Exchange rate fluctuations and international portfolio rebalancing
در صورتی که مقاله لاتین مورد نظر شما تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، واحد ترجمه پایگاه ISI Articles با همکاری تنی چند از اساتید و مترجمان با سابقه، آمادگی دارد آن را در اسرع وقت و با کیفیت مطلوب برای شما ترجمه نماید.
Dealer activity and macro fundamentals New evidence from hybrid exchange rate models
The impact of tick-size reductions in foreign currency futures markets
Inflation targeting and exchange market pressure in developing economies: Some international evidence
Managing exchange rate exposure with hedging activities: New approach and evidence
Do foreign investors mitigate anchoring bias in stock market? Evidence based on post-earnings announcement drift
Time-series analysis of multiple foreign exchange rates using time-dependent pattern entropy
Do foreign institutional traders have private information for the market index? The aspect of market microstructure
Financial openness & institutions in developing countries
Exchange rate dynamics and US dollar-denominated sovereign bond prices in emerging markets
Margins of imports, forward-looking firms, and exchange rate movements
A foreign currency effect in the syndicated loan market of emerging economies
Multi-market trading and liquidity: Evidence from cross-listed companies
External shocks, financial volatility and reserve requirements in an open economy
International financial market integration, asset compositions, and the falling exchange rate pass-through
Export intensity of foreign subsidiaries of multinational enterprises: The role of trade finance availability
Inbound tourism in Thailand: Market form and scale differentiation in ASEAN source countries
The effects of government spending shocks on the trade account balance in Korea
Quantile Dependence between the Stock, Bond and Foreign Exchange Markets - Evidence from the UK
Correlation analysis of the Korean stock market: Revisited to consider the influence of foreign exchange rate
Currency co-movement and network correlation structure of foreign exchange market
Global price discovery in the Australian dollar market and its determinants
Evidence of time-varying conditional discrete jump dynamics in sub-Saharan African foreign exchange markets
Volatility of stock market returns and the naira exchange rate

Bond market evidence of time variation in exposures to global risk factors and the role of US monetary policy
Monetary policy uncertainty and the market reaction to macroeconomic news
International portfolio flows and exchange rate volatility in emerging Asian markets
Silver points, silver flows, and the measure of Chinese financial integration
Testing and interpreting uncovered interest parity in Russia
Liquidity Commonality in Foreign Exchange Markets During the Global Financial Crisis and the Sovereign Debt Crisis: Effects of Macroeconomic and Quantitative Easing Announcements
Monetary policy transmission in Bangladesh: Exploring the lending channel
Does bonding really bond? Liability of foreignness and cross-listing of Chinese firms on international stock exchanges
Analysis of chaos and nonlinearities in a foreign exchange market
Macroeconomic announcements and price discovery in the foreign exchange market
Uncertainty, currency excess returns, and risk reversals
Timing liquidity in the foreign exchange market: Did hedge funds do it?
Does the observed value of Somali shilling deviate from its predicted value?
A note on modeling world equity markets with nonsynchronous data
Foreign exchange intervention in Asian countries: What determine the odds of success during the credit crisis?
Cross-border spillover effects of unconventional monetary policies on Swiss asset prices
Pass-through of competitors' exchange rates to US import and producer prices
The forex fixing reform and its impact on cost and risk of forex trading banks
Impact of foreign exchange rate on oil companies risk in stock market: A Markov-switching approach
Offshore renminbi trading: Findings from the 2013 Triennial Central Bank Survey
Examining the uncovered equity parity in the emerging financial markets
Hawkes processes for forecasting currency crashes: Evidence from Russia
Puzzles in the Tokyo fixing in the forex market: Order imbalances and Bank pricing
Human vs. high-frequency traders, penny jumping, and tick size
Not all firms react the same to exchange rate volatility? A firm level study
Financial contagion and volatility spillover: An exploration into Indian commodity derivative market
Do foreign investors improve stock price informativeness in emerging equity markets? Evidence from Vietnam
Contagion effects of U.S. Dollar and Chinese Yuan in forward and spot foreign exchange markets
Trading of foreign investors and stock returns in an emerging market - Evidence from Vietnam
Exchange rate rebounds after foreign exchange market interventions
An empirical investigation of the antecedents and performance outcomes of export innovativeness
A relative value trading system based on a correlation and rough set analysis for the foreign exchange futures market
Investor sentiment and country exchange traded funds: Does economic freedom matter?
Diversification of risk exposure through country mutual funds under alternative investment opportunities
Asset pricing with investor sentiment: On the use of investor group behavior to forecast ASEAN markets
Did foreign banks stay committed to emerging Europe during recent financial crises?
Are global shocks leading indicators of currency crisis in Viet Nam?
The stock market reaction to losing or gaining foreign private issuer status
Causal relationship between the global foreign exchange market based on complex networks and entropy theory
Simple measures of market efficiency: A study in foreign exchange markets
Does foreign bank presence affect interest rate pass-through in emerging and developing economies?