Are there meaningful individual differences in temporal inconsistency in self-reported personality?
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Developing and testing a model of direct and indirect relationships between individual differences, processing, and multiple-text comprehension
Creative performance, expertise acquisition, individual differences, and developmental antecedents: An integrative research agenda
Individual differences in perspective taking and field-independence mediate structural persistence in dialog
Stress and success: Individual differences in the glucocorticoid stress response predict behavior and reproductive success under high predation risk
Individual differences in heart rate variability are associated with the avoidance of negative emotional events
Children’s skepticism: Developmental and individual differences in children’s ability to detect and explain distorted claims
Association between individual differences in non-symbolic number acuity and math performance: A meta-analysis
Nonsense, common sense, and science of expert performance: Talent and individual differences
Comparing methods for measuring peak look duration: Are individual differences observed on screen-based tasks also found in more ecologically valid contexts?
Individual differences in self-attributed mindfulness levels are related to the experience of time and cognitive self-control
Individual differences in valence weighting: When, how, and why they matter
Relating Individual Differences in Cognitive Ability and Strategy Consistency to Interruption Recovery during Multitasking
A methodology to compensate for individual differences in psychophysiological assessment
Emotional intelligence as a unique predictor of individual differences in humour styles and humour appreciation
Individual differences predict eyewitness identification performance
Verbal working memory predicts co-speech gesture: Evidence from individual differences
Diferencias individuales en la frecuencia del recuerdo de sueños exóticos
Individual differences in information order effects: The importance of right-hemisphere access in belief updating
Neural correlates of error processing reflect individual differences in interoceptive sensitivity
Aging and individual differences in binding during sentence understanding: Evidence from temporary and global syntactic attachment ambiguities
Sleepiness phenomics: Modeling individual differences in subjective sleepiness profiles
User perceptions of e-quality of and affinity with virtual communities: The effect of individual differences
Individual differences in working memory capacity explain the relationship between general discrimination ability and psychometric intelligence
To think or not to think, that is the question: Individual differences in suppression and rebound effects in autobiographical memory
Acquisition of Chinese characters: the effects of character properties and individual differences among learners
Individual differences in cognitive representations of action influence the activation of goal concepts
Fight or freeze? Individual differences in investors’ motivational systems and trading in experimental asset markets
Is the fluency of language outputs related to individual differences in intelligence and executive function?
Exploring individual differences in scenario planning workshops: A cognitive style framework
Individual differences in referral for help for severe emotional difficulties in adolescence
The genetic and environmental etiologies of individual differences in early reading growth in Australia, the United States, and Scandinavia
Inter-individual differences in the habitual use of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression are associated with variations in prefrontal cognitive control for emotional information: An event related fMRI study
Individual differences in disengagement of fixation and temperament: Longitudinal research on toddlers
Resting-state functional connectivity in multiple sclerosis: An examination of group differences and individual differences
Individual differences in willingness to become an organ donor: A decision tree approach to reasoned action
Individual differences in everyday retrospective memory failures
Individual differences in predicting aversive events and modulating contextual anxiety in a context and cue conditioning paradigm
Pre-trauma individual differences in extinction learning predict posttraumatic stress
Is morphological priming stronger for transparent than opaque words? It depends on individual differences in spelling and vocabulary
Individual differences in religiosity as a function of cognitive ability and cognitive style
Individual differences in neural regions functionally related to real and imagined stuttering
An oscillatory model of individual differences in working memory capacity and relational integration ☆
Structural brain correlates of executive engagement in working memory: Children's inter-individual differences are reflected in the anterior insular cortex
Uncertainty regulation across cultures: An exploration of individual differences in Chinese and Canadian children in the classroom
Who is honest and why: Baseline activation in anterior insula predicts inter-individual differences in deceptive behavior
An electrophysiological correlate of conflict processing in an auditory spatial Stroop task: The effect of individual differences in navigational style
Individual differences in positivity offset and negativity bias: Gender-specific associations with two serotonin receptor genes
Individual differences in kindergarten math achievement: The integrative roles of approximation skills and working memory
Assessing individual differences in driving inattention: Adaptation and validation of the Attention-Related Driving Errors Scale to Spain
Individual differences in pre-carcinogen cytokine and corticosterone concentrations and depressive-like behavior predict tumor onset in rats exposed to a carcinogen
Structural asymmetry of anterior insula: Behavioral correlates and individual differences
Genetic marker of norepinephrine synthesis predicts individual differences in post-error slowing: A pilot study
Individual differences in base rate neglect: A fuzzy processing preference index
Individual differences in disgust sensitivity and health-related avoidance: Examination of specific associations
Individual differences in late bilinguals' L2 phonological processes: From acoustic-phonetic analysis to lexical access ☆
Individual differences in the prevalence of words and gestures in the second year of life: Developmental trends in Italian children
The relationship between eating-related individual differences and visual attention to foods high in added fat and sugar
Individual differences in conceptual and procedural fraction understanding: The role of abilities and school experience
A Bayesian approach to modeling group and individual differences in multidimensional scaling
Individual differences in attachment are associated with usage and perceived intimacy of different communication media
Individual differences in bitter taste preferences are associated with antisocial personality traits
Individual differences in the process of relational reasoning ☆
The origins of individual differences in dispositional mindfulness
Developmental and individual differences in the precision of visuospatial memory
Individual differences and specificity of prefrontal gamma frequency-tACS on fluid intelligence capabilities
Individual differences within the psychological atlas of the world
Individual differences in athletes' perception of expressive body movements
Derailing the streetcar named desire. Cognitive distractions reduce individual differences in cravings and unhealthy snacking in response to palatable food
Principle component analyses of questionnaires measuring individual differences in synaesthetic phenomenology
Stopping to food can reduce intake. Effects of stimulus-specificity and individual differences in dietary restraint
The effects of visual context and individual differences on perception and evaluation of modern art and graffiti art
Individual differences predicting social connectedness derived from Facebook: Some unexpected findings
Individual differences in the regulation of positive emotion: The role of attachment and self esteem
Explicit and implicit components of visuo-motor adaptation: An analysis of individual differences