Rethinking sustainability in the tour-operating industry: Worldwide survey of current attitudes and behaviors
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
How Will Demographic Characteristics of the Labor Force Matter for the Global Economy and Carbon Dioxide Emissions?
Refugees' career capital welcome? Afghan and Syrian refugee job seekers in Austria
Remanufactured auto parts market in Japan: Historical review and factors affecting green purchasing behavior
Litigation risk, financial distress, and the use of subsidiaries
Rising wages, yuan's appreciation and China's processing exports
Highly skilled migrants entering the labour market: Experiences and strategies in the contested field of overqualification and skills mismatch
Spatial patterns of logistics facilities in Gothenburg, Sweden
An unconventional approach to estimating crew remuneration in fisheries
A chemical looping scheme of co-feeding of coke-oven gas and pulverized coke toward polygeneration of olefins and ammonia
Established industries as foundations for emerging technological innovation systems: The case of solar photovoltaics in Norway
Economic and environmental impacts of electricity subsidy reform in Kuwait: A general equilibrium analysis
Are remittances helping lower poverty and inequality levels in Latin America?
Fisheries management under nutrient influence: Cod fishery in the Western Baltic Sea
The class attainment and the career mobility of southern italians in northern Italy and in west Germany. A comparison between internal and international migrants
Role of relevant lead users of mainstream product in the emergence of disruptive innovation
The effect of family property income on labor supply: Evidence from China
Viewpoint: Induced Innovation in Fisheries and Aquaculture
Voices from a hidden people: Precarious lives and discrimination in Turkish sugar industry
Is there a sweet spot in ethical trade? A critical appraisal of the potential for aligning buyer, supplier and worker interests in global production networks
Forest biomass chain of production: Challenges of small-scale forest production in southern Brazil

Cultivating forests: The role of forest land in household livelihood adaptive strategies in the Bac Kan Province of northern Vietnam
Does integrating AIDS treatment with food assistance affect labor supply? Evidence from Zambia
The institutional conditions of inequality in credential and skill attainment and their impact on occupational placement
Measuring the size of the shadow economy using a dynamic general equilibrium model with trends
Racial discrimination in the U.S. labor market: Employment and wage differentials by skill
Time cost of child rearing and its effect on women's uptake of free health checkups in Japan
Are individual transferable quotas an adequate solution to overfishing and overcapacity? Evidence from Danish fisheries
Impact of institutional reforms and industry structural factors on market returns of emerging market rivals during acquisitions by foreign firms
Criminalisation and prostitution of migrant women in Turkey: A case study of Ugandan women
Agricultural reforms and production in China: Changes in provincial production function and productivity in 19782015
Executive labor market segmentation: How local market density affects incentives and performance
Port-centric cities: The role of freight distribution in defining the port-city relationship
Labor unions and information asymmetry among investors
Incentive pass-through for residential solar systems in California
Informality, public employment and employment protection in developing countries
Supply chain social sustainability: Standard adoption practices in Portuguese manufacturing firms
Rapid transformation of food systems in developing regions: Highlighting the role of agricultural research & innovations
Business as unusual: The implications of fossil divestment and green bonds for financial flows, economic growth and energy market
Different behaviors in natural gas production between national and private oil companies: Economics-driven or environment-driven?
Growing the pie in emerging markets: Marketing strategies for increasing the ratio of non-users to users
Specializations, financial constraints, and income distribution
Value capture and value creation: The role of information technology in business models for frugal innovations in Africa
A practice-theory-based analysis of historical changes in household practices and energy demand: A case study from Japan
U.S. corporate investment and foreign penetration: Imports and inward foreign direct investment
The Prerequisites for a Degrowth Paradigm Shift: Insights from Critical Political Economy
Effect of Key Priority Forestry Programs on off-farm employment: Evidence from Chinese rural households
Factors influencing ethanol mill location in a new sugarcane producing region in Brazil
Sustainable silicon photovoltaics manufacturing in a global market: A techno-economic, tariff and transportation framework
Structural stability, quantitative change: A latent class analysis approach towards gender role attitudes in Germany
Doing well by doing good innovations: alleviation of social problems in emerging markets through corporate social innovations
Vocational training and employability: Evaluation evidence from Romania
Organization capital, labor market flexibility, and stock returns around the world
Globalisation and the decline of the labour share: A microeconomic perspective
Does competition matter in measures of job accessibility? Explaining employment in Los Angeles
Consumer market segments for biofortified iron beans in Rwanda: Evidence from a hedonic testing study
Performance of Chinese hotel segment markets: Efficiencies measure based on both endogenous and exogenous factors
The role of forest biotechonomy industry in the macroeconomic development model of the national economy of Latvia: a system dynamics approach
Analysis of the economic structure of the eating-out sector: The case of Spain
The informatics technology and innovation in the service production
Multi-dimensional interactions in the oilfield market: A jackknife model averaging approach of spatial productivity analysis
Schooling returns for migrant workers in China: Estimations from the perspective of the institutional environment in a rural setting
Service Robotics and Human Labor: A first technology assessment of substitution and cooperation
Landing a job, sinking a career? The trade-off between occupational downgrading and quick reemployment according to unemployed jobseekers career stage and job prospects
Regional Labor Market Integration, Shadow Wages and Poverty in Vietnam
Work segmentation in the Norwegian salmon industry: The application of segmented labor market theory to work migrants on the island community of Frøya, Norway
The impact of risk and mobility in dualistic models: Migration under random shocks ☆