More or less guanxi: Trust is 60% network context, 10% individual difference
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Individual differences in the effects of a positive psychology intervention: Applied psychology
Delineating the contributions of sustained attention and working memory to individual differences in mindfulness
Detecting stable individual differences in the functional organization of the human basal ganglia
Individual differences explain regional differences in honor-related outcomes
The need for meaning and religiosity: An individual differences approach to assessing existential needs and the relation with religious commitment, beliefs, and experiences
Individual differences in the intentionality bias and its association with cognitive empathy
Carrying the past to the future: Distinct brain networks underlie individual differences in human spatial working memory capacity

Individual Differences in Learning Exemplars Versus Abstracting Rules: Associations with Exam Performance in College Science
Teaching in ethnically diverse classrooms: Examining individual differences in teacher self-efficacy
Individuals exhibit consistent differences in their metabolic rates across changing thermal conditions
Backward and forward serial recall across modalities: An individual differences perspective
Individual differences in socioemotional sensitivity are an index of salience network function
The role of individual differences on perceptions of wearable fitness device trust, usability, and motivational impact
An exploration of the motivations for binge-watching and the role of individual differences
Individual differences in conflicting stimulus evaluations: Openness/Intellect predicts mixed-valenced appraisals of visual art
Incorporating individual differences in human reliability analysis: An extension to the virtual experimental technique
Individual differences in time perspectives and risky financial choices
Is the use of humor associated with anger management? The assessment of individual differences in humor styles in Spain
Cross-national differences in risk preference and individual deprivation: A large-scale empirical study
Individual differences in the processing of referential dependencies: Evidence from event-related potentials
Individual differences in lexical and grammar spelling across primary school
The relative influence of trustor and trustee individual differences on peer assessments of trust
Becoming prosocial: The consistency of individual differences in early prosocial behavior
Interference and problem size effect in multiplication fact solving: Individual differences in brain activations and arithmetic performance
Multidimensional measurement of individual differences in taste perception
Degree of handedness: A unique individual differences factor for predicting and understanding hindsight bias
The influence of perceptual similarity and individual differences on false memories in aging
Individual differences in incentive salience attribution are not related to suboptimal choice in rats
Individual differences in the development of scientific thinking in kindergarten
Individual differences in risk-taking tendencies modulate the neural processing of risky and ambiguous decision-making in adolescence
A longitudinal study of individual differences in the acquisition of new vowel contrasts
Gender differences in the association between physical activity and cognitive function in individuals with bipolar disorder
Individual differences in cooperative communicative skills are more similar between dogs and humans than chimpanzees
Individual differences in mixed emotions moderate the negative consequences of goal conflict on life purpose
Effects of context and individual differences on the processing of taboo words
Impact of individual difference and investment heterogeneity on the collective cooperation in the spatial public goods game
Individual differences in cardiorespiratory measures of mental workload: An investigation of negative affectivity and cognitive avoidant coping in pilot candidates
Individual differences in perceived social desirability of openness to experience: A new framework for social desirability responding in personality research
The dress and individual differences in the perception of surface properties
Individual differences in teacher development: An exploration of the applicability of a stage model to assess individual teachers
The influence of individual differences on consumer's selection of online sources for health information
Individual differences in context-dependent effects reveal common mechanisms underlying the direction aftereffect and direction repulsion
A novel improved particle swarm optimization algorithm based on individual difference evolution
Cutting corners at work: An individual differences perspective
How perception of peer behaviour influences escape decision making: The role of individual differences
Individual differences in mental toughness associate with academic performance and income
Individual differences in childhood religious experiences with peers
Enhancement of individual differences in proliferation and differentiation potentials of aged human adipose-derived stem cells
Individual differences in the production of nasal coarticulation and perceptual compensation
Behavioural plasticity across social contexts is regulated by the directionality of inter-individual differences
Brain states predict individual differences in perceptual learning
Individual differences in high-level biological motion tasks correlate with autistic traits
Individual differences in visual science: What can be learned and what is good experimental practice?
The structure of inter-individual differences in visual ability: Evidence from the general population and synaesthesia
Attitudes about race predict individual differences in face adaptation aftereffects
Some like it varied: Individual differences in preference for feed variety in dairy heifers
Individual differences in motion-induced blindness: The effects of mask coherence and depth ordering
Neural mechanisms of individual differences in temporal discounting of monetary and primary rewards in adolescents
Press accept to update now: Individual differences in susceptibility to malevolent interruptions
Individual differences in sensory eye dominance reflected in the dynamics of binocular rivalry
The effect of stimulus strength on binocular rivalry rate in healthy individuals: Implications for genetic, clinical and individual differences studies
Individual differences in susceptibility to online influence: A theoretical review
Differences in herding: Individual vs. institutional investors
Early development and the emergence of individual differences in behavior among littermates of wild rabbit pups
Individual differences shape the content of visual representations
Individual differences in consumer information search for services: A multiple mediation study
Local-global processing bias is not a unitary individual difference in visual processing
Differential effects of social and novelty enrichment on individual differences in impulsivity and behavioral flexibility
Individual differences in functional connectivity during naturalistic viewing conditions