issuance decisions
Investment decisions in the renewable energy sector: An analysis of non-financial drivers
Does knowledge of finance mitigate the gender difference in financial risk-aversion?
Style investing, comovement and return predictability
The house money effect on investment risk taking: Evidence from Taiwan
Cross-cultural overconfidence and biased self-attribution

Do mutual fund managers exploit the Ramadan anomaly? Evidence from Turkey
When do stop-loss rules stop losses?
Volatility expectations and the reaction to analyst recommendations
Posterior probability model for stock return prediction based on analyst’s recommendation behavior
Shouldn't all eggs be putted in one basket? A portfolio model based on investor sentiment and inertial thinking
Sentiment approach to negative expected return in the stock market
Animal spirits in financial economics: A review of deviations from economic rationality
Behavioural breaks in the heterogeneous agent model: The impact of herding, overconfidence, and market sentiment
The impact of behavioural factors in the renewable energy investment decision making process: Conceptual framework and empirical findings
Does the weather have impacts on returns and trading activities in order-driven stock markets? Evidence from China
Kinetic models for socio-economic dynamics of speculative markets
Investor sentiment and stock returns: Wenchuan Earthquake
Portfolio selection with mental accounts and background risk
Anchoring bias in the TARP warrant negotiations
A fuzzy logic control using a differential evolution algorithm aimed at modelling the financial market dynamics
The genesis of the 2008 global financial crisis and challenges to the neoclassical paradigm of finance
The relationship between the 52-week high of an individual stock and stock market index level: Evidence from Taiwan
Size effect in January and cultural influences in an emerging stock market: The perspective of behavioral finance
U.S. consumer demand for prize-linked savings: New evidence on a new product
Financial forecasts during the crisis: Were experts more accurate than laypeople?
IPO underpricing: A social comparison perspective
Investors’ trading activity: A behavioural perspective and empirical results
Portfolio selection with mental accounts and delegation
What comprises IPO initial returns: Evidence from the Chinese market
Confidence, opinions of market efficiency, and investment behavior of finance professors
Sentiment and stock prices: The case of aviation disasters
Restricting consumer credit access: Household survey evidence on effects around the Oregon rate cap
The use of risk in understanding financial decisions and institutional uncertainty
Do the prices of stock index futures in Asia overreact to U.S. market returns?
Investment horizon and the attractiveness of investment strategies: A behavioral approach
Stated and revealed investment decisions concerning retail structured products
The dynamics of overconfidence: Evidence from stock market forecasters
Derivative usage and firm value: The influence of agency costs and monitoring problems
Rational investor sentiment in a repeated stochastic game with imperfect monitoring
Positive expectations feedback experiments and number guessing games as models of financial markets
Oil price dynamics: A behavioral finance approach with heterogeneous agents
Value investing anomalies in the European stock market: Multiple Value, Consistent Earner, and Recognized Value
Investor sentiment, executive compensation, and corporate investment
Sentiment and stock returns: The SAD anomaly revisited
Why do insiders trade? Evidence based on unique data on Swedish insiders
From boom ‘til bust: How loss aversion affects asset prices
Experts online: An analysis of trading activity in a public Internet chat room
Portfolio choice, behavioral preferences and equity home bias
Can margin traders predict future stock returns in Japan?