Different research programs on metacognition: Are the boundaries imaginary?
کلیه مقالات این لیست دارای ترجمه آماده می باشند اما در صورتی که مقاله لاتین دیگری از سایر کتگوری های سایت مد نظر شماست که تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده است، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Worry and social desirability: opposite relationships for socio-political and social-evaluation worries
Failure to forgive self and others: a replication and extension of the relationship between forgiveness, personality, social desirability and general health
The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: a compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being
Raising healthy children through enhancing social development in elementary school: Results after 1.5 years
Self-help for substance-use disorders: history, effectiveness, knowledge gaps, and research opportunities
Emotional intelligence, affect intensity, and social adjustment ☆
Language reactivity and work functioning in schizophrenia
United Kingdom substance misuse treatment workers' attitudes toward 12-step self-help groups
Social anxiety disorder in childhood and adolescence: Descriptive psychopathology
Acceptance of cosmetic surgery and celebrity worship: Evidence of associations among female undergraduates
The relationship between career growth and organizational commitment
Dimensions of Religious/Spiritual Well-Being and their relation to Personality and Psychological Well-Being
Egocentrism in moral development: Gibbs, Piaget, Kohlberg
Symptoms of psychopathology in adults with intellectual disability and seizures
Labeling of mental disorders and stigma in young people
Development of the Preschool Developmental Assessment Scale (PDAS) on children's social development
How a clock can change your pain? The illusion of duration and pain perception
The influence of subjective life expectancy on retirement transition and planning: A longitudinal study
How “dark” are the Dark Triad traits? Examining the perceived darkness of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy
Delineating a method to study cross-cultural differences with experimental control: The voice effect and countercultural contexts regarding power distance
Delineating the contributions of sustained attention and working memory to individual differences in mindfulness
The role of intergroup disgust in predicting negative outgroup evaluations ☆
Ethical sensitivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder: The role of reversal learning
A social identity approach to explaining children's aggressive intentions
A parentally administered cognitive development assessment for children from 10 to 24 months
Emotion regulation through execution, observation, and imagery of emotional movements
Perfectionism and workaholism in employees: The role of work motivation
Burnout, work engagement and workaholism among highly educated employees: Profiles, antecedents and outcomes
The mental health status and associated factors affecting underprivileged Iranian women
The association between involvement in family caregiving and mental health among middle-aged adults in Japan
Depression, loneliness and Internet addiction: How important is low self-control?
Loneliness, social contacts and Internet addiction: A cross-lagged panel study
Thieves of time? Procrastination and the Dark Triad of personality
Self-handicapping, perfectionism, locus of control and self-efficacy: A path model
Mirror, mirror on the wall: How women learn body dissatisfaction
Subjective well-being and its sub-scales among students: The study of role of creativity and self-efficacy
The Use of Restrictive Measures in an Acute Inpatient Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Parent perfectionism and psychopathology symptoms and child perfectionism
Big Five facets as predictor of job training performance: The role of specific job demands
How does self-injury feel? Examining automatic positive reinforcement in adolescent self-injurers with experience sampling
What causes prejudice? How may we solve it? Lay beliefs and their relations with classical and modern prejudice and social dominance orientation
The role of media and peer influences in Australian women's attitudes towards cosmetic surgery
Hedonic shopping motivations in collectivistic and individualistic consumer cultures
Different routes to metacognitive judgments: The role of accuracy motivation
Evaluation of cognitive behaviour therapy for paediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder in the context of tic disorders
Public speaking in front of an unreceptive audience increases implicit power motivation and its endocrine arousal signature
Student driven mental health promotion in an Australian university setting
Achievement motivation and attributional style as mediators between perfectionism and subjective well-being in Chinese university students
Why children differ in motivation to learn: Insights from over 13,000 twins from 6 countries
Testing a bi-factor model to disentangle general and specific factors of motivation in self-determination theory ☆☆☆
Role of motivation in the relation between perfectionism and academic burnout in Korean students
The appearance effect: Influences of virtual agent features on performance and motivation ☆

آینه، آینه، بر روی دیوار، کدامیک از همه مردانه تر است؟ سه گانه تاریک، مردانگی و انتخاب جفت توسط زنان
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the most masculine of them all? The Dark Triad, masculinity, and women’s mate choice
Disability and quality of life among elderly persons with mental illness
Bilingualism modulates dual mechanisms of cognitive control: Evidence from ERPs
Work stress and turnover intentions among hospital physicians: The mediating role of burnout and work satisfaction
Life stress as potential risk factor for depression and burnout
Psychometric properties and scales of the Granada Burnout Questionnaire applied to nurses
Cross-cultural differences in the Parent Rated Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS)? Evaluation of the Finnish version among high-functioning school aged males with and without autism spectrum disorder
Who chokes under pressure? The Big Five personality traits and decision-making under pressure
Educational differences in disability-free life expectancy: a comparative study of long-standing activity limitation in eight European countries
Verbal learning and memory and psychopathology in schizophrenia
Body dissatisfaction and disordered eating among Portuguese and Spanish adolescents: The role of individual characteristics and internalisation of sociocultural ideals