How does the timing of markets affect optimal monetary and fiscal policy in sticky price models?
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Inflation, output and markup dynamics with purely forward-looking wage and price setters
Euro area structural reforms in times of a global crisis
U.S. wage growth and nonlinearities: The roles of inflation and unemployment
Investment shocks, sticky prices, and the endogenous relative price of investment
Oil price shocks and unemployment in Central and Eastern Europe
Job polarization, technological change and routinization: Evidence for Portugal
Unemployment and environmental regulation in general equilibrium
Stabilizing an unstable complex economy on the limitations of simple rules
The age-specific burdens of short-run fluctuations in government spending
Seniority rules, worker mobility and wages: Evidence from multi-country linked employer-employee data
Why do married women work less in the UK than in France?
Labor force participation, interest rate shocks, and unemployment dynamics in emerging economies
Structural labour market reforms in the EU-15: Single-country vs. coordinated counterfactuals
How does financial liberalisation affect the influence of monetary policy on the current account?
Offshoring and unemployment in a credit-constrained economy
Is the Informal Sector Politically Different? (Null) Answers from Latin America
Structural labour market reforms, GDP growth and the functional distribution of income
Labor market friction, nominal wage rigidities, and monetary policy in a small open economy
Alternating offers with asymmetric information and the unemployment volatility puzzle
Reduced form wage equations in the credible bargaining model
Unemployment and vacancy dynamics with imperfect financial markets
Disentangling goods, labor, and credit market frictions in three European economies
Is the labor wedge due to rigid wages? Evidence from the self-employed
The impact of growth on unemployment in a low vs. a high inflation environment
Sovereign default, exit and contagion in a monetary union
The effect of ideological positions on job market interaction: A spatial analysis
Does the crowding-in effect of public spending on private consumption undermine neoclassical models?
Macroeconomic and structural properties of the Russian labor market: A cross-country comparison
Macro policy responses to natural resource windfalls and the crash in commodity prices
Pre-crisis reforms, austerity measures and the public-private wage gap in two emerging economies
The role of capital requirements and credit composition in the transmission of macroeconomic and financial shocks
Anonymity, efficiency wages and technological progress
Crowding out or crowding in? Correlations of spending components within and across countries
Policy credibility and alternative approaches to disinflation

The extent and nature of downward nominal wage flexibility: An analysis of longitudinal worker/establishment data from Korea
Understanding the cross-country effects of U.S. technology shocks
Monetary shocks and sticky wages in the U.S. great contraction: A multi-sector approach
Inattentive agents and disagreement about economic activity
When more flexibility yields more fragility: The microfoundations of Keynesian aggregate unemployment
Wage rigidities in Colombia: Measurement, causes, and policy implications
Labor market rigidity, social policies and the labor share: Empirical evidence before and after the big crisis

The distributional effect of commuting subsidies - Evidence from geo-referenced data and a large-scale policy reform
Cross-border spill-overs from fiscal stimulus in a monetary union
Does wage-inflation targeting complement foreign exchange intervention? An evaluation of a multi-target, two-instrument monetary policy framework

New technology and old institutions: An empirical analysis of the skill-biased demand for older workers in Europe
Labor market dynamics when (un)employment is a social norm
Are starting wages reduced by an insurance premium for preventing wage decline? Testing the prediction of Harris and Holmstrom (1982)
Explaining the durable goods co-movement puzzle: A Bayesian approach
Great recession, slow recovery and muted fiscal policies in the US
Macroeconomic effects of structural reforms and fiscal consolidations: Trade-offs and complementarities