Testing the cross-brand and cross-market validity of a consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) model for destination brands
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Customer segmentation in e-commerce: Applications to the cashback business model
Exploring the influential factors in continuance usage of mobile social Apps: Satisfaction, habit, and customer value perspectives
The use of organizational capabilities to increase customer value
Segmentation of telecom customers based on customer value by decision tree model
Money-back guarantee and personalized pricing in a Stackelberg manufacturer's dual-channel supply chain
Quantified economic and environmental values through Functional Productization - A simulation approach
The impact of servicescape on hedonic value and behavioral intentions: The importance of previous experience
Customer engagement behavior in individualistic and collectivistic markets
High-value transportation disruption risk management: Shipment insurance with declared value
Building sustainable business ecosystems through customer participation: A lesson from South Korean cases
Developing a film-based service experience blueprinting technique
Customer feedback gathering and management tools for product-service system design
Towards Building a Value Co-Creation Circle in Social Commerce
Predictors of customer acceptance of and resistance to smart technologies in the retail sector
Value co-creation in a sharing economy: The end of price wars?
MASKER: Masking for privacy-preserving aggregation in the smart grid ecosystem
Facilitating the chain of market orientation to value co-creation: The mediating role of e-marketing adoption
Evaluation of residential customer elasticity for incentive based demand response programs
A 360-degree view of actor engagement in service co-creation
The missing link: Creating value with Social Media use in hotels
Who should be pricing leader in the presence of customer returns?
The moderating effect of managers' leadership behavior on salespeople's self-efficacy
Value function approximation for dynamic multi-period vehicle routing
Creating learning solutions for executive education programs
Modelling environmental value: An examination of sustainable business models within the fashion industry
Airline customer lifetime value estimation using data analytics supported by social network information
Customer-to-customer co-creation practices in tourism: Lessons from Customer-Dominant logic
The effect of customer value and power structure on retail supply chain product choice and pricing decisions
Investigating linkage between customer value and technology adoption behaviour: A study of banking sector in India
Will reduced portion size compromise restaurant customerâs value perception?
The customer knows best: The investment value of consumer opinions
Does country-of-origin brand personality generate retail customer lifetime value? A Big Data analytics approach
Conceptualizing and communicating value in business markets: From value in exchange to value in use
Strategic Implications of Keeping Product Value Secret from Competitorâs Customers
Cocreative customer practices: Effects of health care customer value cocreation practices on well-being
Influence of customer engagement with company social networks on stickiness: Mediating effect of customer value creation
From perceptions to propositions: Profiling customer value across retail contexts
Every step counts: When physical movement affects perceived value
Environmental values and customer-perceived value in industrial supplier relationships
The challenge of communicating reciprocal value promises: Buyer-seller value proposition disparity in professional services
From connoisseur luxury to mass luxury: Value co-creation and co-destruction in the online environment
When Plentiful Platforms Pay Off: Assessment Orientation Moderates the Effect of Assortment Size on Choice Engagement and Product Valuation
Servitization in global business-to-business distribution: The central activities of manufacturers
The dining experience of Beijing Roast Duck: A comparative study of the Chinese and English online consumer reviews
Revenue prediction by mining frequent itemsets with customer analysis
Protecting customer privacy when marketing with second-party data
A Context Extracting Method for Value-in-Use Enhancement
Understanding and Applying the Concept of Value Creation in Radiology
The friend or foe fallacy: Why your best customers may not need your friendship
Satisfaction, loyalty and repatronage intentions: Role of hedonic shopping values
Increasing customer purchase intention through product return policies: The pivotal impacts of retailer brand familiarity and product categories
Understanding the dimensions of customer relationships in the hotel and restaurant industries
Decision support to customer decrement detection at the early stage for theme parks
Systematic Consideration of Value Chains with Respect to the Timing of Individualization
Effective product-service systems: A value-based framework
Optimal pricing policies for differentiated brands under different supply chain power structures
What's in it for me? Capital, value and co-creation practices
The impact of operational exposure and value-of-time on customer choice: Evidence from the airline industry
Selling Value in Business Markets: Individual and Organizational Factors for Turning the Idea into Action
Pay-what-you-want for high-value priced services: Differences between potential, new, and repeat customers
Critical processes of knowledge management: An approach toward the creation of customer value
Business Process Reengineering driven by customer value: a support for undertaking decisions under uncertainty conditions
Sustainable Management of Operation for Functional Products: Which Customer Values are of Interest for Marketing and Sales? ☆
Customer value and customer loyalty: Is competition a missing link?
Customer value propositions as interorganizational management accounting to support customer collaboration
Strategic value curve analysis: Diagnosing and improving customer value propositions
Evaluating new concepts of PSS based on the customer value: Application of ANP and niche theory
The effect of servant leadership on customer value co-creation: A cross-level analysis of key mediating roles
A customer value, satisfaction, and loyalty perspective of mobile application recommendations