Downside risks and the cross-section of asset returns
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Volatility of stock market returns and the naira exchange rate
On intermittent renewable generation & the stability of Australia's National Electricity Market
Sequestration and the engagement of developing economies in a global carbon market
Investment in high-frequency trading technology: A real options approach
Popularity signals in trial-offer markets with social influence and position bias
Evolutionary quasi-variational inequality for a production economy
Renewable generation expansion under different support schemes: A stochastic equilibrium approach
On signalling and screening in markets with asymmetric information
Evaluating the strategic behavior of cement producers: An equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints
Liquidity premiums on government debt and the fiscal theory of the price level
Managerial manipulation, corporate governance, and limited market participation
Aggregation of heterogenous beliefs, asset pricing, and risk sharing in complete financial markets
Capital market imperfections and trade liberalization in general equilibrium
Water resources availability and the growth of housing prices in China
Sequential rules for house allocation with price restrictions
Disequilibrium dynamics in a Keynesian model with time delays
Distributionally robust equilibrium for continuous games: Nash and Stackelberg models
A class of tractable incomplete-market models for studying asset returns and risk exposure
The cyclicality of labor-market flows: A multiple-shock approach
Network-constrained optimal bidding strategy of a plug-in electric vehicle aggregator: A stochastic/robust game theoretic approach
No man is an Island: The impact of heterogeneity and local interactions on macroeconomic dynamics
Integrating Watershed Hydrology and Economics to Establish a Local Market for Water Quality Improvement: A Field Experiment
Incentivizing spectrum sharing via subsidy regulations for future wireless networks
The role of energy storage in mitigating ramping inefficiencies caused by variable renewable generation
Market equilibria and interactions between strategic generation, wind, and storage
Inefficiencies caused by non-harmonized capacity mechanisms in an interconnected electricity market
Non-cooperative dynamic games for general insurance markets
Incomplete financial markets model with nominal assets: Variational approach
Strategic gaming of wind power producers joined with thermal units in electricity markets
Market microstructure, information aggregation and equilibrium uniqueness in a global game
Financial stress and equilibrium dynamics in term interbank funding markets
An exact solution method for binary equilibrium problems with compensation and the power market uplift problem
Equilibrium supply security in a multinational electricity market with renewable production
Using Water Allocation in Israel as a Proxy for Imputing the Value of Agricultural Amenities
Urbanization, inequality and property prices: Equilibrium pricing and transaction in the Chinese housing market
Market equilibrium under piecewise Leontief concave utilities
The coexistence of stable equilibria under least squares learning
Electricity markets evolution with the changing generation mix: An empirical analysis based on China 2050 High Renewable Energy Penetration Roadmap
Electricity Market Nash-cournot Equilibrium Analysis with High Proportion of Gas-fired Generators
Uniqueness of market equilibrium on a network: A peak-load pricing approach
Stochastic energy market equilibrium modeling with multiple agents
A novel power market clearing model based on the equilibrium principle in microeconomics
Competitive search equilibrium with multidimensional heterogeneity and two-sided ex-ante investments
Explosive rents: The real estate market dynamics in exuberance
Taxi market equilibrium with third-party hailing service
Strategic procurement in spot and forward markets considering regulation and capacity constraints
A game equilibrium model of a retail electricity market with high penetration of small and mid-size renewable suppliers
Incidence of Russian log export tax: A vertical log-lumber model
Markets with heterogeneous beliefs: A necessary and sufficient condition for a trader to vanish
Stackelberg equilibrium with many leaders and followers. The case of zero fixed costs
A multi-lateral trading model for coupled gas-heat-power energy networks
Operational scheduling of electric vehicles parking lot integrated with renewable generation based on bilevel programming approach
Price and quality-based competition and channel structure with consumer loyalty
Timing of entry and product location in a linear barbell model: Application to flexible manufacturing systems
Equilibrium asset pricing with Epstein-Zin and loss-averse investors
Price-setting and attainment of equilibrium: Posted offers versus an administered price
Transmission network switching for reducing market power cost in generation sector: A Nash-equilibrium approach

Towards an asymmetric long run equilibrium between stock market uncertainty and the yield spread. A threshold vector error correction approach
Existence of equilibrium on asset markets with a countably infinite number of states
Dynamic equilibrium at a congestible facility under market power
Market equilibrium analysis with high penetration of renewables and gas-fired generation: An empirical case of the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan power system