Managing gamer relationships to enhance online gamer loyalty: The perspectives of social capital theory and self-perception theory
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Green purchasing behaviour: A conceptual framework and empirical investigation of Indian consumers
Understanding the effect of personal and social value on attitude and usage behavior of luxury cosmetic brands
Measuring compulsive buying behaviour: Psychometric validity of three different scales and prevalence in the general population and in shopping centres
Do consumers judge a book by its cover? A study of the factors that influence the purchasing of books
A causal relationship model of purchasing behavior of consumers in Thailand regarding processed fish products
Consumer response to health and environmental sustainability information regarding seafood consumption
Exploring pro-environmental food purchasing behaviour: An empirical analysis of Italian consumers
Optimal execution with price impact under Cumulative Prospect Theory
Temptation in vote-selling: Evidence from a field experiment in the Philippines
Curbing portion size effects by adding smaller portions at the point of purchase
Showrooming and retail opportunities: A qualitative investigation via a consumer-experience lens
Brand addiction: Exploring the concept and its definition through an experiential lens
Do all roses smell equally sweet? Willingness to pay for flower attributes in specialized retail settings by German consumers
Machine learning in sentiment reconstruction of the simulated stock market
Exploring consumer purchase intentions towards traceable minced beef and beef steak using the theory of planned behavior
The use of contact lenses among university students in Chengdu: Knowledge and practice of contact lens wearers
Trust to Go Green: An Exploration of Consumer Intentions for Eco-friendly Convenience Food
Continuing overreaction and momentum in a market with price limits
The effect of information provision on supermarket consumers' use of and preferences for carbon labels in Germany
Benchmarking handheld graphical user interface: Smoothness quality of experience
Consumers' online information adoption behavior: Motives and antecedents of electronic word of mouth communications
The role of a solutions salesperson: Reducing uncertainty and fostering adaptiveness
The effect of transfer pricing strategies on optimal control policies for a tax-efficient supply chain
Analyzing consumer online group buying motivations: An interpretive structural modeling approach
Impact of personality influencers on psychological paradigms: An empirical-discourse of big five framework and impulsive buying behaviour
Insider trading in Australia: Contrarianism and future performance
Incentivizing supplier participation in buyer innovation: Experimental evidence of non-optimal contractual behaviors
Investor sentiment and evaporating liquidity during the financial crisis
The different impact of fluency and disfluency on online group-buying conforming behavior

Appraising the influence of pro-environmental self-identity on sustainable consumption buying and curtailment in emerging markets: Evidence from China and Poland
What drives impulse buying behaviors in a mobile auction? The perspective of the Stimulus-Organism-Response model
Investors behavior and dynamics of ship prices: A heterogeneous agent model
Individual differences in consumer information search for services: A multiple mediation study
Asset pricing with investor sentiment: On the use of investor group behavior to forecast ASEAN markets
Determinants of compulsive buying behavior among young adults: The mediating role of materialism
Exploring the credibility of online celebrities' Instagram profiles in influencing the purchase decisions of young female users

Empirical study of the willingness of consumers to purchase low-carbon products by considering carbon labels: A case study
Factors influencing buying behaviour of green energy consumer
Factors influencing Indian consumers' actual buying behaviour towards organic food products
Consumer preferences for sustainable aquaculture products: Evidence from in-depth interviews, think aloud protocols and choice experiments
Cognitive behavioral therapy for compulsive buying behavior: Predictors of treatment outcome
The effect of genetic algorithm learning with a classifier system in limit order markets
A structural equation model of impulse buying behaviour in grocery retailing
Persuasion in financial advertising: Behavioral or rational?
What drives consumers' online information search behavior? Evidence from England
Evaluation of passengers' buying behaviors toward low cost carriers in Southeast Asia
Getting around a license-plate ban: Behavioral responses to Mexico Cityâs driving restriction
Exploring the relationship between perceived pace of technology change and adoption resistance to convergence products
Do local consumers behave differently from visitors? An exploratory study in online group buying
Strategic customer behavior with disappointment aversion customers and two alleviation policies
Relationship between compulsive buying and depressive symptoms among males and females
Consumer motivations toward buying local rice: The case of northern Iranian consumers
Social interaction-based consumer decision-making model in social commerce: The role of word of mouth and observational learning
Are investors consistent in their trading strategies? An examination of individual investor-level data

Modeling the determinants of consumers' attitudes toward online group buying: Do risks and trusts matters?
Understanding intentions to purchase bio-based products: The role of subjective ambivalence
Analyzing consumer goal structure in online group buying: A means-end chain approach
Brothers in blood, yet strangers to global brand purchase: A four-country study of the role of consumer personality
Households and mutual fund investments: Individual characteristics of investors behaving like contrarians
The compelling urge to misbehave: Do impulse purchases instigate unethical consumer behavior?
Sustainability of the sharing economy in question: When second-hand peer-to-peer platforms stimulate indulgent consumption
Role of intrinsic factors in impulsive buying decision: An empirical study of young consumers
Expanding marketing empirical generalisations to health behaviours: Physical activity is not so different from buying behaviour, after-all
The associate impact of individual internal experiences and reference groups on buying behavior: A case study of animations, comics, and games consumers
A comparison of online and offline consumer behaviour: An empirical study on a cinema shopping context
Measuring the impact of alcohol multi-buy promotions on consumers' purchase behaviour