Lean Manufacturing and Ergonomic Working Conditions in the Automotive Industry ☆
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Synergizing Business Process Reengineering with Enterprise Resource Planning System in Capital Goods Industry ☆
Semantic and structural delineation of market scenarios by the event bush method
Improving end of life vehicles management practices: An economic assessment through system dynamics
Scenario-based portfolio model for building robust and proactive strategies
Robust supply chain network design with multi-products for a company in the food sector
What matters for hotel executives? An examination of major theories in non-equity entry mode research
Pricing/service strategies for a dual-channel supply chain with free riding and service-cost sharing
Optimal supply and demand bidding strategy for an aggregator of small prosumers
Production disruption, compensation, and transshipment policies
Optimizing online recurring promotions for dual-channel retailers: Segmented markets with multiple objectives
Modelling crop land use change derived from influencing factors selected and ranked by farmers in North temperate agricultural regions
Robust thermal and electrical management of smart home using information gap decision theory
The price-volume relationship caused by asset allocation based on Kelly criterion
Implications of diversification strategies in the European natural gas market for the German energy system
Towards a quantitative method to analyze the long-term innovation diffusion of automated vehicles technology using system dynamics
Framework for smart transactive energy in home-microgrids considering coalition formation and demand side management
Diffusion of photovoltaic technology in Germany: A sustainable success or an illusion driven by guaranteed feed-in tariffs?
Evaluation of economic feasibility under uncertainty of a thermochemical route for ethanol production in Brazil
Optimization of satellite constellation deployment strategy considering uncertain areas of interest
Future scenarios for climate mitigation of new construction in Sweden: Effects of different technological pathways
Value of demand flexibility on spot and reserve electricity markets in future power system with increased shares of variable renewable energy
Network-constrained optimal bidding strategy of a plug-in electric vehicle aggregator: A stochastic/robust game theoretic approach
Coordination and payment mechanisms for electric vehicle aggregators
A simulation comparison of risk measures for portfolio optimization
Economic dynamics during periods of financial stress: Evidences from Brazil
Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of hydrogen fuel production from chlor-alkali processes in the United States
Investigating the role of personal and context-related factors in convenience foods consumption
Timing of sales commitment in a supply chain with manufacturer-quality and retailer-effort induced demand
Scenario prediction of Chinas coal production capacity based on system dynamics model
Consumer awareness and ex-ante versus ex-post environmental policies revisited
Comprehensive effectiveness assessment of renewable energy generation policy: A partial equilibrium analysis in China
Environmental assessment of waste feedstock mono-dimensional and bio-refinery systems: Combining manure co-digestion and municipal waste anaerobic digestion
Options for the conversion of pulp and paper mill by-products in Western Canada
Credibilistic multi-period portfolio optimization based on scenario tree
Supply option contracts with spot market and demand information updating
Simulation of demand growth scenarios in the Colombian electricity market: An integration of system dynamics and dynamic systems
Impact of the phase out of French nuclear reactors on the Italian power sector
Beyond sensitivity analysis: A methodology to handle fuel and electricity prices when designing energy scenarios
Investment in the future electricity system - An agent-based modelling approach
Managing future uncertainty: Reevaluating the role of scenario planning
Optimal operation of distribution networks with high penetration of wind and solar power within a joint active and reactive distribution market environment
Uncertainty-aware demand management of water distribution networks in deregulated energy markets
The profitability of vehicle to grid for system participants - A case study from the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas
Multi market bidding strategies for demand side flexibility aggregators in electricity markets
Techno-economic feasibility of fleets of far offshore hydrogen-producing wind energy converters
A means to an industrialisation end? Demand Side Management in Nigeria
Eco-compensation standards for sustaining high flow events below hydropower plants
The dynamic analysis and simulation of government subsidy strategies in low-carbon diffusion considering the behavior of heterogeneous agents
Sustainable supply chains under government intervention with a real-world case study: An evolutionary game theoretic approach
Quantile Dependence between the Stock, Bond and Foreign Exchange Markets - Evidence from the UK
Conceptual market potential framework of high temperature aquifer thermal energy storage - A case study in the Netherlands
Cross-border reserve markets: network constraints in cross-border reserve procurement
Implementing flexible demand: Real-time price vs. market integration
Modeling coastal land and housing markets: Understanding the competing influences of amenities and storm risks
Three Scenario Narratives for a Resource-Efficient and Low-Carbon Europe in 2050
A global network topology of stock markets: Transmitters and receivers of spillover effects
Alternative policies for the liberalization of retail electricity markets in Chile
Factors influencing the market diffusion of bio-based plastics: Results of four comparative scenario analyses

Analyzing competition between High Speed Rail and Bus mode using market entry game analysis
Scenario-based stochastic framework for coupled active and reactive power market in smart distribution systems with demand response programs
Multivariate dependence and portfolio optimization algorithms under illiquid market scenarios
Scenario analysis of lightweight and electric-drive vehicle market penetration in the long-term and impact on the light-duty vehicle fleet
Agent-based simulation of competitive performance for supply chains based on combined contracts
Active distribution networks planning with high penetration of wind power
Households and mutual fund investments: Individual characteristics of investors behaving like contrarians
Deterministic approach for active distribution networks planning with high penetration of wind and solar power
The political economy of bioenergy in the United States: A historical perspective based on scenarios of conflict and convergence
Equity market information and credit risk signaling: A quantile cointegrating regression approach
Sourcing strategies under agglomeration economies, capacity risks and retail competition
The impact of spectrum policies on the secondary spectrum market: A system dynamics approach
Third generation algae biofuels in Italy by 2030: A scenario analysis using Bayesian networks
Analysis of the long-term availability of uranium: The influence of dynamic constraints and market competition