Evaluation of service quality in facebook-based group-buying
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
A holistic understanding of the prospects of financial loss to enhance shopper's trust to search, recommend, speak positive and frequently visit an online shop
Varieties of business models for post-consumer recycling in China
Customer segmentation in e-commerce: Applications to the cashback business model

وابستگی بین شرکتی، اعتماد بین شرکتی و عملکرد عملیاتی: اثر میانجیگری یکپارچهسازی کسبوکار الکترونیکی
Inter-firm dependence, inter-firm trust, and operational performance: The mediating effect of e-business integration
Automated negotiation for e-commerce decision making: A goal deliberated agent architecture for multi-strategy selection
On the efficacy of imperfect public-monitoring of seller reputation in e-commerce
A randomized pricing decision support system in electronic commerce
Discovering business intelligence from online product reviews: A rule-induction framework
Examining online consumers’ behavior: A service-oriented view
Targeting college students on Facebook? How to stop wasting your money
Online pricing dynamics in Internet retailing: The case of the DVD market
Perceived risks and customer needs of geographical accessibility in electronic commerce
A model of customer relationship management and business intelligence systems for catalogue and online retailers
Revisiting the role of web assurance seals in business-to-consumer electronic commerce
A trust-based consumer decision-making model in electronic commerce: The role of trust, perceived risk, and their antecedents
Implementing e-business through organizational learning: An empirical investigation in SMEs
A fuzzy logic-based system for assessing the level of business-to-consumer (B2C) trust in electronic commerce
Agent-based merchandise management in Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce
Community engagement and online word of mouth: An empirical investigation
Leveraging sentiment analysis at the aspects level to predict ratings of reviews
The effects of an auditor's communication mode and professional tone on client responses to audit inquiries
The Opinion Management Framework: Identifying and addressing customer concerns extracted from online product reviews
Optimal pricing in e-commerce based on sparse and noisy data
Exporter-importer business relationships: Past empirical research and future directions
The impact of global dietary guidelines on climate change
Analyze the energy consumption characteristics and affecting factors of Taiwan's convenience stores-using the big data mining approach
Is the labor wedge due to rigid wages? Evidence from the self-employed
Impact of payment technology innovations on the traditional financial industry: A focus on China
Mine is yours? Using sentiment analysis to explore the degree of risk in the sharing economy
Exploring potential pathways towards fossil energy-related GHG emission peak prior to 2030 for China: An integrated input-output simulation model
Impacts of service uncertainty in bundling strategies on heterogeneous consumers
Evolution of the impact of e-business technology on operational competence and firm profitability: A panel data investigation
Motivating social sharing of e-business content: Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, or crowding-out effect?
Do your social media lead you to make social deal purchases? Consumer-generated social referrals for sales via social commerce
Unstructured big data analytics for retrieving e-commerce logistics knowledge
Facilitating the chain of market orientation to value co-creation: The mediating role of e-marketing adoption
Partitioning the Impact of Mobile Applications on Big Data Cloud
Analyzing consumer goal structure in online group buying: A means-end chain approach
Dynamic capabilities in e-health innovation: Implications for policies
A Collaborative End of Life platform to Favour the Reuse of Electronic Components
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Public e-Marketplaces for Selling Apparel Products in Indonesia
Measurement of Value of Time for Freight Trips and its Benefit by Market Information
Carbon prices and greenhouse gases abatement from agriculture, forestry and land use in Nepal
A Meta-analysis of Online Trust Relationships in E-commerce
Tourism destination marketing and information technology in Ghana
Feature level review table generation for E-Commerce websites to produce qualitative rating of the products
Sustainability in Performance Measurement and Management Systems for Supply Chains
A systematic mapping study on using social media for business process improvement
Pro-environmental behaviour in the workplace and the role of managers and organisation
Supply management and family business: A review and call for research
The data scientist profile and its representativeness in the European e-Competence framework and the skills framework for the information age
Measuring consumer perception of social media marketing activities in e-commerce industry: Scale development & validation
Performance implications of information-value offering in e-service systems: Examining the resource-based perspective and innovation strategy
Understanding the diversity of final delivery solutions for online retailing: A case of Shenzhen, China
An Upstream Business Data Science in a Big Data Perspective
How does the web game design influence the behavior of e-banking users?
Trends in global E-food supply chain and implications for transport: literature review and research directions
Examining the potential of language technologies in public organizations by means of a business and IT architecture model
Analyzing research trends in personal information privacy using topic modeling
Understanding Robert Lucas (1967-1981): his influence and influences
Towards a Reference Model for Agile New Service Development Using the Example of E-Mobility Service Systems
What factors determine e-satisfaction and consumer spending in e-commerce retailing?
Combining machine-based and econometrics methods for policy analytics insights
An Enterprise Operating System for the Sensing, Smart, and Sustainable Enterprise