A note on : “The effect of optimal advertising on the distribution-free newsboy problem”
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Pricing decisions for substitutable products with green manufacturing in a competitive supply chain
The multi-sourcing location inventory problem with stochastic demand
Joint pricing and production decisions with yield uncertainty and downconversion
High-value transportation disruption risk management: Shipment insurance with declared value
Planned lead times optimization for multi-level assembly systems under uncertainties
Price-dependent Decision of New Energy Vehicles Considering Subsidies and Backorders

Optimal inventory decisions under vendor managed inventory: Substitution effects and replenishment tactics
Covering location problem of emergency service facilities in an uncertain environment
Designing an intervention strategy for public-interest goods: The California electric vehicle market case
Heuristic inventory policies for a hybrid manufacturing/remanufacturing system with product substitution
Strategic customer behavior with disappointment aversion customers and two alleviation policies
A green model for the catering industry under demand uncertainty
Managing blood inventory with multiple independent sources of supply
A shelf-space optimization model when demand is stochastic and space-elastic
Two-period pricing and decision strategies in a two-echelon supply chain under price-dependent demand
Inventory management under price-based and stockout-based substitution
Optimal ordering decision by increasing the intermediary of supply chain
Heuristics for multi-item two-echelon spare parts inventory control subject to aggregate and individual service measures
A Meta-Heuristic Approach to a Strategic Mixed Inventory-Location Model: Formulation and Application
A Multi-objective, simulation-based optimization framework for supply chains with premium freights
Supply chain enterprise operations and government carbon tax decisions considering carbon emissions
To collaborate or not to collaborate: Prompting upstream eco-efficient innovation in a supply chain
Warehouse capacity sharing via transshipment for an integrated two-echelon supply chain
Capacity investment in supply chain with risk averse supplier under risk diversification contract
Multi-manufacturer pricing and quality management strategies in the presence of brand differentiation and return policy
Managing limited retail space for basic products: Space sharing vs. space dedication
Inventory allocation models for a two-stage, two-product, capacitated supplier and retailer problem with random demand
Pricing decision of a two-echelon supply chain with one supplier and two retailers under a carbon cap regulation
Optimal electric vehicle production strategy under subsidy and battery recycling
Optimal inventory control in a multi-period newsvendor problem with non-stationary demand
Time and quantity dependent waiting costs in a newsvendor problem with backlogged shortages
A novel single-period inventory problem with uncertain random demand and its application
Game theoretic analysis of one manufacturer two retailer supply chain with customer market search
The Newsvendor Problem with Fast Moving Items and a Compound Poisson Price Dependent Demand
Optimal decisions for the loss-averse newsvendor problem under CVaR
A risk-averse competitive newsvendor problem under the CVaR criterion
The distribution-free newsboy problem under the worst-case and best-case scenarios
The (σ,Sσ,S) policy for uncertain multi-product newsboy problem
Individual differences in the newsvendor problem: Behavior and cognitive reflection
Optimal inventory policy for the fuzzy newsboy problem with quantity discounts
A free gift card alternative to price discounts in the newsvendor problem
Newsvendor problem with random shortage cost under a risk criterion
Effects of higher order moments on the newsvendor problem
Exact and heuristic methods for a class of selective newsvendor problems with normally distributed demands ☆
Mixed contracts for the newsvendor problem with real options and discrete demand ☆
Dynamic pricing in the newsvendor problem with yield risks
Optimal pricing and order quantity for the newsvendor problem with free shipping
A competitive multiple-product newsboy problem with partial product substitution
Jointly pricing and ordering for a multi-product multi-constraint newsvendor problem with supplier quantity discounts
Returns with wholesale-price-discount contract in a newsvendor problem
Decision making in the newsvendor problem: A cross-national laboratory study
The effect of advertising on the distribution-free newsboy problem
Analysis of the newsboy problem with fuzzy demands and incremental discounts
A portfolio approach to multi-product newsboy problem with budget constraint
A multiple-item budget-constraint newsboy problem with a reservation policy
Multi-product newsvendor problem with value-at-risk considerations
A binary solution method for the multi-product newsboy problem with budget constraint
The capacitated newsboy problem with random yield: The Gardener Problem
Supply chain coordination with manufacturer's limited reserve capacity : An extended newsboy problem
A Bayesian approach to determine the value of information in the newsboy problem
Pricing and rebate policies for the newsvendor problem in the presence of a stochastic redemption rate
An analysis of the multi-product newsboy problem with a budget constraint
The distribution-free newsboy problem with resalable returns
The distribution-free newsboy problem : Extensions to the shortage penalty case
Performance of approximations for compound Poisson distributed demand in the newsboy problem
Exact, approximate, and generic iterative models for the multi-product Newsboy problem with budget constraint
he value of information in the multi-item newsboy problem
An extended newsboy problem with shortage-level constraints