Online review response strategy and its effects on competitive performance
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Competitive strategies for Taiwan's semiconductor industry in a new world economy
Characteristics of organizational structure relating to hybrid competitive strategy : Implications for performance
Low-carbon product selection with carbon tax and competition: Effects of the power structure
Profiting from product-harm crises in competitive markets
Mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in data envelopment analysis
Managing future uncertainty: Reevaluating the role of scenario planning
Revisiting the link between business strategy and performance: Evidence from hotels
Electric power bidding model for practical utility system
Contextualizing international strategy by emerging market firms: A composition-based approach
Fit manufacturing; integrated model of manufacturing strategies
Production disruption, compensation, and transshipment policies
Resource configurations, product development capability, and competitive advantage: An empirical analysis of their evolution
Minimizing the trade-off between sustainability and cost effective performance by using autonomous vehicles
Using industrial ecology and strategic management concepts to pursue the Sustainable Development Goals
Juggling motherhood and sport: A qualitative study of the negotiation of competitive recreational athlete mother identities
A novel multi-atlas strategy with dense deformation field reconstruction for abdominal and thoracic multi-organ segmentation from computed tomography
Product market competition and corporate social responsibility activities: Perspectives from an emerging economy
Joint dynamic pricing and lot-sizing under competition
The virtualization of the airline industry: A strategic process
A hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm using adaptive learning strategy
How to apply for the academic foundation programme
Competitive store closing during an economic downturn
Assessing regional digital competence: Digital futures and strategic planning implications
On the fiscal strategies of escaping poverty-environment traps towards sustainable growth
Retail concessions at European airports: Commercial strategies to improve non-aeronautical revenue from leisure travelers
Pure-strategy Nash equilibria on competitive diffusion games
Non-cooperative dynamic games for general insurance markets
Comparative analysis with a new hub connectivity measure considering revenue and passenger demand
Quality disclosure strategies for small business enterprises in a competitive marketplace
A quantitative means of comparing competitive advantage among airlines with heterogeneous business models: Analysis of U.S. airlines
Who should be pricing leader in the presence of customer returns?
Do firms with state ownership in transitional economies take more risk? Evidence from Vietnam
Identifying competitors through comparative relation mining of online reviews in the restaurant industry
Coopetition in regional clusters: Keep calm and expect unexpected changes
On the welfare effects of subsidy game for renewable energy investment: Toward a dynamic equilibrium model
Finding competitive keywords from query logs to enhance search engine advertising
Strategic planning in Brazilian protected areas: Uses and adjustments
Positioning Vancouver through urban sustainability strategies? The Greenest City 2020 Action Plan
Hotel property performance: The role of strategic management accounting
Has renewable energy induced competitive behavior in the Spanish electricity market?
Weed management using crop competition in Pakistan: A review
Co-evolutionary approach for strategic bidding in competitive electricity markets
Examining corporate environmental proactivity and operational performance: A strategy-structure-capabilities-performance perspective within a green context
Business Strategy Under Institutional Constraints: Evidence From China's Energy Efficiency Regulations
Finland's energy system for 2030 as envisaged by expert stakeholders
Exploring the nature, antecedents and consequences of symbolic corporate environmental certification
Multinational headquarter control of wholly owned foreign subsidiaries
A novel game theoretic approach for modeling competitive information diffusion in social networks with heterogeneous nodes
Competitive versus random search with bargaining: An empirical comparison
Process of strategy formulation for sustainable environmental development: Basic model
Configurations of entrepreneurial orientation and competitive strategy for high performance
Supply chain perspective on competitive strategies and green supply chain management strategies
A competitive strategy for atrial and aortic tract segmentation based on deformable models
Identifying competitive strategies for each phase of the intermodal terminal life cycle
Customer social network affects marketing strategy: A simulation analysis based on competitive diffusion model
Corporate social responsibility and classical competitive strategies of maritime transport firms: A contingency-fit perspective
Competitive Retailer Strategies for New Market Research, Entry and Positioning Decisions
Does rivals' innovation matter? A competitive dynamics perspective on firms' product strategy

Smart Specialization for Smart Spatial Development: Innovative Strategies for Building Competitive Advantages in Tourism in Slovakia
Natural laminar flow shape optimization in transonic regime with competitive Nash game strategy
Strategy for Small-medium Scale Contractor Performance Improvement in ASEAN Competitive Market
Dysfunctional competition & innovation strategy of new ventures as they mature
Constructing useful models of firms' heterogeneities in implemented strategies and performance outcomes
Competing on the edge: Implications of network position for internationalizing small- and medium-sized enterprises
Key Aspects of Corporate Strategy in International Construction
Inter and intra organizational negotiation during economic recession: An essay on the promotion of cooperation
Efecto de las estrategias competitivas y los recursos y capacidades orientados al mercado sobre el crecimiento de las organizaciones
Ontogeny of social skills: social complexity improves mating and competitive strategies in male brown-headed cowbirds
Effect of the customer experience on satisfaction with smartphones: Assessing smart satisfaction index with partial least squares
The interactive effects of online reviews on the determinants of Swiss hotel performance: A neural network analysis