Efficiency of construction land allocation in China: An econometric analysis of panel data
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Two-tier pressure consolidation operation method for hydrogen refueling station cost reduction
Power struggles: A sociological approach to activist communication

Using photographs in interpreting cultural and symbolic meaning: A reflection on photographs of the Korean Association for Government Accounting
Global cost optimization of a mini-scale liquefied natural gas plant
Financial tradeoffs of energy and food uses of algal biomass under stochastic conditions
Exploiting waste heat potential by long distance heat transmission: Design considerations and techno-economic assessment
Cost of diabetic care in India: An inequitable picture
Stochastic internal rate of return on investments in sustainable assets generating carbon credits
On sunspot fluctuations in variable capacity utilization models
Analysis of a fuel cell combined heat and power plant under realistic smart management scenarios
Labor market segmentation by industry sectors and wage gaps between migrants and local urban residents in urban China
Nonlinear capital market payoffs to science-led innovation
Thermodynamic and economic analysis of biomass partial gasification process
Economic optimization of Organic Rankine cycle with pure fluids and mixtures for waste heat and solar applications using particle swarm optimization method
Short and long-run cost efficiency in Indian public bus companies using Data Envelopment Analysis
Overview on utilization of biodiesel by-product for biohydrogen production
Exergy and economic analyses of replacing feedwater heaters in a Rankine cycle with parabolic trough collectors
Developing a grid-connected power optimization strategy for the integration of wind power with low-temperature adiabatic compressed air energy storage
Socioeconomic and racial disparities in the financial returns to homeownership
Herding, minority game, market clearing and efficient markets in a simple spin model framework
Natural capital utilization based on a three-dimensional ecological footprint model: A case study in northern Shaanxi, China
Real effects of working capital shocks: Theory and evidence from micro data
Leadership development practice bundles and organizational performance: The mediating role of human capital and social capital
Governance of electronic waste recycling based on social capital embeddedness theory
Assessment of changes in ecosystem service monetary values in Mozambique
The effect of technological factors on China's carbon intensity: New evidence from a panel threshold model
Resident Wellness and Social Support: Development and Cognitive Validation of a Resident Social Capital Assessment Tool
Sustainable endogenous growth model of multiple regions: Reconciling OR and economic perspectives
Paper mills integrated gasification combined cycle process with high energy efficiency for cleaner production
The role of fish and fisheries in recovering from natural hazards: Lessons learned from Vanuatu
Sensitivity analysis and comparative studies for energy sustainability in sewage treatment
What makes users share content on facebook? Compatibility among psychological incentive, social capital focus, and content type
Design optimization of offshore wind farms with multiple types of wind turbines
A novel cascade absorption heat transformer process using low grade waste heat and its application to coal to synthetic natural gas
Reliability and economic assessment of a microgrid power system with the integration of renewable energy resources
Understanding the cross-country effects of U.S. technology shocks
Demonstration of the Allam Cycle: An Update on the Development Status of a High Efficiency Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Process Employing Full Carbon Capture
Economic analysis of Lidar-based proactively controlled wind turbines
Ultrasound Guidance Reduces Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Cost Compared to Fluoroscopy
A regional, market oriented governance for disaster management: A new planning approach
Biorefinery process for hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae powered by a concentrating solar plant: A conceptual study
Russian manufacturing production capacity: Primary trends and structural characteristics
Techno-economic feasibility analysis of hydrogen fuel cell and solar photovoltaic hybrid renewable energy system for academic research building
Towards an assessment of adaptive capacity of the European agricultural sector to droughts
Heat Transfer Enhancement and Optimization of Lean/Rich Solvent Cross Exchanger for Amine Scrubbing
Determinants of electronic participation and electronic government maturity: Insights from cross-country data
A real-time reporting system of causes of death or reasons for euthanasia: A model for monitoring mortality in domesticated cats in Taiwan
Reliability and economic evaluation of a microgrid power system
Capital utilization, market power, and the pricing of investment shocks
A method to utilize facility siting techniques in the early phases of capital projects to reduce risks and safety spending
Where do the advanced countries invest? An investigation of capital flows from advanced countries to emerging economies
Determinants of capital structure in emerging markets: Evidence from Vietnam
Ties that work: Investigating the relationships among coworker connections, work-related Facebook utility, online social capital, and employee outcomes

A novel path toward methanol and olefins production fueled by syngas via a coupling of coke-oven gas reforming with pulverized coke chemical looping combustion
Off-grid electricity generation using mixed biomass compost: A scenario-based study with sensitivity analysis
Development of Integrated High Temperature and Low Temperature Fischer-Tropsch System for High Value Chemicals Coproduction
Indeterminacy, capital maintenance expenditures and the business cycle
Industrial Growth Path under the Restriction of Water Resources in China
Near-term analysis of a roll-out strategy to introduce fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen stations in Shenzhen China
Eco-efficiency assessment of coal-fired combined heat and power plants in Chinese eco-industrial parks
Exploring benchmark corporations in the semiconductor industry based on efficiency
Techno-economic and thermodynamic analysis of pre-cooling systems at gaseous hydrogen refueling stations
Design and analysis of an ethyl benzene production process using conventional distillation columns and dividing-wall column for multiple objectives
Carbon dioxide utilization in a microalga-based biorefinery: Efficiency of carbon removal and economic performance under carbon taxation
Kansas from 2007 to 2017: A decade of renewable energy development
Optimal tax policy under habit formation and capital utilization
Capital utilization in Japan's lost decade: A neoclassical interpretation ☆
Technology shocks, capital utilization and sticky prices
Variable capital utilization and international business cycles
Increasing returns, capital utilization, and the effects of government spending