The value of art in marketing: An emotion-based model of how artworks in ads improve product evaluations
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Performance evaluation of the Service Industry Innovation Research program: The application of a means-end chain
Unraveling firm-level activities for shaping markets
Uncertain multi-item supply chain with two level trade credit under promotional cost sharing
Identifying the next non-stop flying market with a big data approach
High rugosity cities: The geographic, economic and regulatory pathology of Americaâs most non-concentric urban areas
When guests trust hosts for their words: Host description and trust in sharing economy
Toward professional standards for media transparency in the United States: Comparison of perceptions of non-transparency in national vs. regional media
A Theory of Planned behaviour perspective for investigating the role of trust in consumer purchasing decision related to short food supply chains
User-centred sustainable business model design: The case of energy efficiency services in the Netherlands
Trust for pharmaceutical company direct-to-consumer prescription medication advertisements
Specialisation and economies of scale or diversification and economies of scope? Assessing different agricultural development pathways
Mapping cassava food value chains in Tanzania's smallholder farming sector: The implications of intra-household gender dynamics
Erythropoietin as a performance-enhancing drug: Its mechanistic basis, detection, and potential adverse effects
The influence of greenwashing perception on green purchasing intentions: The mediating role of green word-of-mouth and moderating role of green concern
Research trends on Big Data in Marketing: A text mining and topic modeling based literature analysis
Internet Promotion of Direct Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty by Members of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons
Prevalence, genetic characterization and biofilm formation in vitro of staphylococcus aureus isolated from raw chicken meat at retail level in Nanjing, China
User-centered probabilistic models for content diffusion in the blogosphere
Marketing strategies of Port Authorities: A multi-dimensional theorisation
Analysis of aquaponics as an emerging technological innovation system
Impact of perk expenditures and marketing expenditures on corporate performance in China: The moderating role of political connections
How does marketing capability impact abnormal stock returns? The mediating role of growth
Facilitating the chain of market orientation to value co-creation: The mediating role of e-marketing adoption
The influence of travel agents and tour operators' perspectives on a tourism destination. The case of Portuguese intermediaries on Brazil's image
The effect of effectiveness: Donor response to aid effectiveness in a direct mail fundraising experiment
Product uniqueness: Further exploration and application of a consumer-based methodology
Perceived quality, perceived risk and customer trust affecting customer loyalty of environmentally friendly electronics products
The interplay between free sampling and word of mouth in the online software market
Governing offshoring in a stringent environmental policy setting: Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms
Do mind and body agree? Unconscious versus conscious arousal in product attitude formation
Carbon footprint as an environmental sustainability indicator for the particleboard produced in Pakistan
A two-level delay in payments contract for supply chain coordination: The case of credit-dependent demand
Sustainable improvement of competitiveness in rural tourism destinations: The quest for tourist loyalty in Spain
Organizational innovation, technological innovation, and export performance: The effects of innovation radicalness and extensiveness
Using Visual Design to Improve Customer Perceptions of Online Assortments
Assimilation-contrast theory in action: Operationalization and managerial impact in a fundraising context
Basket Composition and Choice Among Direct Channels: A Latent State Model of Shopping Costs
What factors determine e-satisfaction and consumer spending in e-commerce retailing?
Economic impact of lumpy skin disease and cost effectiveness of vaccination for the control of outbreaks in Ethiopia
This anthropomorphised brand is so loveable: The role of self-brand integration
Revisiting customers' perception of service quality in fast food restaurants
Engaging customers through online participation in social networking sites
Leveraging consumerâs behaviour to promote generic drugs in Italy
The determinants and economic impacts of membership in coffee farmer cooperatives: recent evidence from rural Ethiopia
Weekday and weekend food advertising varies on children's television in the USA but persuasive techniques and unhealthy items still dominate
Comparing alternatives to account for unobserved heterogeneity in direct marketing models
Generic Pareto local search metaheuristic for optimization of targeted offers in a bi-objective direct marketing campaign
Visualizing the social and geographical embeddedness of local food systems
Technology sourcing for website personalization and social media marketing: A study of e-retailing industry

A Survey of the Public Perception of Chiropractic After Exposure to Chiropractic Public Place Marketing Events in New Zealand
When marketing and innovation interact: The case of born-global firms
Attitude toward business environment of auditing, corporate governance and balance between auditing and marketing
Evaluation of the effect of the magnitude of errors in the sorting of pigs for market on the optimal market weight
Influence of customer engagement with company social networks on stickiness: Mediating effect of customer value creation
Client dependence: A boon or bane for vendor innovation? A competitive mediation framework in IT outsourcing
Innovation, Public Support, and Productivity in Colombia. A Cross-industry Comparison
The intention to adopt electric vehicles: Driven by functional and non-functional values
Perceptions of recreational fisheries conservation within the fishing industry: Knowledge gaps and learning opportunities identified at east coast trade shows in the United States
Value-based pricing in competitive situations with the help of multi-product price response maps
How brand post content contributes to user's Facebook brand-page engagement. The experiential route of active participation
Generating trust using Facebook-A study of 5 online apparel brands
An empirical analysis of factors that influence retail website visit types
How organizational culture influences market orientation and business performance in the restaurant industry
Current challenges of Germany’s energy transition project and competing strategies of challengers and incumbents: The case of direct marketing of electricity from renewable energy sources
A new knowledge-based constrained clustering approach: Theory and application in direct marketing
Economic impact of direct marketing and contracts: The case of safe vegetable chains in northern Vietnam
The influence of spatial effects on wind power revenues under direct marketing rules
Direct marketing strategies: The rise of community supported fishery programs
Bayesian variable selection for binary response models and direct marketing forecasting
A new marketing strategy map for direct marketing
Extracting underlying meaningful features and canceling noise using independent component analysis for direct marketing
A dynamic segmentation approach for targeting and customizing direct marketing campaigns